tip: (if someone is capturing your teams control points don't go likeyou can defeat them/him if your level one and so little build just distract them until your team mate has reach the point)
(Q) pies: this move is one of my 2nd most favorite i always use them. it's great if an enemy champion is chasing you
(W) back off : my 1st most favorite ability use it if a teammate is getting beat up it can also be use if you want to capture a control point but you need a team mate if enemychampion is guarding a control point use it to make him back off a little and help your team mate beat him. but if there is two or more in there is no team mate don't attack
(E) best medicine : always use this if a team mate is escaping or in a battle
(R) puddin time: use this if capturing orbital cannon / control points or a battle that you clearly want to win.
now you know what i know now raise your hammers and make mr.J proud hahahahahaha