*Updated as of the September Patch. Changes to artifacts, augments and Atomic Wonder Woman's abilities have been applied.
An everything or bust Assassin who puts her life on the line and thrives on a full-throttle aggressive playstyle, Atomic Wonder Woman can dominate a lane just as easily as she does the urban jungle. In this guide, I'll describe what I believe to be the best way of building her, right from the foundations before a match even begins, to when you're right in the heart of it. I'll detail general play, objectives and lane match-ups to give you the heads-up on your opponents.
A Brief History
Today's Atomic Wonder Woman is nowhere near what she was like on release (but then who is?). Rev, Savage Sweep and Reclaimer have all taken huge nerfs that threatened to boot her from popular tournament standard pick to underused and unloved cast off. In reality, it meant a character that people were building as a bruiser to capitalise on her immense base damage whilst being tanky to boot, had to start actually building mostly damage artifacts to get the most out of her, and began asking the question of the player as to whether they had the skill to artfully operate the "get in and get out" playstyle she was designed for. After a period in which people were wondering where AWW stood anymore, she's beginning to see play again in aggressive, dive-heavy team compositions once players learned to embrace her high risk, high reward nature.
Passive - Rev: Ah, the oft changed Rev. AWW's passive has gone through a number of guises, from the ridiculusly strong (free armour pen), to the kinda 'meh' (bonus movespeed), to where it currently resides. In addition to acting as her resource mechanic, it's now also a source of extra CDR. Whenever she deals damage with an ability, AWW gains a stack of Rev. At two stacks, she becomes 'Revved', and immediately knocks some time off of the recharge of her skills currently on cooldown, as well as enhancing the next one to be used. This state ends once she uses an ability, or goes a few seconds without attacking anything. I feel like it's in a pretty decent place now. It's already a fantastic passive, if only because not being constrained by will is such a positive on a champion, especially one who needs to use her skills as frequently as AWW; so cycling your abilties to activate Rev whilst simultaneously lowering their cooldowns is a real boon.
Q - Vault: Her first ability is a gap closer that does AoE attack damage in the landing area, also hopping over any small enviromental objects in her way. It's useful for both gaining ground on an opponent, as well as quickly getting out of a sticky situation, although be mindful that if you're using it offensively, you won't be able to use it to get out if needed, as the cooldown is considerable. Unless, of course, you're Revved. In it's Revved state, you are able to use it a second time within a roughly 3-second time window. Revved Vault embodies the assassin aspect of AWW, as it allows her to hop in, do her damage/secure the kill, and hop out again, away from the clutches of the victim's teammates/tower. This goes a long way to making AWW as mobile as she is, although with Revved Vault offering as much utility as it does, you sacrifice a lot of potential damage this way. The second hop will do less damage than the first.
W - Smite: This is an auto-attack reset that buffs her next attack with a substantial damage boost. You'll find that much of AWW's damage comes from Smite, and in particular, Revved Smite. Revved Smite buffs the damage on her next auto-attack even further, offering a HUGE damage boost. Even against Enforcers, this will chunk someone's lifebar, and it scales incredibly well with attack damage and attack armour penetration. If raw damage output is what you need, you should be trying to engineer your assault in such a way that affords you the ability to use Revved Smite on the enemy without hampering your ability to keep up with them or get out afterwards.
E - Savage Sweep: This ability deals damage in a cone in front of AWW, or wherever the cursor is facing. Enemies hit on the edge of this cone are additionally slowed, and take the damage again as a DoT over the next few seconds. Mastery of this ability is a big step towards mastering Atomic Wonder Woman. You always want to be trying to hit someone at the extremity of it's range, as the perks for doing so are just too good to miss out on. Not only do you miss out on the extra damage, missing the slow could cost you follow up damage if they're then able to escape afterwards. Savage Sweep is perhaps AWW's best standard skill thanks to it's ability to do good damage whilst allowing her to go on and secure the kill, or at the very least, trade damage extremely well. Revved Savage Sweep expands the hitbox to 360 degrees around AWW, and applies the slow and DoT to everyone hit. Revved Savage Sweep is her best form of AoE damage, either when clearing drone waves or when in the middle of a team fight. It's less damage to any one person than a Revved Smite, but slowing multiple enemy targets in a fight can set up your teammates for an overall better outcome than trying to assassinate one alone.
R/Ultimate - Reclaimer: Atomic Wonder Woman's ultimate targets an enemy champion from a good distance away, who she immediately charges towards at speed, ignoring all disables, dealing heavy damage and maxing her Rev counter. Her ultimate is usually the reason why she can be pigeonholed as a jungler, as it's certainly an effective ganking tool. It's also what makes her such a good roamer though, and it's damage simply as a nuke onto your lane opponent shouldn't be underestimated either. Reclaimer is great both as an initiation to a fight, as well as a finisher to quickly chunk off the rest of the opponents lifebar before they have the chance to use a stolen power or try to escape.
Levelling AWW works more or less the same when laning as it does when jungling. Aside from obviously grabbing a point in Reclaimer whenever you can, Savage Sweep is too good not to max first. It's great as harass, is your only form of 'ranged' damage, is usually your best form of initiation, and you'll want it off of cooldown to be used again as often as possible. Whether to level Vault or Smite next is more of a judgement call, although I tend to favour Vault, if only to reduce that cooldown as quickly as possible. The cooldown on Smite is already reasonable, and the majority of the damage comes from scaling rather than base damage regardless. The update to Rev, whilst nice, and a good way of reducing the long cooldown on Reclaimer, still isn't game changing enough to want to level over Smite.
