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    Infinite Crisis builds for General

    Team Composition & Lane Picks

    A General guide by LaserCircus
    Last updated: Feb 10th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/team-composition-amp-lane-picks
    4,114 0



    I wanted to write this guide to help newer players form a team in the Champion Select Screen while also considering the laning phase. I am going to do my best to keep it brief without going too much into details on things such as team composition for sake of branching off. Due to the ever growing competitive scene and evolving meta things are always going to change so take the list as a mere suggestion. 

    Team Composition

    When considering what to choose for a team composition you want to factor in these following variables.

    Team composition based on Attack Type: 
  • 2 Ranged, 3 Melee
  • 3 Ranged, 2 Melee
  • 4 Ranged, 1 Melee[/list]

  • It is interesting to note that all Enforcers have the Melee Attack Type, so having at least one of them makes a valid composition around 4 Ranged Attack Types.[/list] 

    Team composition based on Source of Damage:
  • 2 Attack Damage, 3 Power Damage
  • 3 Attack Damage, 2 Power Damage[/list]

  • Things can get confusing when you enter Hybrid Champions like Gaslight Batman and Mecha Wonder Woman into the mix. It is easier when you primarily focus on one source of damage for these Champions but when you cannot just consider them both into the composition.
  • It is interesting to note that all Enforcers are of the Power Damage source so that will always be factored into the Source of Damage composition.[/list]

    Team composition based on Champion Role:
    1. Marksmen
    2. Marksmen/Blaster/Controller
    3. Assassin/Blaster/Controller
    4. Assassin/Bruiser/Enforcer
    5. Bruiser/Enforcer[/list]

    This segment of Team Composition is still a mystery as newer compositions are always being discovered. There are times that if the composition calls for it there will be a lot of overlap especially after line two. An example of this would be Marksmen, Marksmen, Controller, Controller, and Enforcer. Another example of overlap could be Marksmen, Blaster, Controller, Controller, and Enforcer.

  • There are extreme circumstances when you can use a Bruiser as an Enforcer if they are giving up their chance for Attack Damage for a more Health and Armor reliant build (i.e Superman going Suit of Sorrows and Metallo's Heart)[/list]  

    Getting Started

    Before I go on to list the Lanes and what they are usually comprised of I want to note that Marksmen are perfectly viable in all lanes it just depends of the strategy the team wants to go for. It is known there is at most two Marksmen on a team in any given game. One is usually placed in a solo lane while the other goes to the Bot Lane or Duo Lane.
    Gaslight Batman
    Blue Beetle
    Green Arrow
    Atomic Joker
    Mecha Wonder Woman[/list]

    Lane Suggestions

    Please note that these are listed by alphabetical order under Infinite Crisis and in no other particular order.

    Top Lane
    This is your general solo lane with a Champion that has one or more of the following: sturdy enough to sustain in lane, survive a gank, deal damage, enpowered attacks, has an escape ability.
    Aquaman (Melee, Bruiser)
    Atrocitous (Melee, Enforcer)
    Batman (Melee, Assassin)
    Nightmare Batman (Melee, Bruiser)
    Gaslight Catwoman (Melee, Assassin)
    Doomsday (Melee, Bruiser)
    Flash (Melee, Assassin)
    Arcane Green Lantern (Melee, Enforcer)
    Atomic Green Lantern (Melee, Enforcer)
    Hawkgirl (Melee, Bruiser)
    Gaslight Joker (Melee, Enforcer)
    Robin (Melee, Bruiser)
    Nightmare Robin (Melee, Assassin)
    Shazam (Melee, Enforcer)
    Supergirl (Melee, Bruiser)
    Superman (Melee, Bruiser)
    Swamp Thing (Melee, Enforcer)
    Wonder Woman (Melee, Enforcer)
    Atomic Wonder Woman (Melee, Assassin)[/list]

