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    Infinite Crisis builds for Atomic Wonder Woman

    The Wasteland Redeemer

    An Atomic Wonder Woman guide by Tryzine
    Last updated: Sep 20th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/under-constructionthe-wasteland-redeemer
    8,604 1


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    Welcome to my first Guide!
    "Who needs a lasso when you have a chainsaw?"

    Table Of Contents

         1. Introduction
         2. Skills
         3. Stolen Powers
         4. Items
         5. Early Game
         6. Mid Game
         7. Late Game
         8. Matchups

    1. Introduction

    Atomic Wonder Woman is fierce attack damage assassin with strong chase and escape capabilities. She relies on adaptability and huge burst damage. She is the perfect 1v1 duelist as she nukes squishy heroes and hold her own against bruisers and tanky enemies. She cannot be kited and can always escape if her health is low as she has just as many (if not more) gap closers/openers as the rest of the heroes.

    2. Skills

    Passive: [Rev]
    Atomic Wonder Woman gains a point of [Rev] when she inflicts damage with a skill, granting her bonus Attack Penetration for a time. If the Rev Meter is full, her skills gain additional effects, but consume her [Rev].

    Attack Penetration: 5/10/15/20
    Duration: 4/5/6/7

    Q: [Vault]
    Atomic Wonder Woman leaps to a target area dealing Attack Damage to enemies in the area. Revved: [Vault] can be used a second time.

    Damage: 30/60/90/120 +30% Attack Damage
    Cooldown: 16/15/14/13

    W: [Smite]

    Atomic Wonder Woman's next attack deals additional Attack Damage. Revved:  Atomic Wonder Woman's next basic attack deals even more additional Attack Damage.

    Damage: 32/64/96/128 +75% Attack Damage
    Rev Damage: 48/96/144/192 +125% Attack Damage
    Cooldown: 8/7/6/5

    E: [Savage Sweep]
    Atomic Wonder Woman deals Attack Damage in a cone. Enemies in the cone lose Movement Speed. Enemies at the edge of the cone take additional damage over time and their Movement Speed loss is doubled. Revved: [Savage Sweep] attacks in a circle instead of a cone and all enemies in the circle take damage over time as if they were ad the edge.

    Damage: 35/65/95/125 +40% Attack Damage
    Slow: 15%/25%/35%/45%

    R: [Reclaimer]

    Atomic Wonder Woman becomes immune to effects that interrupt her or impair her movement, and runs towards her target. When she reaches her target, she deals Attack Damage and fills her Rev Meter.

    Damage: 150/245/340/435 +100% Attack Damage
    Cooldown: 140/130/120/110


    3. Stolen Powers

    [[Atomic Wonder Woman's Super Speed]]
    I recommend this for the extra chase/escape. Also, a fun (but risky) trick is to activate the Super Speed then [Reclaimer] because when your ult hits the target, Super Speed will proc as if you ran through the enemy, dealing bonus damage. As an added bonus, you may run through additional enemies, dealing more damage.

    [[Zatanna's Psychic Assault]]
    I recomment this for the same reason as the Super Speed. If is just so happens you are ambushed and need to escape, you can use this to escape a troublesome situation. As an added bonus, you can use this to cripple Flash, making him deal less damage as his Attack Damage increases along with his Movement Speed.

    Additional Stolen Powers

    [[Gaslight Catwoman's X-Ray Vision]]
    This can also be used, but is only good for your ult or paranoia against stealth heroes such as Nightmare Batman or Gaslight Catwoman. As it reveals the entire enemy team and stealhed enemies, the sight will give you a proper target for your ult to pick off a stray.

    [[Poison Ivy's Healing Wave]]
    This is also an option as it heals and gives bonus Attack/Power Damage to yourself and allies in a short radius. The only way I would pick this is if I felt we would get into a series of teamfights after another. Once the fight is initiated, get to the center OF YOUR ALLIES and use your stolen power to give an edge.

