With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.
Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.
The focus of this guide is Wonder Woman jungle, specifically on the map Gotham Divided, if your intentions are not to learn specifically about this role I would strongly suggest going to another guide on Dawnbase. With that said, let’s begin!
Wonder Woman is an extremely capable jungler who has a very large amount of team fight potential post level 6. This is due to her ultimate (Blocking Bracers) and its ability to incapacitate a large number of enemies at once. Therefore, this guide revolves around this aspect of her (this will be discussed later in the guide).
Holt Holdings [Samurai]
+0.53 Power Armor/lvl
+1.75 Move Speed
Holt Holdings [Phalanx] [Beasts]
+0.39 Attack Armor/lvl
+0.39 Power Armor/lvl
Wayne Enterprises [Landslide]
+4.21 Health/lvl
+1.62 Move Speed
The purpose of this page is to allow for maximum mobility while still being able to maintain some durability in team fights. Because Wonder Woman is not very strong and reliable before level 6, the only “instant bonuses” that are beneficial is Move Speed.
This is by no means the only way to build a page for Wonder Woman as this page specifically focuses on mobility and the ability to engage on the other team/help your other lanes as fast as possible.
Stolen Powers
Currently in the jungle you really only see a handful of Stolen Powers used, with that said, the following list is what you see in competitive play and does not apply to public games where you may find a Stolen Power that is of use.
Joker’s Detonate
“Deal 40 Power Damage to all Champions near target enemy drone, creature or environmental object. Drones and creatures in the area (including the one targeted) are dealt 160 True Damage and environmental objects are destroyed. All targets hit also lose 15% Move Speed for 3 seconds.”
This is most likely the most used jungle Stolen Power because it has various applications and is actually REQUIRED in order to clear jungle camps faster, easily take/steal EMPs from top and bottom lanes, put out slightly more damage to enemy champions and apply a Move Speed slow or even snipe a Raider in a close situation.
[/list] Harley Quinn’s Detonate
“Deal 60 Power Damage to all Champions and drones near target enemy drone, creature or environmental object. Creatures in the area (including the one targeted) are dealt 160 True Damage instead and environmental objects are destroyed.”
This Stolen Power has the exact same concept as Joker’s Detonate, but it does not apply a Move Speed slow and instead it scale off of your total Power Damage. With that said, if you are playing a Jungler like Shazam and wish to have a detonate that does more damage from stats that benefit your overall damage, this is the best option.
“Deal 40 Power Damage to all Champions and drones near target enemy drone, creature or environmental object. Creatures in the area (including the one targeted) are dealt 160 True Damage instead and environmental objects are destroyed.”
If you have yet to unlock the “Enhanced Stolen Powers” the regular Detonate does just fine as well. It simply lacks the added effect that the other two have (the Movespeed slow or the increased damage scaling)
[/list] Optional, but cannot replace the Detonate Stolen Powers
Cyborg’s Teleport
“Target an allied Turret, Drone, Surveillance Camera or Control Point with no contesting enemy Champions, and blinks to it after 2.5 seconds.”
This is basically the only teleport you want to be running on Wonder Woman for this build because you want to get into the fight as soon as possible and this is the fastest way of doing so if you happen to be across the map. This teleport not only serves as a great way to be able to help a lane when needed, but also it can be used to get a sneak initiation on the other team while their attention is directed elsewhere.
“Target an allied Turret, Drone, Surveillance Camera or Control Point with no contesting enemy Champions, and blinks to it after 4 seconds.”
Once again, if you do not have the “Enhanced Stolen Powers” the regular teleport CAN work, but it’s much more difficult and it takes much longer, and in some cases it’s not worth even running it because of how slow it is.
[/list] Psychic Assault (preferably Zatanna’s)
I generalized with this one because you can literally run any of the Psychic Assaults and they will serve the same purpose: Allow you to catch up to someone in lane to set-up a kill and/or stun them with your Lasso Grab ability. Zatanna’s simply applies a greater Move Speed slow than the others.
