This guide was made for the purpose of having fun with a corky, but viable build.
Why Sinestro for Coast City?: Sinestro's clears are insanely fast, and he has enough damage to take any enemy out in a gank very quickly. The later is needed from a top side jungler to be effective. You never get much of a chance to kill the enemy top laner when all the towers are up so a jungler that can land a fast knock out important.
Wait Sinestro can jungle?
Sinestro has an amazing kit for clear jungle camps and ganking. All you need to clear the small camps by mid game is W+E making for superfast clears on the way to assist your lanes.
As always, let's start with amps. I use a set that contains Enhanced Dreamstone, Enhanced Book of Eternity and Enhanced Energy Lance. My augments are high power penetration, And take Green Lantern's Meteor Drop, and At Joker's detonate when jungling. You can use meteor to help clear jungle camps, and in team fights so it serves multiple purposes.
Start off with Marauder Ring T2 and 3 health pots. Build Energy Lance up to T3 before picking up Dreamstone. I would build this up to T3 as fast as possible. You need a lot of will regen on Sin and the power damage helps a lot. From there I go Starheart to cap.
Pick up Book of Eternity T1 now and then go right into Neron's Contract. Build this up to cap as soon as possible now because the activatable keyword will help out greatly in teamfights.Â
Now build on of the optional items. Just as a note, Oa Gambit is a pretty good counter for power reflect while giving you a higher base pen rating. Also Cosmic Belt's new stats have not been released yet. They may be good enough to pick and use in the build early. I will definitely look for it on release day.Â
Remember when ganking use your Q to initiate most targets. Land it then use your W+E combo to take them out (works for most squishy champions). And if they survive that, your second Q will take them out. Use your ult in a duo lane gank, or coming in on a team fight. Take out Target No.1, then use E to escape and go about supporting your team in the fight as you need to without killing yourself from bad positioning.
If you can do all of this, your enemy shall fear the jungle, and you can help carry your team to victory.
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