AWW is my favorite hero by far in the game. This guide is for solo top and concentrates on farming early game, ganking mid/bot after 6, and late game being a carry killer. My play style with her is very aggressive and the item choices show that. Late game being able to destroy multiple carries is key to winning games, even if u die the fight becomes 4v3 or 4v2...odds your teamates should be able to handle.
Amps I use for her:
Empowered Joe Chill\'s Revolver- crit is good
Capacity Soultaker Katana- more stacks is more damage, also good
Empowered Deathstroke\'s Claymore-terminate is disgusting for those tanks
Mods I currently run:
Legend-+1.2 attack lifesteal/+3.01 health per level - this is for sustain in lane, more farm more damage
Cube-+1.2 attack lifesteal/+24.06 health -again for sustain in lane
Kai-+2.41 attack damage/+1.5 attack penetration -just some damage and pen
Falcon-+2.41 attack damage/+1.87 attack speed - jsut a good all around ad mod
Stolen Powers:
Green Arrow\'s Cams- since solo top, vision is key to not getting ganked and being able to keep track of your lane opponent. Also, the cams are great for warding top raider spawn or the top jungle mobs, will get to those later.
Doomsday\'s Invulnerability- odviously if you watch any pro tourney/stream you see this is the most picked power in the game. The reason is, the shield is so strong and can give you that last attack to get a kill, that last moment to escape, and can use it to bait people into mistakes. Just a great power.
Early game:
At the beginning of the game, before creeps spawn, I usually run to the area near top raider and place a ward there to protect from invades, my 2nd ward i place at the opponent\'s top jungle tribush, then recall to reset my camera count. I usually get back to lane as the creeps arrive and focus on last hitting. Most opponents will not, and just push the lane towards your tower....this is good, makes your jungler\'s job of ganking easier and their\'s harder. Depending on your lane opponent, your first buy will be a katana at 1000 gold...unless its someone like GL Joker, then i recommend the coda blade. Buy at the tower, no need to recall unless very low life, pushed to their tower( in which you should be getting the top jungle camps), or need to reset camera count. Remember, more farm(last hits) equalls more damage....and damage is key.
After level 6:
Once you get your ultimate, let the fun begin. AWW is GREAT at coordinating mid ganks with jungler or the mid laner. Everytime your ult is up, you should be lookinng for a kill somewhere on the map. It is also very important to control the emp mob in ur lane, either push the lane and take it, or get jungler to come and force opponent out then take it. The emp is VERY important so control over it is a priority in lane.
Mid Game:
Midgame is when AWW should be beginning to snowball(only takes a few kills to get her going). You should be forcing ganks/teamfights and controlling raider spawns/emp spawns. By this time, their top tower should be down, if not both, allowing you to control the map with your ult. There is not much scarrier in this game than hearing the chainsaws and knowing she is coming for you and there is nothing that can help you lol.
Late game:
Your main job late game is to assassinate the enemy teams carry. That is it...if you remove their main damage dealer, most teamfights will be over quickly allowing your team to capture objectives. Objectives equal wins, and wins are what we all play for.
I hope you have enjoyed my guide for Atomic Wonderwoman, and maybe learned a few things or gotten a few ideas. She is a super fun hero and I hope you will enjoy her as much as I do. Good luck. for my stream