Wonder Woman’s Super Strength
“Pick up Large Object: Throws the object, dealing Attack Damage to enemies in an area equal to 20% of their Max Health. Range increased by 200.
Pick up Small Object: Throws the object in a line, dealing 80 Attack Damage to the first enemy it hits, and knocking them up. Range increased by 200.”
This is the only Super Strength you should be running on Wonder Woman as it is the only one where you can chain a meteor into a lasso for a stun duration of 2.25 seconds. This can be useful in the early phases of the game to get picks in lane when ganking.
[/list] Skills
Lasso Grab (Q)
“Wonder Woman throws her lasso, Stunning the first target it hits for 1 second. Wonder Woman then blinks to the stunned foe and deals 60 Power Damage.”
Lasso Grab is Wonder Woman’s main initiating ability before purchasing Speed Force Battery and is a very important ability in the early phases of the game both in ganks and teamfights. Lasso Grab scales in damage very well, so leveling it up early on is a good idea in order to secure kills in-lane when you go for ganks. It also serves as a great damaging tool for the larger creatures in the jungle. Although the damage aspect of this spell is great, it’s the stun that’s really important and should be used at very specific times in order to get a pick or catch an enemy champion in a gank or teamfight. Its damage additionally increases by 80% of total Power Damage.
Protection (W)
“Wonder Woman gains a Shield that blocks 40 damage and lasts for 4 seconds. If she targets an ally with Protection, she blinks to that ally, who also gains a Shield. If either Shield is broken by damage, the cooldowns on all of Wonder Woman's skills are reduced by 2 seconds.”
Protection is a decent ability that is mainly used for the jumping effect rather than the actual shield itself. This ability can be targeted on allied drones, allied champions and any kind of ally cameras (Raider and Surveillance). This ability allows for an additional way to get in closer to the enemy to initiate or to soak up a little bit of damage on one of your allies. It’s potency additionally increases by 10% of bonus Health.
Amazonian Prowess (E)
“Wonder Woman's Basic Attacks deal damage to all nearby targets when Amazonian Prowess is active, and they deal bonus 10 Power Damage for 6 seconds.”
This ability is absolutely imperative and must be leveled as soon as the game starts in order to allow for proper jungle clear. The description of the spell basically covers what it does in essence, but it’s worth noting that the increase in damage can make this ability very strong in the early game for dealing damage to both the drones and enemy champions without having to focus them. Its damage additionally increase by 40% of total Power Damage.
Blocking Bracers (R)
“Wonder Woman taunts nearby enemies and channels in place. While channeling she gains 50% Attack Armor and 50% Power Armor, she deals 60 Power Damage over the duration to enemies in the area, and her taunted targets are forced to move towards her and attack her with Basic Attacks. After 1.5 seconds, Blocking Bracers ends and she deals 80 Power Damage to all nearby enemies.”
Blocking Bracers is possibly the best initiation ability in the game and by far the most important that Wonder Woman has. This ability is to be used specifically to lockdown enemy champions to secure a kill or several at that. The area of effect of this spell is large enough to hit all enemy champions if used at the perfect time and location. Simply being able to use this ability on the primary targets from the opposing team (Marksman, Assassin, Controller, Blaster) can allow for an easy victory as they become immobilized and bursted down. Its damage additionally increases by 60% for damage over time and 60% for the ending damage.
Child of Olympus (Passive)
“Trigger: When Wonder Woman's Health drops below 25%, she will heal 12% of her Max Health over 12 seconds.”
Child of Olympus is pretty straight forward. It’s a great way to be able to bait out a kill as the Health Regeneration is quite significant and may be underestimated by your enemies at times.