There are a number of mods you can justifiably use on AWW. Whether you want to select mods for core items that you'll use more often than not, or ones for optional items that potentially provide greater perks is up to you. I'll list a few of the more common ones:
Empowered Nil Weapon - A very good choice for an easier time last hitting drones in the early stages of the game, although you'll almost certainly be replacing it as the game goes on.
Enhanced Lobo's Chain - As I'll come onto, Lobo's Chain is a favourite item of mine, regardless of the game, so it makes sense to power it up in some way, and an extra 75hp doesn't hurt at all. A more recent mod addition is adding an active to it, Hook Shot. It probably isn't strictly necessary on AWW since you already have so many ways of getting in on someone and sticking to them, but it doesn't hurt I suppose.
Accelerated/Capacity Soultaker Katana - Both are justifiable choices. Accelerated is the safer choice, as well as stacking your damage faster, whilst Capacity will ultimately provide you with even more attack damage, as well as more lifesteal. Capacity is the riskier option, but ultimately had the bigger payoff. Personally, I trust myself to be able to escape kill attempts, and so lean towards picking Capacity if I'm modding Katana.
Rapid Coda Blade - Seems inconspicuous at first, but the ability to gain an edge on champions that rush lifesteal artifacts, usually Katana, with an earlier Wounding Attack helps your dueling tremendously.
Empowered CDR Deathstrokes's Claymore - A free 5% CDR is great on an artifact you will almost certainly be getting every game.
Enhanced Atomic Axe - 10 attack damage isn't bad, but I tend to favour mods that provide utility, or harder to optimise stats like CDR or defences.
Enhanced/Optimised Rip Hunter's Time Pack - As ever, I favour CDR over attack damage with mods, but be wary you don't go over the 40% if you get this, a modded Claymore, and something like Metallo's Heart. You probably don't need both CDR mods, considering RHTP gives you 15% as standard.
Magnifed/Enhanced Claw of Horus - Not an item I see myself buying too often when I need attack armour, but the mods are good so it deserves consideration. Like with Soultaker Katana, one offers guaranteed stats (Enhanced) whilst the other offers more potential payback through greater armour shred/theft (Magnifed). It's up to you.
Enhanced/Resonant Metallo's Heart - More attack armour, or a stronger attack speed debuff.
Enhanced Sword of Beowulf - A little extra power armour.
Empowered Entropy Aegis: Skill Block (2) - Halves the cooldown on it's passive, so well worth getting if you expect you'll need power armour and cc evasion.
Empowered Ra's Al Ghul's Robe - It's been changed an awful lot, but right now it's back in a place where it could work on AWW. The mod essentially applies a bigger shield with higher resistances.
All Optimized mods - Some of these are better than others, and certainly have a practical use, but I find that on AWW they're either "win harder" mods that just accelerates my build from a point of already overwhelming dominance, or helping me to catch up in a game I'm behind in. Considering that, more than most champions, being behind on AWW is not a very happy place to be in at all, that doesn't help much either.
Atomic Wonder Woman likes augments that give her Attack Damage and Attack Pen most of all, but Attack Speed also help a lot in the laning phase, which is where augments have their most pronounced effect. Flat stats are prefential over scaling too for that same reason. It's up to you whether you want to go full offence with your augments or throw in some attack armour/power armour/health stats too for a balanced mix. Try to stick to augmens that offer gold and silver quality stats. Some suggestions:
Kai (Flat attack damage/Flat attack pen)
Phax (Flat attack speed/Flat attack pen)
Falcon (Flat attack damage/Flat attack speed)
Slasher (Flat attack pen/Flat attack damage)
Giant (Flat power armour/Flat health)
Wolf (Flat health/Flat power armour)
Castle (Flat health/Flat attack armour)
Fortress (Flat attack armour/Flat power armour)
Forcefield (Flat attack armour/Flat health)
Horsepower (Flat attack pen/Flat movement speed)
Critical chance has been replaced with critical damage, a stat you likely won't be bothering with.
Stolen Powers
You have your amps and you're in the lobby, so what stolen powers do you choose? Well since we're laning, there's a handful of good choices you can make.
[[Doomsday's Invulnerability]]
You'll often be on the frontline of a fight, so a little extra effective health when you're fighting for your life goes a long way. I find that the larger shield Doomsday's Invul provides is useful a lot more often than the regen on Shazam's version. Like the latter, the extra damage from Supergirl's Invul isn't active for long enough to be worth taking over more effective health.
[[Catwoman's Teleport]]
Gotham Divided is a big place. The ability to traverse it in a matter of seconds then, is a big deal. Catwoman's Teleport lets you do this more often, taking a full minute off the cooldown. Whilst I favour this version, Cyborg's Teleport is better if you have teleport ganks in mind, and you don't benefit at all from the power damage Nightmare Superman's Teleport provides.
[[Poison Ivy's Healing Wave]]
Returns less effective health than Invulnerability, but the bonus attack damage could make the difference when dueling, and you'll of course have some team utility later on. I tend to prefer this over Invul these days. It's swings duels dramatically.
[[Robin's Surveillance Camera]]
Vision wins games. The extra charges Robin's cams give mean you can lane for longer with vision of lane entrances, and later on you'll always have some in stock for checking stealth pads in the jungle, vision wars around Leviathan and to leave behind you if you're invading their side of the map. GA's cams combine vision with a brief X-Ray effect, although you only get two, whilst these days the larger vision radius on Gaslight Batman's cams isn't bad but is kind of outshined by the even greater utility of the other two.
