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    Infinite Crisis builds for Cyborg

    Pimp Daddy Cyborg carryin on the streets of Gotham Divided.

    A Cyborg guide by Creon
    Last updated: Jun 18th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/pimp-daddy-cyborg-carryin-on-the-streets-of-gotham-divided
    2,951 0


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    This is a bottom adc guide for Cyborg in Gotham Divided. 

    Cyborg has zero defense, and should be kept that way as an adc. His defense falls upon the player. So you'll have to play him tactifully to avoid getting killed. To make up for his low health and lack of armor, it will fall to you to keep him alive, which won't be a problem once you start collecting kills with this build.

    I use mods that make my items cheaper. The faster you can get your items, the faster you develop than your opponents, making them easier to kill. Your farming consistently to get a gold advantage over your opponents, cheaper items technically makes that easier for you. 

    Rank G or S only. Only Attack Damage and Attack Speed, or Critical Strikes. You need nothing else.

    Support preference
    When laning in bottom, it's good to know who your support is. If you have a support that can heal you like Zatarra, Arcane GL, Harley Quinn, or Poison Ivy, your set. If you have someone like Nightmare Superman, Mecha Superman, or anyone else who doesn't heal, you need to be very cautious and take full advantage of your potions. 

    After you get all of your abilities at level 3, focus mostly on your passive. Your passive is what will make you get your kills. His passive is the only thing in Infinite Crisis that takes actual percentage off ones health, meaning it's a tank killer as well. It's all about Cyborg's basic attack that makes him wreck shop. When you start building attack speed, it makes the buff practically consistent. Next focus on Tracer Shot, it can chain with Charged Burst and your basic attack to get your kills. Kiting and chaining that combo will make you easily fed early game by a player who makes the slightest mistake. Cascade is only good for the move speed perks. It gives you a boost in attack speed, yes, but only for 2 seconds, rendering that perk often useless. I use Cascade to chase or escape. His ult is good for ganks. Intimidating tactic and pinging off squishy champs one by one. I often chain his ult with Shazam's Invulnerability when in a gank because you will probably be the first target in one. The healing benefits are amazing even if you aren't getting hit, and you will never not need your potions due to his low health until you salvage them to make room for your last item slot. 

    Keeping a healthy 2:1 ration between Coda Blade and Velocity 9 Implants. For every 2 Coda Blade upgrades you get, get a implant upgrade. Once you are full on both of those go for Deathstroke's Claymore next. If the team is at a disadvantage and you need to change the tide quick, go for Atomic Axe first for a cheaper and faster boost, but I would reccommend getting the claymore first. After you have consistent kills and have both the Claymore and Axe, Joe Chill's Revolver is next. It should build fast by the time you start getting it in late game. If you have been doing the job of an adc and getting a crap ton of kills, last but not least get Mega Rod. The Shockwave ability is useless, it would be nice early game but Mega Rod is too expensive to build compared to the Coda Blade and Implant combo. It's the extra Attack Speed and Attack Damage that matters. The only other alternative to consider would be Cheetah's Claw for a more defensive approach.

    Champs to Avoid: 
    Heavy power damage marksmen like Green Lantern or Joker. Their output can bring you down fast in early game with the same poking distance you have. 

    Champs to take advantage of:
    The other team's adc or jungle, and any melee bruiser who doesn't build tanky like Batman or Robin. 
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