Nightmare Batman is currently one of the strongest junglers out there, both in jungle clearing and gank potential.
He can be used in pretty much every team composition thanks to his high dmg and CC.
Why listen to me?
Hey everyone, i'm DKperfection. I am currently playing competitive for a team called London Conspiracy and i have been around in Infinite Crisis since October 2013. Nightmare batman has been my favorite jungle for a long time and when Gotham Divided was released, he was the first i attempted to jungle with. He's my most succesfull champion of all time when we talk about KDA and Win/Loss ratio. In other words, i play a pretty solid Nightmare Batman.
You begin with lvl'ing your W since it has higher dmg output than any of his other abilities. After that you get your Q and then E. Lvl'ing order is like this: W>Q>E>Passive and ofc ultimate when possible. Some people might wonder why upgrading W is the way to go, so here is the reason why. Your W makes clearing jungle camps extremely easy and way faster than if you upgraded either Q or E. When ganking you would probably be better off with Q upgraded. but that is only until lvl 6. When you reach lvl 6 your ganks can pretty much secure a kill no matter what, and if you manage to catch an enemy with ult while he's inside your W, the dmg is insane. And the slow your Q provides is still there even though it's only upgraded once.
So reason to upgrade W rather than Q or E = Way faster jungle clearence and extremely dangerous gank when ult is ready.
Stolen Powers
As a jungler you pretty much always go with Consume and Detonate. I personally go with [[Nightmare Batman's Consume]] because i like the extra sustain it gives you. but if you prefer [[Atomic Green Lantern's Consume]], that is just as good.
The March patch introduced a new stolen power, Mecha Superman's Consume (link/code doesn't work atm).
I don't recommend using this stolen power unless you are going full tank and if you use this guide, you're not, therefore my recommendations are still the same.
There is not really any point in going with [[Harley Quinn's Detonate]] unless you're Shazam (or some high power dmg jungler), so i go with [[Joker's Detonate]] instead. The slow doesn't help much in clearing, but it can be used to slow the enemy if used on a nearby drone/creature.
If you are playing with a team you communicate well with, [[Cyborg's Teleport]] can be used as well. The purpose of this would usually be to teleport gank, usually via wards hidden in stealth paths. Of course this is not the only use of this stolen power, but just the main reason.
I don't recommend doing this in soloqueue since the chances of succesfull teleport ganks are quite low.
Mods & Augments
I am using the following mods and augments to make
Nightmare Batman a more sustainable champion early game and a powerhouse of both damage and tankiness mid/late game.
Kord Industries Mod - Empowered Marauder Knife +10 Attack Penetration (Tier 4)
Usually jungle items tend to be less usefull when going into lategame, but with this mod, the marauder knife is one of the strongest attack damage items out there (and with its passive, clearing raider/leviathan is MUCH easier).
Hold Holdings Mod - Enhanced Fragment of Mogo + 15 Attack Armor (Tier 2)
This mod is in my eyes the most useful of all mods, +15 attack armor on a key item, on almost any bruiser is just a huge bonus no matter how you look at it. This item alone will make you able to tank towers effectively.
Queen Industries Mod - Capacity Soultaker Katana + 10 Maximum Stacks (Tier 3)
This mod will raise the item stats to +80 Attack damage and +23% Lifesteal when max stacks are reached, compared to +70 Attack damage and +21% lifesteal which are the stats without mod used.
That is a pretty solid bonus both in sustain and damage.
Queen Industries Augment - Codename: KAI + 1.8 Attack Damage & 1.5 Attack Penetration
This works well on nightbat early game because he depends a lot on basic attack and attack pen also works on his Q.
Wayne Enterprise Augment - Codename: BEAST + 3.01 Health/lvl (Max 57.19) & +0.44 Attack Armor/lvl (Max 8.36)
I use this because lategame i usually run an offensive build so a little extra HP and attack armor can be really useful.
Wayne Enterprise Augment - Codename: CASTLE + 18.05 Health & +2.63 Attack Armor
This is used for the early game sustain and tankiness.
Kord Industries Augment - Codename: BLIGHT + 2.11 Move Speed & +2.31 Health/lvl (Max 43.89)
This augment is usefull when ganking lanes, he depends a lot on hitting basic attacks and catching up to the enemy isnt easy, so extra movespeed is great. And the health gives him the tankiness needed lategame.
Item Order
The order you get your items can vary a bit from game to game, but usually following this order will ensure you are equipped with the best items possible.
1. Get Marauder Knife tier 4 (max)
2. Get Soultaker Katana tier 3
3. Get Fragment of Mogo tier 3 (max)
4. Get Atomic Axe tier 2 (max)
5. Get Soultaker Katana tier 4 (max)
The items mentoined above work with any team composition vs any team composotion. They will work best against a team with a lot of Attack Damage though.
The next items i usually take are Lobo's Chain and Sword of Beowulf. Those items will make you able to tank power damage as well instead of just attack damage, and both offer a good amount of bonus attack damage as well.
Those are the items i usually use vs a mixed team of Power and Attack damage.
Your Role as Nightmare Batman
Early Game:
Clear jungle camps, keep up in lvl and gank lanes where its needed or useful. Your main goal early on is to get as much gold as possible to yourself!
When you gank lanes make sure to use your W to get as close to the enemy as possible!
Mid Game:
Ganking lanes and helping in teamfights are key now! You have your ultimate, so ganking should not be a big problem. In teamfights your job is to use ultimate on the enemy who deal most dmg (usually the enemy Marksman or Blaster) . Clearing jungle should be quite easy by now and shouldn't take long.
Late Game:
Pretty much the same as what you did mid game, but now locking down the enemy Marksman/Blaster in teamfights, is EVEN more important! By now the enemy marksman or Blaster should be able to deal very large amount of damage and your main job is to prevent them from doing so, in some cases even if it costs you, your life!
Extra tips:
If caught in a bad position, you can use your E to get a quick move speed bonus and get away.
Also your Q slows equally on every enemy it hits, so it can alos be used to slow down enemies chasing you.
Your W is probably his best escape ability since it gives you 2.5 seconds of stealth.
In offense his Q can be used to slow down enemies trying to get away and your E stacks for every basic you land on an enemy, so you got great chasing potential! And your W can be used to approach enemies without them knowing.
Wombo Combo's
Here is a short list of champions
Nightmare Batman can combo very good with:
Shazam - Shazam can with ease land his ultimate onto a target caught in Nightmare Batman's ultimate.
Mecha Wonder Woman - After the March patch, her ultimate's area of dmg is not as large as earlier. Maximizing the dmg is still quite easy if you combo with Nightmare Batmans ultimate.
Joker &
Flash - They both have a damage over time ultimate which can deal a lot of damage if caught inside it. With nightmare Batman's ultimate, escaping it, is not an option.
Green Lantern The cast time on Green Lantern's ultimate have a short a delay before being casted and might not be easy to land. When the target are stuck in Nightmare Batman's ultimate, landing it will be a lot easier.
Update Notes
March 18:​
Green Lantern added to "Wombo Combo's"
Introduction added
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Thank you for reading.
Peace out!