[[Zatanna's Psychic Assault]]
This is usually sort of overkill since AWW has a few ways of getting on and sticking to someone, but if you want to bring it, Zatanna's version is better than Star Sapphire's.
[[Flash's Super Speed]]
Ironically, Flash's SS is better on AWW than her own version (as well as better on virtually everyone), and she isn't really crying out for the extra speed anyway. Her own version does add a little extra damage to Reclaimer though, although whether that's worth taking up a stolen power slot just for that is highly suspect.
The things that can make or break a game, you'll want to build according to the game in front of you, rather than buy the same artifacts every game. Whilst some items will always be core, you'll have to balance between offence and defence on the fly to maximise your value to the team.
Nil Weapon
Modular Health Vial (3)
You'll almost always be starting the game with these. If you think you'll be wanting a Coda Blade, you might consider starting with that for the extra damage, but you'll be missing out on the bonus health, lifesteal, and easier last hitting from the modded version.
[[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]]
The replacement for Huntress' Crossbow swaps it's stats but retains the Terminate active, which now rather than be a mod comes as standard again, just like the good old days. Essentially this makes it even better than it was before. Sure it loses 10 damage, but the active more than makes up for it. Attack damage, armour pen and cdr are all stats AWW wants in abundance, so this is an obvious choice to prioritise, unless you want the quicker damage spike of a Coda Blade.
[[Rip Hunter's Time Pack (4)]]
Deathstroke's Claymore might be the new core item on AWW as Crossbow was before, but the new Time Pack is a closer match to what stats it used to give, along with the Time Anchor active it's always had. It's a great artifact just for the stats alone, but the active promotes tower diving with the safety of a get-out clause.
[[Lobo's Chain (4)]]
Although building primarily offensively is the correct way to play AWW, you'll need some defence to avoid being instantly blown up in teamfights, and Lobo's Chain provides both that, as well as a bit of attack damage, and the main reason for getting it - Attack Harrier. This passive slows enemies hit by auto-attacks, and makes getting away from AWW change from tricky, to very difficult indeed. Take the Hook Shot mod if you have it, but it isn't essential.
Atomic Axe (2)
Nothing ramps up your damage like percentage based attack penetration, especially when your abilities deal such great raw damage. You'll need this to keep up in damage as the game goes on, as any smart bruiser or enforcer will be buying attack armour to counteract you, and even blasters that get Neron's Contract, a common artifact. Prioritise this, even over the big damage artifacts like Soultaker Katana or Joe Chill's Revolver.
Situational Artifacts
These are listed at the top of the page, so rather than go through them all individually, I'll detail the scenarios in which you'd be considering buying a certain kind of artifact.
Damage - Soultaker's Katana is back to being a viable build choice again, now that the raw stats match the cost. The lifesteal helps with dueling, not to mention the sheer attack damage once stacked. Coda Blade is still a fine option for early damage and armour pen.
Defence - Since many artifacts provide health now anyway, it isn't a stat you need to worry about too much assuming you already have Lobo's Chain. Metallo's Heart and Entropy Aegis become options for attack armour and power armour now that they no longer have Will, giving some nice utility along with the stats. As listed above, Claw of Horus and Sword of Beowulf are good, more offensively inclined options, with Booster Gold's and MM's Prism offering a little more protection.
Utility - Batman's Utility Belt isn't a bad choice at all if you find yourself in the lategame carrying your team on your back, and want to escape the enemies lockdown if they're focusing you. Ra's Al Ghul's Robe is back in a place where it's worth consideration later on.
Atomic Wonder Woman works well in either top lane or mid lane, as she can hang with bruisers or ranged champions equally well. You'll have to modify your playstyle and build accordingly, but generally your job is to build up as much damage as possible so that you can effectively assassinate a prime target on the enemy team, usually a blaster or marksman who outputs the most damage and has the hardest time surviving your burst. AWW starts to show her strength at level 3/4 when she has all 3 abilities to make use of her Revved state, depending on what order you rank up, as well as level 6 when she gets Reclaimer. She is an early-mid game champion that starts to tail off during the lategame when it becomes difficult to burst someone down. Because of this it can be important to end the game whilst you're still at your strongest; the enemy team will eventually catch up, even if you'd gotten yourself fed, and at that point it becomes difficult to assert yourself on the game. To that extent, you should try to roam wherever possible to help your teammates win their lanes as well, since it may come to a point where you can't do everything yourself.
In very rough general terms, whilst laning you want to be last hitting as many drones as possible, whilst keeping an eye on your lane opponent, as well as on the entrances to your lane given vision by cameras. Your strength comes in your ability to tag your opponent with Savage Sweep when they come in to cs/pick up credits, and either continue to harass with that, or assuming drone aggro is mitigated and with no jungler in sight, continue your assault whilst they're slowed, Vaulting in if they use an escape, or out if help appears. Different opposing champions have different means of hurting you or getting around your attacks, but they all have weaknesses, which I'll go into with some common lane match-ups.

