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    Infinite Crisis builds for Harley Quinn

    CritneyFears - "Say hello to the new, improved Harley Quinn!"

    A Harley Quinn guide by TheRealCritneyFears
    Last updated: Nov 3rd, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/therealcritneyfearss-gotham-divided-harley-quinn-guide
    3,429 0


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    Welcome to my  Harley Quinn Guide for Gotham Divided!


    Hey Protcetors!

    I am CritneyFears and i play Infinite Crisis since the Beta Version and love it. It has great potential. I play on EU. I am not in a team or something like that, but i think i am a very solid player. Mostly i play as support or jungler but i got on every lane some experince.
    In this Harley Quinn-Guide i present you the new Harley Quinn after the September-Update, moving her mainly to the support area.

    Harley Quinn is my main and favourite Controller and probably one of the strongest Will-Based Controller in the Game.
    She is a lot of fun and she excels at a combination of poking and sustaining, while also having strong Crowd-Control and great kiting potential. This makes her extremely variable and a strong pick with most carries.


    Harley Quinn is a Controller.
    Supports make plays by enabling their allies through buffs and heals, or by disrupting enemy lines through crowd control. From laning to late game teamfights, supports create advantages and opportunities for their teammates to capitalize on. A skilled support gives their team the edge it needs to claim victory, and can turn the tide of battle with just one well-timed play.

    Harley is the only character on Infinite Crisis who can heal another allied hero instantly.
    That makes her very viable.
    Harley Quinn is squishy in lane, this makes her somewhat vulnerable to poke or hard CC supports.
    Instead of defences and health she got great utility. Her heals are in in every situation of the game very usefull, additional she grants Aoe Crowd-Control for teamfights and great Mobility for a allied champions and herself. You can easily outrun or kite every other hero in the mid and late game.
    In addition to her natural support abbilitys, Harley needs items to aid her allies with shields and auras.

  • strong sustain
  • good poke
  • strong engage/ disengage potential
  • great teamfight potential
  • high utility
  • squishy early Game
  • Can have Will Problems
  • low single-target damage

  • Harleys Skillset

    Harley Quinn throws pies at the 3 targets closest to her. Each pie deals 50 Power Damage.

    Damage: 50/ 100/ 150/ 200 (+50% Power Damage +4% Bonus Will)
    Cooldown: 8/ 7/ 6/ 5 seconds
    Cost: 25/ 30/ 35/ 40 Will

    This abiliy is Harleys bread and butter and her main source of damage and poke. On level 4 it has a 5 second Cooldown and with 40% CDR only 3 seconds! Then the synergy with her passive is really strong.
    Pies! also scales with your max. Will, doing a decent amount of Damage after staking it.
    Note: The ability has no casttime, Harley Quinn doesnt need to stop while moving!

    Back Off

    Harley Quinn Knocks Back her target, deals 80 Power Damage, and then Slows them by 25% (+1% per 100 Bonus Will) for 2s.

    Damage: 80/ 140/ 200/ 260 (+40% Power Damage)
    Cooldown: 15/ 14/ 13/ 12 seconds
    Cost: 65/ 70/ 75/ 80 Will

    Back Off - A nice Crowd Control Ability to push the enemy away from you or your allies.
    You can also use it to push the enemy in an allied ability or in the range of a tower, but this neads practice and the proper timing with your teammates.
    It definitely needs to be maximized last.

    Best Medicine

    Harley Quinn heals her ally for 40 Health and they receive the BFFs effect.

    Heal: 40/ 80/ 120/ 160 (+10% Bonus Will)
    Cooldown: 10 seconds
    Cost: 40/ 60/ 80/ 100 Will

    Best Medicine - and thats true! This Ability scales with max. Will and easily heals you or your teammates whole amounts of Health. But the Will cost is still fairly steep and you have to be careful not to spam yourself out of mana or you'll find yourself vulnerable.

    Puddin Time

    Harley Quinn smashes her hammer to the ground, dealing 175 Power Damage in a cone. Enemies caught in the cone are Knocked Up for 1.5s.

