Aquaman works very good with attack damage + attack speed + health.
If you play on Gotham Devided or Central City you start with nill weapon and the health vials then continue with the core items starting with claw of horus. Then depending on the situation you build either offense or defense. I usually keep a balance between them with a little more offense based on attack damage and attack speed and it's very effective. After building core items i suggest building Joe Chills Revolver and then Ra's al Ghul mantle but if you already have a good tank and a controller you can keep building damage or if you need to have more resistance then you cand build more tanky.
If you play on GH you don't need nil's weapon or the health vials. You start with Claw of Horus and Promethium Mace because it can be exchanged later for the full value and with those coins you can puy very good items very fast. The promethium mace should allow the player to build the core items fast enugh. Everytime you return to base, you don't have enough coins for an item you want and it takes too long to gather that amount of coins just by waiting you can spend what you have on the Promethium Mace and after you build it completly you can exchange it and buy what you need. This way you don't have to leave base after you returned without a bonus in damage when you can't buy the items you need. And that's basically what you do the whole game: Keep buying and exchanging the Pomethium Mace for the items you need till there is no room left for Promethium Mace. As for the items you should build, the rules that apply to Gotham Devided and Central City apply to Gotham Hights too: you start with the core items and after you build whatever you need most form the optional items i put in the guide.
I don't have any situational items because i don't leave anything to chance. And the options i put for both offense and defense as well as for core are the best options you can pick for Aquaman in any situation.