First I would like to say I play Superman a little more on the tanky side than most.
I use a custom amp set which is for Superman that consists of Enhanced Suit of Sorrows, Skilled Attack 2 Psi Scimitar, and Enhanced Claymore. Use Gold labeled health augments.
Starting off the match, you should take a T3 and T1 combo Hawkman's Harness and Promethium Mace. Sell them once you get back to base, and start into your regular build. Claymore is an item you want to build up early, and in most cases, Suit of Sorrows is the next item you want to invest in. At any time once you get T2 Claymore, and you have 1500 credits with decent defenses, you want to start Joe Chill's Revolver which you will invest with over time.
Once you get Suit or your PD armor item almost to cap, get Joe Chill's to cap. And when you are satisified with your defenses, you want to invest in Psi Scim if you brought the mod. If you did not, select an optional AD item and build that. Remember if you are using Psi Scim, set it to +150% base AD. I personally love the items that have keywords that work with basic attacks. Your Q is a buffed basic attack, and you will be fighting a lot with your unbuffed basic attack.
Now once you have all of that set, cap the build using the optional item that fills the largest void you have if any. If I am in a very close, very long GH game, I grab Amulet of Isis often for the bonus movespeed (from the item and keyword) and the increased will and health pools. It helps speed you and your team up while chasing down enemies or going to an important objective in the end game. We all know how important speed is in a close GH game.
Remember to have fun out there, and don't be afraid to team up with a good Doomsday. He may want to kill you most of the time, but Superman and Doomsday is a great duo. With both of you built right, you can be unstoppable.
P.S. Remember to Thumb's Up or Thumb's Down guides. It helps your fellow players very much.