    Damage: 175/ 225/ 275/ 325 (+70% Power Damage)
    Cooldown: 120/ 110/ 100/ 90 seconds
    Cost: 80 Will

    Harleys Ultimate is one of the best Crowd Control Abilities in the whole game. It does a fair amount of Damage and scales good with Power Damage. Additional every enemy gets knocked up for 1,5 Seconds.
    A great ability to engage or disengage from Teamfights!


    Whenever Harley executes a skill, she gains 10% (+1% per 333 Bonus Will) Attack Speed and 5% (+1% per 333 Bonus Will) Move Speed for 3s. If an ally is nearby, the ally also receives the boosts.

    Move Speed: 5%/ 7.5%/ 10%/ 12.5%
    Attack Speed: 10%/ 12.5%/ 15%/ 17.5%

    Probably really the best friend of a Carry like Mecha Wonder Woman or Green Arrow.
    When you use any skill you and the nearest allied hero get an Attack Speed and Movement Speed Buff for 3 Seconds.
    Right timed with Best Medicine you can buff 3 allied heros including yourself.
    BFF is a great utility passive, granting mobility for engage and disengage!


    Many Protectors just use the default Amplifiers given for every Hero from Infinite Crisis but there are most of the time better choices, especially when you want to fit into the match situation.
    I am using:

  • S.T.A.R. Empowered Eye Of Ekron Will Restore 2: Restores 15 Will when you collect a coin. (Tier 1)
    The Eye of Ekron on Tier 1 just costs 500 Credits. Additionial with this Mod you have no Mana issues.
  • Lex Enhanced Gorilla Grodd's Helmet +200 Will (Tier 3)
    More max. Will means more damage and better heals! and Gorilla Grodd's Helmet is a must have on Harley Quinn Support!
  • S.T.A.R. Empowered Abin Sur's Lantern Will Harvest: Gain stacks every 45s. (Tier 2)
    Abin Surs Lantern gives all a Support needs. Massive Will, Will regeneration, cooldown reduction and power damage.
    With this Mod early you can stack easily the Will until Mid/End Game Phase.

    Other possible Mods:
  • S.T.A.R. Empowered Eye Of Ekron Will Force 2: Grants Power Damage equal to 4% Bonus Will (Tier 4)
  • Holt Resonant Metallo's Heart Improved Dampening Aura: -25% Attack Speed for all nearby enemy Champions (Tier 3)
  • Lex Empowered Amulet Of Isis Mercury's Gift: Activate to give nearby allies a 35% Move Speed boost for 4 seconds. (Tier 3)


    Attack Armor (G) +3.9 Attack Armor
    Power Armor (G) +3.9 Power Armor

    Attack Armor (G)+3.9 Attack Armor
    Move Speed (S) +2.52 Move Speed

    Power Penetration (S) +1.5 Power Penetration
    Attack Armor (B) +3 Attack Armor

    Health (G) +4.21 Health/lvl (Max 79.99)
    Move Speed (B) +1.62 Move Speed

    Harley benefits from these Augments to get throught the hard early Game Phase against a ranged Attack Damage enemy.

  • Skillorder

    Starting with PIES! to have early poke and extra damage for trades. Additonal you can activate ur passive with this ability.
    Next point goes into Best Medicine for the sustain. After that you should take a point into Back Off. Usually Jungler ganks around level 3 the first time.
    With Back Off you can stay save in the lane.
    After this its your own choice. Both abilites (PIES! and Best Medicine) doubles the amount of Damage or Heal.
    But maxing out the Best Medicine first is always a good and safe choice.
    The Ultimate should be skilled everytime you can.
    After Best Medicine you go for PIES!, then the passive BFFs and last Back OFF.

    Stolen Powers

    I recommend [[Arcane Green Lantern's Healing Wave]] and [[Robin's Surveillance Camera]].

    With these Stolen Powers u get additional sustain ("Surprise Heal" and great vision for your bottom lane. Dont forget to grab a free camera from base, everytime you get back.

    Other viable Stolen Powers are the other Healing Waves and the other Surveillance Cameras like,
    [[Poison Ivy's Healing Wave]] and [[Green Arrow's Surveillance Camera]].
    But you can also use a X-Ray Vision, the most useful for Harley is [[Blue Beetle's X-Ray Vision]].