    4. Items

    Ash Williams Chainsawpalooza Build Starting Items
    Coda Blade (2)
    [[Hawkman's Harness (1)]]
    I personally like this start because it enables you to deal the most damage you can early game while still having some protection from your Harness.

    Safety First Build Starting items
    [[Hawkman's Harness (3)]]
    Promethium Mace (2)
    At 1000 coins, rush back to base and buy [[Joker's Crowbar (2)]]
    Another viable start for Atomic Wonder Woman as it gives -10 Attack Damage and an extra +200 health than the Ash Build.

    Bruiser Build *NEW* I have been using this lately.
    Atomic Axe (2)
    [[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]]
    [[Lobo's Chain (4)]]
    Soultaker Katana (4)
    Coda Blade (4)
    [[Huntress' Crossbow (3)]]

    Core Items
    Coda Blade (4)
    Atomic Axe (2)
    Once you get these 2 items, you may begin your instakilling spree. You should be ulting all squishies and letting them know whose boss while shutting them down for mid game-late game.

    [[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]]
    Velocity 9 Implants (4)
    Once you get these 2 items, you are not able to duel with the tanks/bruisers. These will provide you with the Damage and Crit that you would be able to stand your own in a fight, rather than just assassinating the squishies.

    Situational Items
    [[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]]
    Get this item first if you are ahead.

    [[Batman's Utility Belt (4)]]
    This item is key to replace your [[Hawkman's Harness (1)]]. Prioritize this over [[Deathstroke's Claymore]] if there is an enemy Nightmare Batman and/or Gaslight Catwoman for some escape.

    [[Lobo's Chain (4)]]
    If for some reason you are scrubbing so hard that you cannot 1 shot nuke a squishy and getting taken down as a result, you can get this for the bonus +500 health and slow effect on your Basic Attack.

    Sword Of Beowulf (3)
    This item is a good replacement for Coda Blade (4) late game as it gives +10 Attack Damage, +30 Power Armor so you wont get full bursted by Flash or Joker, a shield and bonus 10% Attack Damage/Lifesteal for 5 seconds when you fall below 30% health. If anything, this is the completely last item you should buy.

    5. Early Game

    Bottom Lane 1v2
    *Try to reserve bottom lane for your Marksman. If the rare chance occurs where they insist on going top, use this.* Do not be afraid if you are alone and their are 2 enemies. However, dont fight them. Resort to guerilla warfare and poke with the edge of your [Savage Sweep] that person would most likely back off. If the other comes in, Basic Attack, then [Smite] instantly after for 1/2 their health. [Smite] resets your Basic Attack, so you deal more than 2x their damage in the beginning.

    Bottom Lane 1v1
    *Try to reserve bottom lane for your Marksman. If the rare chance occurs where they insist on going top, use this.*You shouldn't have a problem here. However, if the enemy bottom lane is somebody like Gaslight Batman or Cyborg, you should not try to capture their base until you get to level 6, when you can full hp nuke them. Just farm up on drones, and hope your allies have brains.

    Top Lane
    You should NEVER be the first person in. Opt to be the first person out to capture top left or top right (depending on which side) and have the rest of your allies bull rush top. Once your base is captured, cut through center and grab the speed boost and flank the enemies at top by attacking their rear. Most likely everybody would be at 1/2 and back off once they see Lollipop Chainsaw on their butt. Either that or they would try to fight, in which 90% of the time you win with a double kill because [Smite] and [Savage Sweep] deal massive damage early game.

    6. Mid Game

    Aw yeah, mid game. This is where Atomic Wonder Woman is at her strongest. This is your real "Make it or break it" scene. If you are good, you will snowball incredibly hard and have an easy 5-cap. If you aren't up to par, just hope you are high enough ahead to make a successful transition ahead into the late game. Ping the hell out of Orbital Cannon and get it as many times as you can. If you get it even in possession of all the bases, use it just to deny them getting it, leaving you with less things to worry about. You do not need to stick with your team often at this point, as your chainsaw magically turns into a mop and you act as the cleanup crew after teamfights. You enter when everybody is weak and kill them. Kill them dead.

