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    Infinite Crisis builds for General

    SoundByte's Coast City Jungling Guide for Beginners

    A General guide by SoundByte
    Last updated: Aug 9th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/soundbytes-cc-jungling-guide-for-beginners
    5,755 2


    *Edit:// In spirit of the recent temporary reopening of Coast City queue and Dycer's updated CC guide, I have decided to update my guide. I have added and changed many things in this guide based on recent patches as well as stuff I learned from the meta. Anything edited or newly added are marked by an (*). Feedback is still greatly appreciated guys!!!

    Whether you like to jungle or are forced into it because you didn't instalock a champ fast enough, this guide is here to help.

    The current meta is solo top (usually ADC), double jungle, and double bot which means in order for the game to go as smoothly as possible, be sure to try and coordinate with the other jungler. If you want to learn more about the general meta and how to play coast city in general, click on this link: http://www.dawnbase.com/guides/dycer94s-coast-city-guide

    Stolen Powers: 

    - Consume is currently less favored than Detonate (due to clear time and range) but still a good stolen power to pair with it.


    *AtGL's consume is probably the least used consume due to the nerf in the speed it gives (12.5% increase from the original 20%)

    NMBM's consume is useful for squishier junglers like flash. This is the most used consume by far.

    *MechaSupe's consume is great for tanky junglers and the scaling does beat the nightbat's consume as long as you are building health items.

    - Detonate is the "must have" stolen power for junglers. Not only does it clear camps faster, but the range is slightly larger than consume which makes stealing objectives slightly easier. 

    *Harley's Detonate is great for anyone you plan on building PD. If your champ is power damage but you are building mostly tanky, you might be better off with Joker's detonate. Also note that Harley's detonate is a bit harder to eyeball last hit "smiting" of objectives, so be sure to mouse over the stolen power beforehand to know exactly how much damage it does.

    Joker's detonate is great for AD champs only because it scales off of levels and not pd. The standard detonate works just as well if you don't have this one. (This one only gives a slow to nearby enemies)

    - Teleport is good if your team has a ton of cams because they can cam in a stealth pad and you can gank without the enemy team knowing. You can also teleport to the surveillance drone right before a relay you own unlocks so you can recap it quickly. 

    *Catwoman's teleport is only 1 minute shorter than the other teleports and therefore is somewhat pointless to get unless you use it within that 1 min window.

    *Cyborg's teleport is by far the best teleport in the game. It only takes 2.5 seconds to get to your destination as opposed to the standard 4 seconds. This is the second most favored stolen power (next to detonate) of all stolen powers for junglers.

    *Nightmare Superman's teleport is the least used teleport. I have never seen anyone get this because it is only good for PD champs and has most of its utility during laning phase.

    - Cams are amazing for mid and late game for your entire team. Also makes counterjungling easier for you and harder for the enemy junglers to do. Use this if counterjungling is a problem for you or you want to counterjungle more

    *Robin's cams are the because the extra charges mean  you don't have to port back to base as often to refill it.

    *Green Arrow's cams are by far the best cameras in the game. While robin cams are decent mid-late game, green arrow cams are great for all phases of the game especially during laning phase since you can help clear enemy cams. It's almost like having x-ray and wards all in one.

    *Gasbat's cams are pretty much obsolete now. There is no reason to take these cams unless you don't have either robin or green arrow cams.

    - *X-ray has fallen out of favor with the December patch due to the increased cooldown time but can still be extemely powerful. This stolen power is great if your team plans on invading or defending invades at the beginning of the game.

    *Gaslight Catwoman's xray is great on coast city since the map is fairly small

    *Blue Beetle's xray is pretty much the standard right now. Not only does it give you 30 gold (doesn't scale) for every cam you destroy, but it also reduces the cooldown for each one as well. You MUST last hit the camera in order to get the money.

    *API's xray is not that great imo, but probably on par with gascat's xray. It only has a 30 second reduction in cooldown but isn't that bad if you don't have any other xray.

