As my other guides, this is a practical and fast guide to the champion, also forget my lack of english since its not my main language, hope you find it useful.
About the champion:
I find it to be a hybrid, since one part complement the other, your auto are not good enough if you dont cast any skill and " vise versa" , so we can take full advantage of this with a little twist on the build and not going dmg dmg dmg like the game suggest.
Skill order:
Priority; (R) - (Q) - (Passive) - (E) - (W).
So why?, becuse Q its our main damage source and it makes a great combo with our passive (attack speed and 10% more damage). Now, W its pretty usless, its only uses are for getting passive active or initiating in a group, for another part E just needs to have 1 point to work properly since its our main scape.
Stolen powers:
Well you go with the basic stuff
Super Speed and any other SP that you feel safe with
Starter items:
As always with damage dealers
Nil Weapon and
Claw Of Horus (1) are a solid option, if you fear for your life then get
Sword Of Beowulf (1) insted of CoH.
Core items:
Ok, mostly your first choise its going to be [[Huntress' Crossbow (3)]] and right after
Psi-Scimitar (3) they make a good combo, then go for [[Batman's Utility Belt (4)]] for some utility and another escape. [[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]] will finish the job on damage.
Other items:
Alright here it goes; having trouble with sustain?
Soultaker Katana (4).
Anoying tanks and brusiers? [[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]].
Need to push fast with some fun?
Mega Rod (3).
Enemy escaping? [[Lobo's Chain (4)]].
Always get an auto ten Q, this is your'e bread and butter.
When figthing remember to constaly cast spells to keep passive up.
Your W can be use on close combat, so your E remember it.
Save E for escape, and only if you are sure that you get the kill use it for chase.