Vs Aquaman - His primary means early on of damaging you is by tossing tridents your way, which can be avoided by standing behind your drones. Once you go on the offensive however, he has a hard time getting away from you, as Stagger requires him to stop and target you, and Undertow is one of the shorter gap closers in the game, provided he's unable to activate it a second time. After he tries to escape is when you Vault back in, at which point you ought to outdamage him.

Vs Arcane Supergirl - ASG can be difficult for a melee champion to approach with all the spells she can lay down to impede you and leaving you decidedly less healthy should you succeed, but once you DO reach her there isn't a lot she can do to get you off of her. She has no mobility skills, only an aoe slow and micro stun. Vaulting over Firewall if necessary and tagging her with Savage Sweep should be sufficient to get onto her, and at worst trade well. Other than that, your general laning strategy should be to cs as best you can whilst avoiding her harass. Her spells hurt but are relatively telegraphed, and she'll run out of will quickly if she tries to spam them. Keep an eye on her will bar and cooldowns for an opportune moment to make your counterattack.

Vs Atomic Green Lantern - More often than not in solo queue, AtGL's tend to go for full power damage and health, rather than full tank, which gives you a little more to think about in terms of damage mitigation, but ultimately, you still out-damage him at every stage of the game. Scorched Earth is his primary means of hitting you; if he uses it to farm, use that opportunity to get close and pile the hurt on, whilst he's unable to give much back. His shield is an annoyance rather than a serious threat to your output. It's stronger when he's laning, but since he's unlikely to be maxing it over his W, it probably won't be much bigger than 100 units. He has no escape, so leading with Vault is viable, but past level 6, it's never a bad idea to keep it in reserve in case their jungler comes to gank, and you need it to get out of harms way after he ults and slows you.