    *Psychic Assault (PA): 
    - This stolen power has been a favorite stolen power by many junglers the last few months. It makes securing kills much easier. The range is fairly short though so I recommend using it on someone who can gap close.

    *Sinestro's psychic assault is great if you have a PD heavy team composition. Note, it only reduces power armor, not attack armor. Since double blaster bot is pretty popular, it might be better if you know you are going bot jungle and the allied laners are both PD blasters.

    *Star Sapphire's PA is the worst one currently. I would not run this one unless you don't have any other PAs.

    *Zatanna's PA is by far the best one in the game. It does 5% more slow and lasts an extra 0.5 seconds. It may not sound like much, but it is quite significant. This is the favored of all the PA stolen powers.

    *Super Strength:
    - This stolen power is great if you are great at straight skill-shots or want to practice skill shots. I'd recommend it on AtGL or WW because if you can land a knockup with a meteor throw, then you are guaranteed to land your grab/lasso. It is also great for invading at the start of the game.

    *Wonderwoman's superstrength is a great stolen power because of the extra range it gives. I'd recommend this on PD champs (because superman's is better for AD champs).

    *Superman's SS is probably the best one if you have an attack dmg champ since it gives you extra attack dmg. Try to use it as often as possible so you can constantly get the attack dmg bonus.

    *Aquaman's SS is much like AtGL's consume. The speed is not significant enough to really warrant using it.


    *You will need AT LEAST 1 jungle item if you're going to jungle. (Note: creatures = jungle creep, drones = lane creep. The % bonus you get does NOT help with lane creep!) The changes to the marauder items have made it so that most people can start off with only one item if needed. The keyword you want to watch out for is "syphon".

    - Marauder Shield

    *This item has fallen out of favor due to the changes to the marauder items. You should get this item to lvl 2 for the syphon effect ONLY IF you don't plan on upgrading other marauder items. Personally, I like to start off with straight tier 2 of this item for tanky junglers who don't use will i.e. doomsday and maybe shazam (if you choose to build them tanky). Note, that if you stop at tier 2, then you will only get 20% bonus dmg to creatures as opposed to 30%. Another option I know some people do is to start with this item, another maruder item, and pots and then sell this item as soon as they can to get another tier of their other marauder item. (you get 225 back of the 250 you spent)

    - Marauder Knife

    *This item is great for AD champs, however note that the syphon doesn't exist until tier 3. I have seen a good amount of ppl try to start off with tier 2 of this item but I personally don't like it because you lose out on pots that way. It may be ok if you get the 100 credits off mod. However, a majority of ppl who make custom pages for junglers have the +10 attack pen mod for this item and rush it to tier 4. (Note that keywords do NOT stack, so don't get coda blade if you get the attack pen mod for this item)

    - Marauder Ring

    *This item is great for PD champs, the syphon starts at tier 2 so you could technically stop there but this item does have good enough stats to go to tier 4 throughout the entire game if you get the +10 power pen mod. (Again, keywords don't stack so don't get cosmic belt if you plan on getting the +10 power pen mod. You can, however, get the +15 power dmg mod so you can still get cosmic belt though)

    - Mr. Terrific's T-Mask

    *This item was added many patches ago. You can use this item as a jungling item as long as you get the marauder mod on it. This item's active is great imo but you won't typically see anyone using it because the dmg from maruader ring is much stronger. Also, the cooldown for the active is high enough to make this item probably more viable for Gotham Divided than it is for Coast City (although ppl on GD tend to not build it either).

    - Medusa Mask

    *Medusa Mask has fallen out of favor ever since the marauder changes, but I personally still enjoy using this item and marauder shield as starting items (with no pots). Note, in order to use this item, you MUST HAVE the medisys earlier keyword mod. I think it is great for tanky champs who use will i.e. AtGL, Wonderwoman. I highly recommend trying this setup for these champs because the sustain is so strong  that you may never need to back unless you take dmg from a gank.

