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    Infinite Crisis builds for Atomic Wonder Woman

    VROOM VROOM - AWW Jungle Guide

    An Atomic Wonder Woman guide by bladelordcal
    Last updated: Nov 16th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/vroom-vroom-aww-jungle-guide
    3,098 0


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    Hey guys, I'm bladelordcal. I stream IC at twitch.tv/bladelordcal and this is my Atomic Wonder Woman guide. She's an incredibly fun, mobile champion and this is how I play her in the jungle!


    I use these amplifiers to make Nil Weapon cheaper so I can start Nil Weapon and Marauder Shield and still get 2 Health Packs for sustain. The Nil Weapon is also very good in early exchanges and duels you may have with the enemy jungler.


    Nil Weapon Marauder Shield (1) Health Pack Health Pack

    Nil Weapon and Marauder Shield give you a bunch of health at level 1 together, as well as some early damage for clearing camps/dueling potential.


    Soultaker Katana (3)/[[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]] Atomic Axe (2)

    Why these items? I personally believe that AWW should stack as much damage as possible to kill important targets as fast as possible. After all, she is an assassin. This combination of items gives her insane damage potential, sustain for the jungle, and instagib powers.

    I like to get Soultaker Katana to 3 as fast as possible, and if I'm fed enough, start working on Joe Chill's as I feel it is a better investment than Soultaker 4.


    Sword Of Beowulf (3)

    If the enemy team has a bunch of Power Damage threats, this is a very good item to pick up. It also increases your dueling potential against Power Damage characters with the passive.

    Coda Blade (4)

    I like this when I'm going against someone that can heal a ton in a fight/duel like Wonder Woman, Nightmare Batman, Gaslight Joker, or someone with a ton of lifesteal.

    Zeiss Goggles (4)

    I think this is a very luxury item for AWW but still very viable so I'm going to put it here. Combined with Joe Chill's it can make your damage output ridiculous.

    [[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]]

    It would be okay if the enemy team is stacking a bunch of health. Not the best choice on AWW though, but can work in certain situations.

    [[Batman's Utility Belt (4)]] OR [[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]]

    Ra's is just an amazing item and will help if you get focused down during a fight. I usually buy it every game.

    BUB is a solid choice if they have a really annoying CC you want to get rid of (Looking at you Zatanna ult...). It also gives you stats that you love so it's a very solid pickup.

    Velocity 9 Implants (4)

    Synergize very well with your Joe Chill's. The movement speed you get is very nice as well, as it can help you catch up to targets. I usually get these if I'm ahead and want to press my advantage.

    [[Lobo's Chain (4)]]

    Lobo's Chain can be very good because you can get 2 procs of the slow with an auto attack into a W. It would help your sticking power and survivablity, however I think there are better defensive items for AWW.


     >  >  >  > 

    Points in ult whenever you can. I max E first because it gives me the fastest jungle clear and excellent damage/okay CC in ganks. W gets maxed second because it lowers the cooldown and increases the base damage applied. It's also very good for dueling other people because you can get more Ws off in fights than Qs. Passive gets maxed next because the Attack Penetration is incredibly good at this point in the game. Q gets maxed last as I only see it as a one point wonder gapcloser/escape.


    Flash's Super Speed will help you chase enemies/catch up to them for the kill. It's also good for escaping enemies in case you need it for that.

    I'm a HUGE fan of Nightmare Batman's Consume. The extra healinng it provides has saved my life numerous times. Remember in duels to look for obstacles/meteors/drones to consume, it can turn the tide and win you a fight!

    Atomic Green Lantern's Consume can also work very well, I'm just more of a fan of NMB's.

    If you don't have the upgraded versions of these Stolen Powers, the default versions work fine.


    Watch for an invade on your Destroyer. If you can't fight/contest the invade, start at the tripods (Camp with 4 drones) near bot. If you can fight the invade then fight it, and then take your Destroyer. AWW is pretty weak in the early game so she needs a little help before she can get huge. If you want to clear a jungle camp as fast as possible, Vault onto the camp, W the big drone, and then use Revved E to AOE the camp down. Make sure to gank if you see an opportunity to do so. 


    By this point, you should have your Ult. This gives you incredible map pressure as you can gank extremely well with it. If you're ganking with your ult, make sure to use your E when you get to your target. This way, you can get the slow onto them and you, with your teammates, can chase that person down easier. Make sure if you have Soultaker 3 to get that thing stacked as soon as possible. +30 AD is extremely good and gives you so much damage on your abilities. If you're significantly ahead of the enemy jungler, COUNTER JUNGLE THEM. It'll put you farther ahead and it will put them further behind! Look to steal the enemy Destroyer whenever possible, as it's the most valuable jungle camp. If you're ahead as well, look to fight the enemy jungler. Just be careful to pay attention to the lanes, as they might head to help their jungler.


    Your job in late game teamfights is to assassinate the most important target on the enemy team, whether that be a marksman, blaster, whatever. At this stage in the game you should be equipped with the items to do so. Don't initiate teamfights with your ult. DO NOT INTIATE TEAMFIGHTS WITH YOUR ULT. If you do then you can get focused down instantly and get killled. Instead, let someone else on your team intiate a fight and then follow up with that initiation. If the target you want to ult has an escape, let them burn the escape before you ult. This way it's basically a free kill for you.


    http://www.twitch.tv/bladelordcal/c/3217413 -  43 kill gameplay on Coast City.



    Thanks guys for checking out my Atomic Wonder Woman guide, I hope it's helped you guys understand how to play AWW! If you guys ever want to get into contact with me, you can check out my Twitch channel at http://www.twitch.tv/bladelordcal. I stream everyday and play a variety of champions. Also you guys can follow me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/bladelordcal, where I announce when I stream!
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