Hi! My name is Peter and I almost exclusively stream Infinite Crisis. I am currently the top-laner for Surreal Gaming\\\'s Infinite Crisis team but lately I have jungle with Nightmare Robin for fun.
When Jungling NMR you first want upgrade My Mods are: Queen Empowered Deathstroke’s claymore, Wayne Enhanced Rip Hunter’s Time Pack, Kord Empowered Marauder Knife.
Maurader Knife max first
Next Max Deathstroke’s Claymore (Don’t forget to use the Terminate on Deathstrokes claymore a lot of people forget to activate this when they play which can mean a kill or letting the enemy champion get away)
Next I max Rip Hunters Time Pack, This is a great Item when jungling because it provides attack dmg and cooldown reduction which every assassin needs. (Don’t forget to use Time Anchor: Use Time Anchor when you are being chased or attacking and enemy champion in a turret or dangered zone.)
Now that you have Maurader knife, Deathstroke and Rip Hunters you do enough damage but if the enemy team has a champion that is dominating in credits you need to counter, if they are pd build Sword of Beowult to lvl 2 if they are AD build claw of Horus.
If no one is dominating and you are not behind next item to max is either Huntress’ Crossbow Lobo’s Chain it all depends on how late the game is, Lobo’s Chain preferably for late game, Huntress’s Crossbow is more mid game.
If you plan on going the Huntress’s Crossbow route take Soultaker Kantana for its lifesteal but don’t max it right away!
Build Atomic Axe if 2 or more enemy champions have suit of sorrows.
Combo’s Q E W (R if you have it)
Here’s a great combo but very difficult to pull off: In a team fight try to sneak around to get close to where the enemy marksman is without being noticed (so go in the jungle). Activate your Time anchor preferably by a stealth pad if you are close to it. You have 5 seconds so Run to the enemy Markman hit them with Q E W (R if you have it) Activate Terminate and basic attack them as long as possible before you activate Time anchor again. Once you hit Time anchor you will be safely in the jungle and you can run to your team. Now if you do not kill the enemy markman that is perfectly okay because they will be very low on health making it easier for one of your teammates to easily kill them. By activating your Time Anchor you got out of the fight safely and caused a bunch of confusion. The enemy team would stop attacking your teammates, some of their champions would try to look for you, but most importantly the enemy marksman would retreat meaning that their source of damage is stopped or delayed. This is why ever since the new September update Rip Hunters Time Pack an ideal Assassin item.