    Even though the jungle creep locations are marked on the map, some people still have no clue on where to start so I edited this CC map to help:

    The Red/Blue Circles represent where the jungle camps are located. The numbers next to them tell you the number (and therefore type) of creeps that exist at those camps whereas the lines informs you of the rotation. The Diamond symbols represents the elites or "Destroyers" and the Yellow Star represents the Raider.

    Typically both junglers + solo top will sit in the bush right above the DDD to start off with. Be on the lookout for invades. Once the jungle creep have spawned, you should head straight for your elites.

    You ALWAYS, ALWAYS want to start off with elites if you can. Why is this so important? Because if you manage to get solo xp from them, you hit lvl 2 instantly. If you share them with your other jungler, then you hit lvl 2 right after taking a quad camp. 

    If for some reason you are a solo jungler, you have 3 options:
    1. Have a SINGLE laner to help leash your elites with you. In case you didn't know, xp is split evenly with allies who are close enough to creep when they die so having more than 2 people there is definitely not worth it. Also, laners will lose xp they could have been getting if they had went straight to lane, so sharing with 1 laner is fine.
    2. Try to clear it solo (only if you have detonate AND consume and typically if you're a tanky jungler to start).
    3. Clear about 4 camps which should give you lvl 3 which is enough to solo elites without too much damage. This should be done on the top jungle route as it is faster to get to elites right after.

    Always go to the quad camp after (especially if you're bot jungle) so that you don't get counterjungled.

    Basically you will continue to just go to these camps unless your team needs ganks.

    *If you have your elite camp stolen, you "should" have 2 options (assuming you lost it to an invade).
    1. Travel straight to their elite camp with your other jungler and steal it. Usually by the time they realize you are trying to steal their jungle camp, you should have already taken it or finishing it by then. Be sure to detonate/consume it so they don't do the same to it thus giving them 2 elite camps. Note that this strat is a bit risky because if their team converges on you (usually doesn't happen) then you could possibly give them more kills. This is the path you should take as soon as you see your camp being taken:

    2. Steal one of their camps and try to catch up that way. This strat is much safer but just know that you will be always be slightly behind unless you can make good plays to catch up. For bot jungle, you will want to steal their quad camp and be sure to take everything. Top jungle should steal their tri-camp (again take everything). Be sure to check your elite camp to make sure they took everything because if they didn't, then the camp won't respawn until everything in the camp was taken.


    Knowing when to gank is a fairly easy concept theoretically but can vary depending on playstyle. Usually you will want to gank when the enemy is pushed about 3/4 or even halfway across the lane. Top lane ganking is fairly difficult but since it takes so long to get back into that lane from base, you will only need to get them low enough to back and not necessarilty get kills from it. Bot lane ganking is much easier but the travel time is much longer. You will also need to try and secure kills when bot lane ganking b/c the camps are much farther apart which means it will take you slightly longer to gain xp then it would if you were top jungler. If you want, you can also just gank often for the hell of it. This will make the enemy champs very scared to push out which can be more beneficial than if you were to gank only when needed. If your team is pushed out 3/4's or more toward the enemy turret there is no need to go into lane. The only exception to that rule is if they are attacking turret with very little resistance then go into lane and help take that turret down. Also, if your team is coordinated/premade then try and coordinate tower dives. Remember turrets count as a champ and when fighting you want to have 1 more champ than the other team which means if there is 3 of you and only one of them + turret then you can tower dive the f*** out of him and secure a kill.

    Here is an example of how to gank in bot lane if you were on the red team:

    The blue star represents the enemy champ and the red lines represent the possible pathing you could take. The reason you want to go all the way behind the enemy is to ensure they do not escape. Don't forget to ping which enemy you want to target before you go in, otherwise your teammates might not know who to target. You will want to target the person with no escape first i.e. Cyborg, Green Lantern, or champs that don't have superspeed. Remember always focus ADC/Squishies/champs with low health if you can, but if they are on the run, then target the closest target even if its a tank. 9 times out of 10 the low health/squishies will come back to try and help and then you can target them again.