    Stolen Powers like Shields or Super Speed dont help the team, only you.
    No support should think like that.


    Abin Surs Lantern or Gorilla Grodd's Helmet
    Either of these are good starting items on Harley Quinn but i prefer Gorilla Grodds Helmet for the early Credit sharing.
    Additonal you buy Modular Tektite Vial and Modular Health Vial for the sustain.
    Sometimes you shouldnt get Abin Sur's Lantern, cause of the hard late game stacking.

    After that you try to get both items on Tier 2, to benefit from both passive effects.
    Your next Item should be [[Amulet of Isis]]. It provides Health, Will and more utility.
    Now you go for Eye of Ekron for the additonal Will and Will restore. Usually i max it out early for the additonal Damage.
    The last Core item is Mr. Terrific's T-Mask. Not many Players even try to buy it, but actually its pretty awesome.
    It grants Will, Power Damage and on Tier 3 and 4 awesome additional Effects. First you get the ECM Burst.
    It acts like the [[Green Arrow's Surveillance Camera]]. Very usefull to clear enemy cameras and reduce their sight.
    Last but not least you get the Devastating 1 which grants +10 Power Penetration. Very usefull for more poke/damage.

    Finally the next items are pretty optional.
    Against a heavy Attack Damage Team you should buy Metallo's Heart for the Health, Attack Armor and the dampening Aura.
    Against a heavy Power Damage Team  there is Entropy Aegis a good choice.
    More viable items are Atlantean Royal Seal, Amulet of Isis, Olympus Gambit, Qward Gambit.

    Laning Phase

    Early Game

    In General you should got a free Camera from the base.
    After the match begin you have to set 1 or 2 Cameras to for more vision. When you are on the left side you can help your jungler (who probably starts at the Health Camp)
    with vision and a few hits on the big Creature, but dont wait until it is beaten cause you steal Experince from your jungler and slows him down.
    From now on the Laning Phase starts.

    In the early game you are pretty weak. Stay save and help your Marksman to get the last hits.
    Prepare for trades with PIES! to deal damage on the enemy Marksman. BUT be careful when you hit the enemy champion with an basic attackall Drones will attack you and that hurts a lot.
    Try to evade that.
    Tip: After succesfully hitting an enemy champion with an basic attack go after 0,5-1 second into a stealth pad. The drones wont follow or attack you.

    At Level 2-3 you can trade more succeful with you heal. Your target is the enemy Marksman. Try to hit him and deny his last hits by poking him when a Drone of yours is low on health.
    Additional try to stomp every Credit the enemy didnt got. But dont over extend!

    Usually the jungler comes to gank the lane. Dont push the lane to far.
    You will be vulnerable to the enemy jungler and you allied jungler cant gank. Never forget to set cameras on the map to grant for everyone vision!!!

    Mid Game

    When you got your Ultimate Ability you have great kill potential with you Marksman. Try to focus on one target and beat it down.
    The Ultimate cooperates great with Mecha Wonder Womans Ultimate and Gaslight Batmans Ultimate.

    Reaching the Mid Game your job is to grant Vision, helping teammates gank and always to be aware of the Map.

    You have to know:
  • Where is the Jungler?
  • Where are opposing cameras?
  • Need someone help with a gank?
  • Where is everyone else?
    Its you part to know these things and help other teammates withs pings!

    End Game

    In the Endgame the vision should be concentrated on important objects like the Leviathan, the Raider and the other Buff-Camps.
    Always go along with your teammates. Most of the time you have to help them secure a kill or disengaging from a dangerous situation.

  • Warding Locations

  • Early Game Warding  These are important locations early Game to deny ganks from the enemy jungler
  • Mid and End Game Warding  Objective Control and good coverage of main paths (always have a camera an the Leviathan and the Raider
  • Situational Warding These warding spots are situational. For example, vision before a teamfight.


    Thanks for reading my guide!
    The Guide isnt complete. Ill add more content later [Laning Against] etc.
    Comments and suggestions are welcome, feel free to leave them in the comment section.
    Feel free to ask questions, I'll do my best to answer them!

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