[/list] Skill Order
First things first, Amazonian Prowess at level 1. This ability is required for you to clear your jungle camps and/or hold the lane if one of your allies needs to heal up for a moment. It’s called “Amazonian Prowess” for a reason, and Wonder Woman needs that prowess aspect in order to be a feisty Amazonian! After this you want to be leveling up Lasso Grab, the reason being that it allows for a slightly faster jungle clear as well as ganks in the other lanes. As soon as you have these two abilities, level up you can basically level her two different ways:
Method 1 - Max Lasso Grab (putting 1 point into Protection when you can’t level Lasso Grab), then Max Protection or Amazonian Prowess (completely depending on whether you want some faster clear or be able to potentially soak up fatal damage on an ally).
Method 2 - Max Amazonian Prowess (Putting 1 point into Protection when you can’t level Amazonian Prowess), then Max Lasso Grab or Protection (completely depending on whether you want some faster clear or be able to potentially soak up fatal damage on an ally).
Always remember to level Blocking Bracers when you can!
I typically go with Method 1 because I am a very active jungler and I like the extra Lasso Grab damage, then I would max Amazonian Prowess, so I can keep up with jungle clear.
This is not all to say that there is any WRONG ability order. For example, maxing Amazonian Prowess in a situation where your lanes simply don’t want or require you to gank is by far more beneficial than maxing Lasso Grab early on.
Artifacts and Mods
Core Artifacts
Marauder Ring (3), Amulet of Isis (3), Speed Force Battery, Oa Gambit or Qward Gambit (2): The first 3 items are absolutely required for this Wonder Woman guide as each and every one of them serves a primary role in her gameplay.
Optional Artifacts
Entropy Aegis (3), Atlantean Royal Seal (4), Mirror Master’s Prism (4), Suit of Sorrows (3)
Each of these artifacts serve specific roles and are typically bought depending on the other teams composition and/or what your team may require of you.
Items to Mod
Marauder Ring - S.T.A.R. Labs Mod: +15 Power Damage (Tier 3)
This Mod allows you to farm slightly faster and increases the overall damage of your abilities in the early phases of the game allowing you to get a kill faster and with ease.
Amulet of Isis - Lex Corp Mod: Mercury’s Gift 2: Activate to give nearby allies a 30% Move Speed boost for 8 seconds. (Tier 3)
This Mod is extremely important to this build and is absolutely required for maximum mobility and well as initiation/disengage potential in teamfights. The 30% Move Speed buff for 8 seconds can be the difference between getting a kill or surviving a fight at low Health.
Oa Gambit or Qward Gambit - Queen Industries Mod: Artifact gain Investment 1: 3 credits per 10 seconds at Tier 1 and Investment 2: 5 credits per 10 seconds at Tier 2.
The purpose of this Mod is due to the lack of early game presence with Wonder Woman and her slightly less top-tier farming ability. With this Mod, you are typically able to surpass or at least stay at par with the enemy Jungler whilst being able to roam and have lane presence and therefore making this Mod very important as well.
Starting Items
Marauder Ring (1), Modular Health Vial (1).
These are the only two items you should be starting with every single game. As soon as you have the money to buy Marauder Ring (2) buy it. (You will have plenty of time to buy it before the jungle creeps spawn so buy it at a tower and proceed to the first jungle spawn).
The Modular Health Vial (1) is specifically for some early game sustain so that you can stay healthy if you are required to hold a lane or what-not.
Item Build Order
Marauder Ring (1) > Modular Health Vial (1) > Marauder Ring (3) > Oa Gambit (2) > Amulet of Isis (3) > Speed Force Battery > Entropy Aegis (3) OR Atlantean Royal Seal (4) OR Mirror Master’s Prism (4) OR Suit of Sorrows (3)
If you happen to be ahead in farm because you picked up some easy kills, then be my guest and get later game items sooner, or even vice-versa, if you happen to be behind in farm or weak to Power or Attack Damage types, build accordingly.