Vs Atomic Wonder Woman - As with any mirror match, you just need to play it smarter than the enemy AWW, as she has all the same tools you do. It's a skill match-up, so wait for any slips to make your move, or if your jungler comes to assist.

Vs Atrocitus - Unless he builds full power damage, Atrocitus's damage output is rather low, and he can struggle to trade efficiently in lane when harassed. You should use this to your advantage by tagging him with Savage Sweep whenever you can - he'll have a hard time shaking you off from the follow up. His Q will push the wave if he uses it to farm. Once he's close to your turret you can begin your assault, and at the very least push him out of lane and deny him credits. He needs jungle ganks to kill you, so keep an eye on entrances to your lane with cameras, and hold Vault in reserve if he taunts you - you don't strictly need it to go on the offensive anyway.

Vs Batman - Batman players will often try and play hit-and-run, throwing a Batarang at you before following up with Martial Arts and then backing out. If you allow him to whittle you down without punishing him for it, he's quickly going to become too hard to handle. Either stand right in the middle of your drone wave so that he takes aggro if he follows up on a Batarang (which don't do much damage alone), and clip him with edge of Savage Sweep if he does so, starting your own attack, or take the initiative in the first place and E him when he comes to last hit. Forcing Batman onto the backfoot right from the off prohibits his ability to bully you. Make the most of the fact that your level 1 is better than his - Savage Sweep will trade better than either Batarang or Martial Arts.

Vs Catwoman - A good Catwoman will try and make life very hard for you, hanging back and dashing in only to last hit or harass with Whip Strike. She'll only be auto-attacking at an absolute premium, but if she does try to do so, or pick up a credit, that's your opportunity to strike back. Alternatively, if the drone wave allows, you can run at her aggressively to try and land a Savage Sweep, and then Vault after she trips you. Vaulting in to initiate will not work, as she'll simply Acrobat and then Cat's Paw to fend you off, whether you land the follow up E or not, and will usually result in a poor trade damagewise.

Vs Cyborg - Like with all marksman, you have to be aggressive against them or they'll have the easiest time poking away at you with auto-attacks. Cyborg in particular will be trying to land a Tracer Shot at any opportunity, forcing you to back off. His escape is not the most effective vs you however, so a successful hit of Savage Sweep will result in a lot of pain coming his way, and possibly a kill. You can also Vault towards him because of this, and there isn't a lot he can do about it. In short, you have to dictate the pace of the lane, or he certainly will.

Vs Doomsday - Doomsday has plenty of initiation, but not a lot in terms of escaping prolonged engages. You should be able to bully him quite easily before he has the chance to bulk up. As with Cyborg, a speed increase isn't an effective means of escaping from AWW, so unless he's in position to make creative use of Charge on a drone in order to escape, he won't have a very nice time in lane if you choose to go aggressive on him, which you really ought to.

Vs Flash - As fast as he is, and even possesing a great gap closer, he still needs to get in melee range to last hit, which is when you should harass him with Savage Sweep. Flash is very squishy, so he can't afford to be on the receiving end of bad trades, nor does he beat you heads up. He also doesn't lane particuarly well early on, so you owe it to your team to take him out of the game early on before he has a chance to acrue credits and spiral out of control in the lategame.

Vs Gaslight Batman - Gas Bat is similar to Cyborg but with a better escape. Spend the early levels keeping out of range of his auto-attacks, even if it means missing the odd last hit, since level 3 is your chance to go on the attack. If there's too much of a life deficit before then though, there's nothing stopping him from turning that aggression back on you and simply killing you before you can kill him. As with other champions with gap closers, you need Vault to follow up your attack after they try and escape, so you'll need to initiate with Savage Sweep. If he's playing cautiously though, and choosing to last hit from far away rather than poke whenever he gets the chance, this can be difficult, as running towards him to get in range to E him telegraphs your attack. In this case you just need to be patient and farm up on drones and/or seek assistance from your jungler. By level 6, you really ought to have enough burst with Reclaimer to kill him if you get the opportunity to, since he's unlilkely to have any defences beyond the health from Nil Weapon. Provided you aren't trying to kill him virtually under his own turret, with two, potentially three gap closers and the slow on Savage Sweep, he's unlikely to get away.

