I'm gonna keep this short, unfortunately.
So the way I play superman is to peel for your teammates and deal heavy burst damage. The amps and mods I use are upgraded nil weapon, upgraded metallo's heart, upgraded deathsroke's; with amps of cooldown per lvl and attack damage/ lifesteal buffs. This allows me to kill drones faster, help slow my team's enemies more, and to get more burst damage in.
General Build- Shield with Sword of Beowulf, Better 1v1s with Metallo's Heart, Super Burst Damage with Psi-Scimitar, Nice Effects of Batman Utility Belt
-- With 10% CDR from Batman Belt, 10% from Metallo's, and about 16-17 from Amps, There is no need for huntress's Crossbow.
Laning phase- Grab drones with last hits and focus on taking minimal damage. Try to get your E and W to harass your opponent. When I decide to commit or to get a gank with my jungler, Use your Q first if they're close, then E and W into another Q. If they are running or just far away, E, W, Then Q.
Teamfights- Single out a squishy opponent, hopefully their ADC, with the e and w. Your build is not based off of Long term Damage, Just getting someone out of place for your teammates to kill faster than the speed of light. Keep an eye on your carry if you just lost a teamfight. If you and your gasbat or cyborg are running, and the enemy is going to get one of you, use your E to push them back, and your W to freeze them. If this is still not enough to peel for them to get back to base, just try to tank them. The cyborg will do a lot better when trying to keep drones away from your turrets.
When using your ult, make sure the enemy is low enough to kill them, and that they arent running to their teammates. Map awareness and knowing your damage both come from experience, so I can't help much there.
Have fun playing superman, I had many laughs.