I've never lost lane building what I've built here, unless they really countered me or I get doubled teamed from top.
Always start off with
Coda Blade (1) with either
Claw Of Horus (1) or
Sword Of Beowulf (1). You should be able to get first blood, or get your bot lane to back off from you for a bit. When you back you should have close to 1k money so get either
Claw Of Horus (2) or
Sword Of Beowulf (2), if you died and have at least 500 you can chose to get
Coda Blade (2).
I always max out my defense items first if I'm losing lane, or winning and know my bot enemy get's stronger than I do, otherwise I start getting my
Coda Blade (4) finished, or to lvl 3, and start getting [[Joe Chill's Revolver (1)]] or [[Deathstroke's Claymore (1)]]. After finishing
Coda Blade (4) and
Claw Of Horus (3) / [[Sword of Beowulf(3)]], I finish up my [[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]] or [[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]] and start deciding what I wanna build afterwards.
Usually I love to build [[Soul Taker's Katana (4)]] for that lifesteal to last longer in my fights. [[Huntress' Crossbow (3)]] is an item I haven't built personally for her but at the moment it seems like it'd be a great item to have on her to get your ulti up more often.
One of my favorite items to get on almost all my characters is [[Lobo's Chain (4)]]. Personally I prefer getting this if I don't get [[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]] or [[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]] since I usually get one of those. If they have too much attack armor against me I get the other attack penetration item
Atomic Axe (2).
Spear Of Destiny (2) wouldn't be too bad I'd assume for more some power armor.
Mega Rod (3) is one of my faves on here.
The rest of these are just straight up armor for you that you can choose. [[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]] would be your highest priority armor item to get since it gives you a 2nd wind. [[Krytonian War Armor (4)]]
Entropy Aegis (4) are great choices, and
Suit Of Sorrows (4) is pretty standard against an all ad team and to help you build tanky.
Going to edit for future rant about why I build these items despite CW's Q not critting anymore.