Vs Gaslight Catwoman - For once a match-up in which you need to be wary of someone bursting you down. Her 'poke' is similar to yours, a cone AoE with bleed effect. She also has a double gap closer at level 6, as well as the added advantage of a stealth/speed up ability. Whoever gains the upped hand here is whoever can do the better job of keeping out of assassination range in regards to health. If one of you drops below a certain health threshold you can expect the other to start looking for the kill. Most Gas Cats will start with Steam Powered Claws and try and harass with it through your drone wave. If you see her run towards you, back off slightly to avoid the hit. Whilst that's on cooldown is your chance to hit back. Try and tag her with Savage Sweep before she stealths, since even if you can't see her, she won't be able to get far. You can try and guess her escape route, but most will instinctively head back towards their own turret. Your level of burst damage is similar, assuming a comparable artifact build, so who wins heads-up usually comes down to whoever had the most health to begin with. Bear in mind though that your ultimate is on a much longer cooldown than hers. Watch out for her Predator's Grace harass once she hits 6, since tagging you with Steampowered Claws now also leads on to a free ult and stealth away before you can trade much damage back. In your favour is the fact that the artifacts you buy tend to provide more up-front damage straight from the off, whilst the artifacts she would ideally like to get are more expensive (Joe Chills, V6 Implants), as she is a lot more reliant on amplifying the damage of her auto-attacks. Remember to alert your team if you suspect she is roaming, as Gas Cats gain a lot of their kills not necessarily from their lane, but from hunting more susceptible targets elsewhere.

Vs Gaslight Joker - First thing to note is that Gas Joker will out-sustain you given the chance. A straight farming lane favours him over you. He's also very efficient at peeling for himself, both with Ham Toss and Snack Time! The simple answer to this is to wait until Ham Toss goes on cooldown, and watch for him to blow his E. Without being procced by one of your skills, all it provides is a small speed boost, and goes on a long cooldown afterwards. Without his tools for keeping you off of him, he cannot beat you heads-up as his damage is rather poor initially. A good idea is to initiate with Vault, bait his Snack Time!, and only use Savage Sweep once his spell shield vanishes.

Vs Green Arrow - Most GA's will do one of two things - max Ballistic Arrows and try and play a safe farming lane from afar, or max Thermite Arrows and try and harass you with explosive arrows. In the former case, play it like you would a standard marksman who's trying to keep out of your range, be patient and don't take any unnecessary damage from him or you'll be too low to go in when the chance comes. In the latter case, his farming will tend to naturally push his drone wave due to the passive effect of Thermite Arrows, leaving him vulnerable to both you and your jungler. You should be able to Vault in on him when the chance presents itself, as his dash range is rather short, and Savage Slow nullifies the movement speed bonus from being in Superfoam stance. Other than that, keep on the move whenever you see him charging up Bullseye to make it harder for him to hit you. He has the better of you in the early levels, but the longer the lane goes on, the easier it becomes to assassinate him.

Vs Green Lantern - Whilst his Slam and Constrict are point-and-click abilities, Missile Barrage can be avoided by standing behind drones, which prevents much of the damage from his Q. If he uses Missile Barrage to help him farm, you can use that opportunity to go on the attack whilst his primary source of retaliation damage is down. Vault and Savage Sweep get around Constrict, and he has no other escape ability to speak of. Get ahead early against Green Lantern and you'll stifle him for the rest of the game.

Vs Joker - All of Joker's abilities seem designed to keeping you off of him, so it's another case where you have to be savvy about how you play it. Mr. Punchy is a long range stun on a relaively short cooldown; Surprise! can be used to both simultaneously farm and slow you, whilst Vanish is his escape. Luckily, play it right and Joker's squishiness ensures he'll have a hard time surviving your attack. Needless to say, you do not initiate with Vault. Wait for him to throw his present out to farm a wave, then run forward to hit him with Savage Sweep. Once he uses Vanish, you can then Vault in. He may still escape if he hits you with his Q, but at the very least you'll trade well. By level 6 he has an even harder time keeping you out, especially if his AoE farming has pushed the wave close to your tower. Much like with Markmen, it's just a case of mitigating damage until you have the chance to go in, as it's certainly within the Joker's capabilities of turning an attack against you if you try and kill him with 50% health or less.