    7. Late Game

    Late game is when you are at your weakest. On the bright side, the game should be over before then. If you are ahead, just camp the bases next to their spawn. If you are behind, use this. If you do reach the point of late game and are behind, this is what you should do. Save your ult for the squishies. Keep capturing points around the map. Be in every teamfight you can as you most likely deal the most damage. This is where you need to pay extra attention to the heroes. You can see how to go against all the heroes in the "Matchups" section below.

    8. Matchups

    *These matchups may differ from person-to-person. However, these are based on my personal experience.*
    Atomic Wonder Woman Difficulty: Skill
    This is a matchup that is completely dependant on skill. It can go either way as you are the same person.

    Batman Difficulty: 3/5
    This is also a matchup that can go either way. A good Batman can destroy you with a fragment of health remaining. Batman is a hero most likely unable to be insta-nuked. His dash is extended with your [Vault], so save it until after his dash is used. Stay out of his bats and you should be good to go.

    Cyborg Difficulty: 0/5
    This is a fight you WILL win. Cyborg has no means of escape with the exception of a stolen power. He is one of the most squishy heroes, so you will insta-nuke him 100% of the time.

    Doomsday Difficulty: 4/5
    Doomsday and Shazam are the two tough guys of Infinite Crisis. Doomsday if an incredibly tanky hero who deals above average damage. Most of the time you wont be able to 1v1 him and he cannot be nuked. DO NOT ult him unless he is low and DO NOT focus him in fights. You are a nuke, not a whittler.

    Flash Difficulty: 2/5
    Flash should not be a problem. However, I have made the mistake a few times where I have underestimated the power of Flash. Just know that even when backed up in a corner, Flash can deal tons of damage.

    Gaslight Batman Difficulty: 1/5
    Kill him. You can't lose. Ult him, poop on him. If he swings away, jump on his face.

    Gaslight Catwoman DIffuculty: Skill
    Both heroes are designed for 1 combo insta-kills. As long as she doesn't get the jump on you with her stealth, you should win.

    Gaslight Joker Difficulty: 1/5
    Another fight you cannot lose. However, you wont be able to nuke him. Don't get intimitated by his health, as he cannot deal that much damage. Stay on him and eventually he dies.

    Green Lantern Difficulty: 2/5
    This guy is a hero you should only approach if: A: You saw him use skills on somebody else. OR B: Your ult is up. If you try to fight him without paying attention to these, he will whittle your HP to nothing before you get near him.

    Joker Difficulty: 3/5
    Same thing as Green Lantern, except the Joker has a gap opener and slows. He can also instagib you if you aren't paying attention.

    Nightmare Batman Difficulty: 2/5
    If it comes to a stand-off, you will win 100%. However if you are cocky and try to towerdive him, just know that his ult pins you down for a solid ~3 seconds. Also, try to avoid him if he is with another damage dealer, as he will ult you and the other will dump on your face.

    Poison Ivy Difficulty: 1.5/5
    An easy target to kill. However, a good poison ivy will heal/shield herself long enough to have reinforcements. Know your enemy, and decide whether or not to go in on her from there.

    Shazam Difficulty: 4/5
    The second tower of Infinite Crisis. A power version of Doomsday, he has an AoE slow and a dash. Be extra careful as you cannot nuke him.

    Wonder Woman Difficulty: 1/5
    Time consuming, but unlosable. Shouldn't be a problem even if she hits you with everything.

    Zatanna Difficulty: 1/5
    A fly to be swatted. Only thing she has to delay the inevitable dealth is her polymorph and shield.


    Thank you for reading my guide! --Tryzine
    Latest comments
    Upvoted for making a professional looking guide, I wish i could take the time and patiance to make mine pretty lol, very well thought up and created.
    12:42 am, Aug 31st, 2013
    Thank you so much!
    12:40 pm, Aug 31st, 2013