*What I DO strongly suggest as a sort of “no matter what” is that you should get Amulet of Isis (3) as soon as you can.*
How to Play Her
Jungle is basically a “rinse and repeat” sort of role assuming everything goes well, and therefore, is somewhat difficult to write out an EXACT description on how to play any Jungler throughout the game. With that said, this is a basic idea of how to jungle:
Start with your top laner at the “Health camp” (Red Side) or “Speed camp” (Blue Side) and share the experience. Focus the large creep with your Amazonian Prowess ability on because it will kill the two smaller creeps next to it (in a public game if no one helps you with this camp, don’t be afraid to use your Detonate on the large creep).
Move to the top jungle camp (on your side) with your top-laner and share that experience, once again focusing the large creep with your ability active.
Move to the top lane together and attempt to push the lane out to make room for an EMP kill (if this seems difficult to do or that the lane is somewhat back and forth, simply leave the lane so that you aren’t sharing too much experience/wasting time).
Clear the camp just above the mid lane turret on your side the same way you did for the other two camps, focusing the large creep with Amazonian Prowess active.
At this stage you may decide to try and gank mid lane, continue farming other jungle creeps, running towards bottom lane for a gank/EMP kill or going back to base to drop your mid laner a health drop (if requested).
Clear your “Speed camp” (Red Side) or “Health camp” (Blue Side) as soon as possible, whether it be immediately after an attempted EMP kill/gank at bot lane or just after clearing the camp above mid lane turret.
Rinse and Repeat.
Because Red side gets to start at the Health camp initially, they typically have the edge when it comes to being able to help out their mid laner. With that said, if you are on Blue Side, you should try to get your Health camp done as soon as possible, so your other lanes can have access to the “Health Drop”.
How to Play Her During Teamfights
Although it seems fairly straightforward on how to play her in a team fight, sometimes people tend to jump the gun and initiate when their team isn’t ready. If this occurs, your ult will most likely be USELESS and no one wants to be seen as the USELESS one on their team (@FatalUno<3). With that said, always call or at least ping to warn your team that you are going to initiate, use your Amulet of Isis for the extra Move Speed boost and get in as close as you can without getting hit for any damage by ANYTHING (otherwise you will be unable to use your Speed Force Battery for a duration of 6 seconds) and use Speed Force Battery to jump into the enemy team and immediately use your ultimate Blocking Bracers.
*Notes Regarding Initiation*
Always try to at least hit 1 prime damage dealer on the other team so that your allies can burst them down and remove their damage from the team fight, hopefully turning the fight into a 4v5 or 3v5 as soon as possible.
If you are constantly being stopped from being able to use your Speed Force Battery to initiate, picking up an Entropy Aegis (3) will allow you to soak up one skill and continue your initiation on the enemy team.
What to Keep in Mind When Playing Wonder Woman Jungle
As with any Jungler, it is very important to keep track of the respawn timers for the EMPs, Health and Speed Camps as well as Raider timings. Another very important thing to do as a Jungler in competitive play is calling out when you see things that the other lanes may miss, whether that be someone missing from a lane, someone rotating to another lane or simply someone who may be in close vicinity of one of the lanes. By doing all of this, you ensure that your team is aware of their surroundings and then it is up to them to decide whether to play aggressive or passive in lane.
Calling out your cooldowns on abilities and items is also very important as it allows you team to know what they can expect from you. Simply saying “My ult is on/off cooldown” can be the difference between taking a smart or silly teamfight.
Thank you so much for having took the time to read through my guide. I plan on making other guides for champions that can be played in the jungle as well so keep an eye out for them if you found this to be helpful! Any and all comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated and will be taken into great consideration/responded to promptly. Hope you see you all in-game sometime pwning it up! <3
Why would you tell people to mod Royal Seal over Prism. Until 2.0 sometime in the distant future, it is broken and should be modded in every tank set until it is fixed. I would also put priority in E since it has such a long cooldown, and is probably
Great guide, this is how I usually play her! But I'd recommend getting the Disintegration 2 mod for Cosmic Staff over 350 Credits off Starheart. Also if you're going defensive, Cosmic Belt is better than Ruby of Life in that it also gives you Power D