For more insight on the char read up on my friend DKperfections Batman CC Guide
Build Order
LoboChain L2 -> Deathstrokes claymore L2 -> Finish Lobo -> Choice between Fragment of Mogo(Def) +Spear of Destiny or Atomic Axe(Off) and then these items
If you have low amounts of money in slow Game fill in Holes with Lobo L3 early or Cheetahs claw L1 + Updates
Coda Blade when all enemys are squichy and dont buy armor at all ... instead Atomic Axe
Velocity 9 gives Batman insane Attack speed and energy Regeneration but makes you very Squichy so only as 3rd or 4th Item in Games youre Rich as Hell an have no fear of dying
Batman Utility very expensive for what it offers so not my favourite but offers anti CC Active on L4
Keypart of Build use the Active of Deathsrokes claymore against most tanky targets in Teamfights or any Target 1 vs 1 you will shred them...
You will destroy a full hp Tanky Doomsday even if you have like 20% life with smart usage of Ulty and Shield and he will accuse you of cheating isnt that Success ? XD
Most important Thing : DONT LEVEL HIS FUCKING E
My skillorder is no visual bug XD
After the recent Patches it offers you nothing at all except wasting your energy when you would really need it for a W to keep chasing
Why would i pay enery for a level 1 skill in fight if have my W on 4 and deal 6x times the Dmg???
There is no Reason !!!
Also i get advantage early game cuz im not out of energy and keep punching people with W all day and apply constant Pressure to Targets that dont want me in their faces...