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    With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.

    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Infinite Crisis builds for Doomsday

    Smashin' the Jungle With Doomy

    A Doomsday guide by Dragline
    Last updated: Nov 14th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/smashin-the-jungle-with-doomy
    3,542 0


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    Work in Progress. EDIT: The starting items keep displaying incorrectly.
    Starting items should be: Nil Weapon, T1 Marauder Knife, Health Pack x2
    Core Items should be: Lobo Chain, T3 Suit of Sorrow, Deathstroke's, Al Ghuls Cape, Kryptonian War Armor
    Optional Items should be: Spear of Destiny, Batman Utility Belt, Sword of Beowulf, and T2 Velocity Implants.

    At the bottom of this post will also be a Youtube Guide for those of you who don’t like to read Deep Guides. (Video is not finished yet)

     If you’re here then that probably means that you love Doomsday (aka Admiral Fist Smasher) as much as I do, and you’re probably looking to maximize the mayhem and frustration you wreak on Coast City. You’ve come to the right place. 

    To start the match the  ENTIRE TEAM needs to group up near the Doomsday Device. This is to prevent an enemy invade from taking your Elites and top Quad. If they steal your camps, you’ll spend the next 3 minutes in catch-up mode, unable to support the lanes. As the jungler you need to communicate this to your team. Don’t rage at them, but type in chat (and ping the location) for everyone to group up to defend against invades (before the game starts). 

    Do not pick your first level skill at the start of the game.

    If the enemy invades you, or your team goes for the invade, you should pick up Doomy’s E (charge attack). The lane is very narrow up near the elites, and it is very easy to hit a wall smash, and lay down some serious hurt at level 1. To top it off, you’re stunning them so the rest of your team can follow through. Add to this the fact that if you take Super Strength you can set up your E very easy by throwing a meteor and knocking someone into the air. If things go badly for you -- meaning everyone got run off and the enemy still took your elites -- ask your top-lane champ to help you soften up the two nearest drone camps to get you started. If no one invades then you are free to pick up Q instead.

     A lot of guides I’ve read suggest that you focus on W for jungling. I disagree. Q does overall more damage, has a shorter cooldown, has a much higher scaling %, and it scales off of a much more relevant stat for Doomy (attack damage). Q has a 50% scale ratio versus W’s 25% off of power damage items (which is a wasted stat on him). W does have a larger AoE radius, and provides 10% attack speed. But at level 1 the 10% attack speed is around 0.065 added to your attack speed, for only 4 seconds. A rather miniscule bonus

     The Build
    I like to pick the Early Striker augment, because it gives you a cheaper Nill Weapon and allows you to buy T1 Marauder Knife. It also lets you start with two Health Packs. I like this because, if there is an invade at the start of the game, you can heal up and stay in the fight longer. If there is no invade, then you still have two heals to keep you in the jungle for longer.  

    Marauder Knife
    I have found that Doomy really only needs T2 of the Knife to power through drones. By the time you hit 10 you should sell the Knife to help you get the other items in your build. By level 10 you shouldn’t need the extra damage for your jungling  Unless you’re falling behind, I wouldn’t bother investing too deeply into this. 

    Velocity Implants
    In a lot of my games with the Marksman:Early Striker augment, I have been getting T2 Velocity Implants after I finish  Lobo’s. This combo provides you with +15 move speed for a total of 410. I have found that it really helps me get into position when I am trying to gank lanes. However, don’t be afraid to sell this item in order to build some tanky items if the carries are crushing you.

    Deathstroke's Claymore
    Still a great item to help you strip away enemy health (especially the tanky champs), while giving you a great burst of attack speed. This attack speed will help you build rage faster to Ult more, as well as help you generate rage faster while you’re Ulting so that it lasts longer. 

    Suit of Sorrows
    The attack reflect stacks really well with his Ult. So don’t be in a rush to max it out. Tier 2 is usually more than enough, but sometimes I will go up to Tier 3 if they’re heavy on atk damage

    Lobo’s Chain
    The health is great for adding to your tankyness, and the slow is essential for helping Doomy land his E’s into walls, and adds to his ability to help secure kills for his team. 

    Ras Ghul’s Cape
    You should really plan on getting this item by the time you hit level 14. Or at least start saving for it when you hit 14. In Coast City, the late game can have huge momentum swings when you die due to the bot lane being so short. Having this can help your team turn the tides in a close fight. 

    Kryptonian War Armor
    This is a great item to get. Aside from the power damage defense, the +30 move is great for helping secure kills
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