    Mid Lane
    This is your general solo lane with a Champion that has one or more of the following: poke damage, high source of damage coming from skills, auto attacks, wave clear, some general survivability in the form of an escape. 
    Aquaman (Melee, Bruiser)
    Catwoman (Melee, Blaster)
    Flash (Melee, Assassin)
    Green Lantern (Ranged, Blaster)
    Harley Quinn (Ranged, Controller)
    The Joker (Ranged, Blaster)
    Poison Ivy (Ranged, Controller)
    Nightmare Robin (Melee, Assassin)
    Sinestro (Ranged, Blaster)
    Star Sapphire (Ranged, Blaster)
    Star Girl (Ranged, Blaster)
    Starro (Ranged, Controller)
    Arcane Supergirl (Ranged, Blaster)
    Nightmare Superman (Ranged, Controller)
    Atomic Wonder Woman (Melee, Assassin)
    Zatanna (Ranged, Controller)[/list]

    Bot Lane
    This is the only lane known to be seen with two players, also called the Duo Lane. It is generally where you see your Marksmen with one of the following Champions or in special circumstances a combination of two of the following Champions. The lane is suppose to have great synergy in the form of poke damage, kill potential, lane sustain from heals/shields, crowd control, initiation, disengage/peel, wave clear. So do your best to choose something that compliments each other and provide the most out of the lane. 
    Aquaman (Melee, Bruiser)
    Atrocitous (Melee, Enforcer)
    Catwoman (Melee, Blaster)
    Green Lantern (Ranged, Blaster)
    Arcane Green Lantern (Melee, Enforcer)
    Atomic Green Lantern (Melee, Enforcer)
    Harley Quinn (Ranged, Controller)
    The Joker (Ranged, Blaster)
    Poison Ivy (Ranged, Controller)
    Atomic Poison Ivy (Melee, Enforcer)
    Robin (Melee, Bruiser)
    Star Sapphire (Ranged, Blaster)
    Stargirl (Ranged, Blaster)
    Starro (Ranged, Controller)
    Arcane Supergirl (Ranged, Blaster)
    Mecha Superman (Melee, Enforcer)
    Nightmare Superman (Ranged, Controller)
    Wonder Woman (Melee, Enforcer)
    Zatanna (Ranged, Controller)[/list]

    Urban Jungle
    As a jungler the Champion has to have one or more of the following: good jungle clear times, high gank potential, high mobility, great level 6 Ultimate.
    Aquaman (Melee, Bruiser)
    Atrocitous (Melee, Enforcer)
    Batman (Melee, Assassin)
    Nightmare Batman (Melee, Bruiser)
    Gaslight Catwoman (Melee, Assassin)
    Doomsday (Melee, Bruiser)
    Flash (Melee, Assassin)
    Arcane Green Lantern (Melee, Enforcer)
    Atomic Green Lantern (Melee, Enforcer)
    Hawkgirl (Melee, Bruiser)
    Gaslight Joker (Melee, Enforcer)
    Atomic Poison Ivy (Melee, Enforcer)
    Nightmare Robin (Melee, Assassin)
    Shazam (Melee, Enforcer)
    Supergirl (Melee, Bruiser)
    Superman (Melee, Bruiser)
    Swamp Thing (Melee, Enforcer)
    Wonder Woman (Melee, Enforcer)
    Atomic Wonder Woman (Melee, Assassin)[/list]

    Author Notes:
    10/27/14 - Created Initial Document
    11/12/14 - Added Starro to list of possible lanes.
    11/27/14 - Added Arcane Supergirl to list of possible lanes. 
    02/10/15 - Added Swamp Thing & Hawkgirl to list of possible lanes. 

    Thanks for reading my guide and if you have any questions, comments, concerns, and suggestions please do post them in the comments section. If you enjoyed it and find it useful please upvote this guide as it will serve as an indicator to me that I nailed the guide or on the right track so this guide and future guides will meet the same quality. 

    You can also find me on Twitch
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