    This is probably the 2nd MOST important thing as a jungler to know (most important would be map awareness). Here is the breakdown on timings:
    - Jungle creep respawn after 1 min
    - Elites reswawn after 3 min
    - Relays open at 5 mins into game and unlock every 3 mins
    - *Raider pops up at 8:30 mins into game and respawns every 5 min

    Here is a helpful tip on getting timings down: 

    When a diamond symbol from the ticker lines up on top of this dot, it represent about 1 min before that objective unlocks. *Soon after I posted this guide, they changed the ticker to show the actual times of objectives if you scroll over it. This is still a good way to eye the timings of objectives though.
    Also note:
    Yellow diamonds = relays unlocking
    Red diamonds = DDD event



    In the early game, turrets are ALWAYS the #1 priority. If the enemy team takes down a turret before raider spawns, you have failed your job as a jungler. Taking a turret down that quickly means the enemy team gets fed which means they will most likely take raider and take another turret and ddd and another tourette and blah blah blah....

    So yeah, this means that if there are no laners in lane (especially true for top lane) or if there aren't enough ppl in lane then jump in lane and get your xp that way. This means that you drop ERRTHANG, including clearing that last creep in your jungle camp to do so. Remember, you can always go back to it. Also note that even if you are bot jungle and there is significant pressure in top lane, GO TO TOP LANE AND HELP. Junglers must be flexible and be able to double gank or switch jungles if need be. With 2 junglers, there is no reason for a lane to fail unless the laners are just really really bad.

    If the lanes are fine, then your next priority is relays. Remember that elites respawn 3 mins after they die which means that if you started them right when they spawned, they will respawn around the 4 min mark and relays will unlock at the 5 min mark. What does this mean? Well if there are 2 junglers, then you could both take elites and then both take relay to share the gold/xp. But IMO this is a waste of time. One jungler should take the elites when they respawn (bot jungle imo) and the other jungler should take the relay. This ensures that a jungler can still help a lane if need be instead of both junglers being "incapacitated" at that moment which in this case could be a full minute. The relay and elites will give about the same amount of xp/gold. 

    The last priority is Raider. This pops up at *8:30 mins. DO NOT FORGET THIS! This objective typically decides which team will win the game. Try your best to give your team a 1 minute heads up before this spawns since laners can get tunnel vision pretty easily. Right around or just before *7:30 min, your team should be porting back to base to heal and regain will while you cover lane. When they are halfway to turret again or if they were fine anyways, then you should be backing as well to prepare for the raider fight. Try to hit lvl 6 before this fight so you have an ult for the fight. The team with more lvl 6 champs will typically take the raider. Also having detonate and consume will help take this raider down fairly quickly, or will at least allow you to steal it if you can sneak in there while the enemy team is trying to take it down. Once raider is destroyed, time it in the chat (try not to type it in the all chat).

    Here is another helpful tip, if you do not know when the raider was destroyed, walk over to it to reset the symbol on the minimap. The symbol will always repop when the raider/jungle creep have respawned even if you don't know when it was destroyed.

    Welp, that's about it for the basics of jungling. Please comment and rep me if you found this guide helpful. Also feel free to ask any questions or let me know if you have different opinions about anything I discussed here.

    Latest comments
    The only reason I haven't listed the stats of the items is because you can check them out here on this website already. But I'll go ahead and put it in when I update for AtPI's stolen power.
    9:14 pm, Jan 9th, 2014
    Thanks for the guide.  As a new player this info is very valuable.  I appreciate you also updating the stolen powers to use based on the game updates.  Some of the older guids area a bit all over the place.  I know you just finished this recently and may do more updates. The only suggestion that I would make is if there is a way for you to link the stats of the items you listed that would be cool.  I realize they are basci starter items but the info would help a bit.
    1:33 pm, Jan 7th, 2014