Gotham Heights Wonder Woman Guide First things first lets talk mod sets - Empowered Suit of Sorrows, Empowered Mirror Master’s Prism and Enhanced Fragment of Mogo. You’re gonna want to have Reflection to punish all who target you! Then mogo is a heavy part of the strategy in this set so since we’re always gonna have to use it, we’re gonna up how much health we get at lvl 2, which is actually pretty nice!!
Amps: Stolen Power: Poison Ivy’s Healing Wave and Doomsday’s Shield Skill Leveling order: Passive, Ult, Lasso, Amazonian Prowess, Protection. *Skill order can be changed based on how the enemy team plays. Passive always needs to be at least lvl 3 to be effective and noticeable in team fights. As spamming stolen powers and Protection will make you live long enough to see the health be restored.
I’ve found that starting the match right off with Lvl 1 Fragment of Mogo and lvl 1 Suit of Sorrows gives you increased longevity on the initial top point fight. You want to constantly use W Protection on any champ getting focused to offset their strategy. Then whenever your teams starts a strong push spam the healing wave to make them easily kill off a focused champ.
Now after winning top, keep building either suit of sorrows or start Mirror masters prism depending on what champs are on top. Finish either Suit or Prism and finish Fragment of Mogo. Weaken enemies by trapping them on points with your lasso and then you’re going to spam the combo of: Staying on a point with turret + Burning Core + Blocking Bracers [R] + Amazonian Prowess [E] . This will finish most of them off or at least damage them so the rest of your team can finish them off.
You want to focus on bulk mainly for WW as she doesn’t not have an amazing offensive presence. If you are not getting focused and your Amazonian Prowess and Lasso are on cooldown, then constantly use Protection to keep your teammates alive while you and they focus and wear down enemies. Your basic attacks are going to be your main line of damage dealing while Amazonian Prowess is best when the enemy team is group to deal AOE damage to all of them.
Once you get Both (Or One depending on if you need the other badly) of your reflections up, you want to jump for Atlantean seal to increase your power damage and add more health to let that reflection and armor shine. Whenever facing other heavy healing tanks or if you notice the items being built on the other enemy champion is increasing health regen. Grab the Cosmic Staff to deal Wounding and Disintegration to them and help your teammates kill off those power houses. *Note this is instantly my decision when facing a Gaslight joker as it immediately shuts him down.
Now if you’re constantly being focused each fight (which is awesome) then head for Metallo’s Heart as the 20% reduction in Attack speed with significantly help you live through all of the fights and makes you incredibly powerful when you do your Burning Earth Trick.