This is a guide to mecha wonder woman, one of the so-called underpowered marksman, and this is the way i build her to effectively make her early game a bit stronger to be able to deal with other marksman.
This guide will be updated right after the June patch after the gambit nerf, but this is for now.
many people will wonder why i got shade's cane as 1 of her core item. The reason is simple: it's really cost-efficient for 2500 gold, give you 63 attack damage and 63 power damage and for an marksman who's always auto attack and poking with low cooldown skill, 7 stack usually take 3-5 seconds. It's effectively improve her early game stats and since her damage is mostly physical, shade's cane should be the only hybrid item you get, sometimes i do get psy scimitar to improve her early game damage, but it's definitely not worth it.