Star Sapphire (SS) is an amazing Lane Champion early/mid game and a powerhouse push endgame.
She excels in harassment of your opponents by "dancing" her crystal around.
The [[Crystal Bomb]] not only does damage when it arrives at it's location, but the Predator that dashes out of SS's body does damage to any and all enemies on the way to the Crystal. It also does damage on the way back, like after you detonate it with [[Violet Harvest]].
When [[Violet Harvest]] detonates the Crystal around enemy champions, SS also gains temporary Power damage for each it hits (hence the purple strands syphoning power from enemies). Doing so gives you a nice power boost in a team fight or a 2v1 situation.
[[Bonds of Love]] also does DPS to the enemies bonded together, unless you use it to run, keep it active unless the last second, then activate it again to pull them together and stun the bonded enemies.
I Take [[Gaslight Batman's Surveillance Camera]] to keep the Open Vision, depending on what lane I'm in.
Otherwise [[Doomsday's Invulnerability]] is a Better choice once to survive any early ganks.
More to come!