Now that Open Beta is here I decided it would be helpful to new players to make a Gaslight Batman guide.
Skill Order
Okay so the usual skill order you want to go on AD Gasbat is R>Q>E>Passive>W. The reason for this is because your Q gives the most poke/damage early, E is the best for closing gaps and escaping jungle ganks, your ult for obvious reasons, passive helps all abilities, and w because its mostly useless and kind of lackluster even if you land it.
Stolen Powers
[[Doomsday's Invulnerability]]
You want this for dueling and survivability. Example: The enemy jungle ganks you and you get low, Invulnerability saves you.
Green Arrow's Surveillance Camera (the icon isn't working for me)
This is one of the most important Powers to take to pretty much any type of lane. You have little to no reason to not take this power. The reason you want this particular cam is because you mostly go bot lane as Gasbat, so you want as much vision as possible and you want to clear the enemy cams for your jungler.
Gaslight Batman's Items
These are the core items you want to always buy on Gasbat.
Once you have been farming for a bit you rush the [[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]] , the reason you rush this is because with the crit Mod you will be dealing much more damage than usual. Also katana got nerfed. After you get Joe Chill's you buy [[Cheetah's Claw (4)]] , this is honestly the only item really worth getting for sustain.
Get [[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]] with Terminate Mod. With these 3 items finished pretty much no one can 1v1 you except a Sinestro or flash. After these 3 core items are finished you go ahead and buy
Atomic Axe (2) and [[Velocity 9 Implant (4)]]. After these you get a defensive item, Entropy Aegis is a really good to counter to most heroes.
Optional Items and When to Buy Them
The three optional items that I normally get are: [[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]] ,
Entropy Aegis (4) , and [[Batman's Utility Belt (4)]]. These are the three defensive items you usually want when you get into the late game. Robe is there if you get caught or need the revive. Entropy Aegis is for when the enemy Power Damage carry is bombing your team. It blocks one spell they throw at you and gives a nice bit of power armor.
Example: Sinestro is very fed and 2 shotting you. You need something to defend against that correct? Buy Entropy or Ra's al Ghul's Robe.
Okay so these are pretty core Amplifiers for the ADC role in general. You usually want to run these:
Empowered Nil Weapon Mod: Increases damage to drones at low health, this is a sort of optional mod to run since the nerf. Id totally recommend running it if you are new to the game and need help with last hits.
Empowered Deathstroke's Claymore: Whenever a assassin gets near you you can use it and kite for max damage, you should live and kill them.
Enhanced Critical Chance Zeis Goggles: Gives more crit on your Zeis Goggles, since Goggles were buffed they are actually a good item now.
Empowered Joe Chill's Revolver: Gives your crits insane damage. I usually run this with my two Gambit mods.