Vs Mecha Wonder Woman - Her poke is arguably worse than her marksman compatriots, but if she is ranking up her passive, her consecutive auto-attacks will begin to really hurt. Afterburn is also a decent gap closer, but she's fragile and her base movement speed is very slow, so if you Vault to keep up, she has a tough time surviving against her sister from another world.

Vs Nightmare Batman - Typically a jungler, but has began to see more play in lane. Like Gas Cat, he has no escape other than his stealth, so the same tactic in regards to tagging him with Savage Sweep before he can go invisible still applies. Silver Batarang isn't very damaging but applies a strong slow, so watch for it being thrown behind him as he flees. Be VERY careful about towerdiving him after level 6, even if he's super low on health; he'll suppress you, and then the tower will wreck you. His wave clear involves him being right in the midst of the drone wave, leaving him vulnerable to attack, and without an escape, other than his E which is merely a speed boost. His trump card when dueling is his suppress, so avoid fighting him if your health is somewhat lower than his; your burst is stronger but his lifesteal is deceptively good.

Vs Shazam - He may not be able to delete you anymore, but Shazam is still someone you should be wary of if you do not get on top of him whilst you have the chance. His passive lets him get tankier as he builds damage, and vice-versa, so consider the health shred on Deathstroke's Claymore to counter this, as he'll get progressively harder to burst down as the game goes on, whilst suffering no setback to his damage output. His only escape is his ultimate, which is on a long cooldown, and also a large source of his damage, so go aggressive on him, and go aggressive often. You'll either kill him, or force him to blow his main form of assisting in the next teamfight.

Vs Sinestro - You ought to be able to impose yourself upon Sinestro early on, as he's very squishy. As ever, don't allow yourself to take more harass than you can dish out, as even going even in lane can be problematic after level 6. Parallax completely shuts you down, and can stop you from diving him and making a clean escape. Wait for him to dash before Vaulting to him, as he's pretty helpless after that. His Scythe can make landing Savage Sweep a matter of trading, hopefully in your favour, as it isn't really avoidable at point blank, but the buzzsaw harass can be avoided by staying behind your drones.

Vs Star Sapphire - Like Green Lantern, she has no real escape, only the ability to try and stop your onslaught via crowd control. Her Crystal Bomb is her main farming tool, and does not have the longest range, usually leaving her open to an attack from you. Try Vaulting over it if she uses it offensively on you. You'll both avoid damage and put her in a very hairy situation. If you're worried about Bonds of Love, you can save your Vault for after she's attempted to halt you in your tracks with that, instead initiating with Savage Sweep. Star Sapphire is very squishy, and unlikely to survive your burst. At the very least you may force her to burn Manifest, which would be a huge boon for your team if that's missing in the next teamfight.

Vs Stargirl - Stargirl wants nothing more than to stand back and farm and poke you from range with her Cosmic Blast and Shooting Stars. You need to dictate the pace starting at level 2 by tagging her with Savage Sweep and then Smite. Her only way to get you off of her is the slow from Gravity Well, which you can just Vault over. Be wary of tower diving her with Reclaimer. She can counter your attack with her own ult, steadily giving herself a shield to mitigate your own damage whilst stopping you from Vaulting away. Don't go in unless you're confident you can burst her down immediately, or at least before she has a chance to withstand your initial burst with the shield and slow.

Vs Supergirl - Although Supergirl has two means of escape, her speed up can be negated by your own slow, and Vault goes further than Bounding Leap. For once, your means of avoiding harass is staying AWAY from your own drones, although the cone AoE from World Breaker isn't terribly damaging regardless. Supergirl is better than most in a duel, but you really ought to burst her down before her true damage can really stack up.

Vs Superman - Superman has no real poke, or efficient waveclear, so is often forced to last hit drones the old fashioned way. You can abuse this by harassing with Savage Sweep, and Vaulting in if you choose to go aggressive after he uses Frost Breath and Heat Vision in order to get you off of him. Even with his passive shields and increased armour, it's not too hard to bully Superman in lane with your kit.

Vs Wonder Woman - Unlike yourself, Wonder Woman Prime is all brawn and not a lot of damage, so whilst she's unlikely to ever kill you without help from her jungler or a major slip-up on your part, it can also be quite difficult to burn her down. She's forced to last hit at melee range, and will naturally push the wave if she wants the added damage from Amazonian Prowess to aid her, so just chip away at her with Savage Sweep, and consider popping her passive before you really go in hard on her, as the regen can take you by surprise. Just like with Night Bat, be very wary of tower diving her whilst her ultimate is still up.

Vs Zatanna - Zatanna can be a real pain. Skewer is on a very short cooldown, and once she has enough power damage stacked up, the Punish/Skewer combo will begin to really hurt if you haven't bought any power armour. On the plus side, if she's happily spamming Skewer, she'll burn through her Will very quickly, so she'll have to balance between harassing you and last hitting drones. Keep an eye on her remaining will. If it drops low, take that chance to return aggression, as her only escape is a speed up/slow down, assuming she even has the will left to use it. Zatanna is squishy and more or less helpless without a good reserve of will. Whilst your means of bursting her down improve at level 6, so do her means of avoiding it. Be a Rabbit is a rather annoying form of hard crowd control on a relatively low cooldown that can prevent you from following up after Reclaimer, as well as leaving you vulnerable to retaliation damage wih reduced resistances. Try and bait it out beforehand so it isn't available when you go in again with your ultimate a short while later.
As an assassin your job is generally to pick people off alone or to burst down priority targets in teamfights. Reclaimer is an excellent way of getting to exactly who you want from a distance and putting down good burst damage whilst the enemy is unable to interrupt you. Usually you will want to target opposing Blasters or Marksmen as they are the main sources of damage on the other team, but the rule of thumb is to go for whoever on the other team is doing well and holding them together. Does their jungler have the most credits on their team? Prioritise them and their team might fall apart without them. Whenever you aren't fighting, keep note of objectives such as Raiders and Pulse Destroyers. Keep vision on them if they're close to your lane as well as instructing your team to do likewise. If you see an empty lane later on, try pushing it to pick up a tower whilst the enemy is preoccupied elsewhere, especially if you have Teleport to either get there quickly or get to your team if a fight breaks out. It's not the worst thing in the world to be off from your team as AWW as Reclaimer is such a long range gap closer.
General Advice
The key to mastering Atomic Wonder Woman is to learn what Revved skill to use at what time. Are you initiating the team fight? Use Revved Savage Sweep to slow as many of the enemy as possible for your team to follow up on. Joining a fight that's already broken out? Use Revved Smite to chunk down a priority target. Are a group of you skirmishing or do you see someone at low health? Activate Revved Vault first, use whatever else you need to to secure the kill, then Vault out again. There are many other situations where you might need one or the other but remember that roughly - Revved Vault gives you extra mobility and utility, Revved Smite ramps up your single target damage, and Revved Savage Sweep applies an AoE slow, damage and bleed.
Remember that Vault is both a means of closing the gap on the enemy as well as getting out after an attack; do not Vault in haphazardly if it means you're unlikely to get out alive, trading your life for someone elses may not always be in your teams favour.
If you're behind, consider bulking up. You may not ever catch up in damage, but this way you can at least provide some initiation and utility whilst surviving the engagement, and rely on your marksmen and blaster for raw damage.
This should go without saying, but co-ordinate your ult with your team if it means diving in to more than one enemy player. There's no guarrantee you'll even kill your target if they can successfully peel for them, and there's a good chance you won't get out alive either.
The long range initiation of Reclaimer has it's pros and cons. Rushing in from afar is great, but it also sends up huge, great big warning signs to the target that you're coming in on them, giving them and the enemy team a short while to prepare themselves. The sound effect also lets literally everyone else on the map know that your ultimate is on cooldown, whether the enemy target communicates that to their team or not.
If you can play AWW with smartcast on, she's all the better for it, particularly when Vaulting. Split seconds can make all the difference in an assassination attempt. With that in mind, I can't stress enough that you have to learn the range of Savage Sweep so you hit enemy targets with the sweet spot.
The aiming on Savage Sweep can be a little buggy sometimes. To be on the safe side, try and have AWW facing in the same direction as your cursor when aiming it to ensure it comes out in the direction you want it to.
Vault is one of the few gap closers currently in the game that goes over walls. Always keep this in mind when chasing/escaping.
Thanks for taking the time to read my guide, even if it's just picking and choosing the particular bits you might need before a game. Atomic Wonder Woman is my favourite champion in the game; she's such a fun and satisfying character to play, so I hope more people feel the same!