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    Infinite Crisis builds for Gaslight Batman

    (Gotham Heights) Gaslight Batman TOO EZ

    A Gaslight Batman guide by Adikar
    Last updated: Aug 19th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/19
    14,722 2


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    Table of Contents
         1. Introduction
         2. Abilities
         3. Items
         4. Stolen Powers
         5. Early Game
         6. Mid Game
         7. Late Game
         8. Conclusion

    1. Introduction

    Gaslight Batman is a very high damaged Attack Damage Carry with a great variety of what he can do in team fights due to his abilities dealing damage to multiple enemies. As well as being a great 1v1 Duelist due to his kiting potential and High Damage, allowing him to rarely get hit and keep his distance from Melee Champions. Recommend not backdooring as Gaslight Batman.

    2. Abilities

    [Echoes] Passive
    Gaslight Batman Basic Attacks apply the Echoes effect for 4 seconds. Targets with Echoes are revealed and take an additional % Damage from his skills.
    Level 1: 5%
    Level 2: 10%
    Level 3: 15%
    Level 4: 20%

    [Sonic Batarang] Q [60% Attack Damage, 60% Power Damage]
    Gaslight Batman
    throws a Sonic Batarang which deals Attack Damage to the first enemy struck. The attack can then bounce to additional nearby enemies, dealing 20% reduced damage after each bounce.

    DMG: 55/90/125/160
    CLD: 5/5/5/5
    Cost: 30/35/40/45

    [Sonic Shell] W [50% Power Damage]
    Gaslight Batman throws a Sonic Shell that explodes at maximum range or earlier if the skill is activated again. Enemies in the explosion are dealt Power Damage, have Echoes applied, and are slowed which gradually decays.

    DMG: 65/115/165/215
    CLD: 8/8/8/8
    Cost: 45/50/55/60

    [Bat Flight] E [ 60% Power Damage]
    Gaslight Batman fires a grappling hook into the air and pulls himself forward, dealing Power Damage to all enemies he passes through.

    DMG: 75/125/175/225
    CLD: 20/18/16/14/
    Cost: 60/60/60/60

    [Bat Scream] R [75% Attack Damage, 60% Power Damage]
    Gaslight Batman fires a massive sonic blast that travels the length of the map dealing significant Power Damage to everyone it hits. (Damage reduced with susequent hits.)

    DMG: 350/435/520/605
    CLD: 85/80/75/70
    Cost: 150/150/150/150

    3. Items

    Starting Items
    [[Hawkman's Harness (3)]]
    Promethium Mace (2)

    These items are amazing early on for its price. Making Nil Weapon REALLY bad.
    I prefer these items over Nil 100%.

    Back ASAP for [[Joker's Crowbar (2)]] then max the refundables.

    Core Items
    [[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]]
    Velocity 9 Implants (4)

    Getting Revolver and Implants first is a HUGE damage boost. You have the protection of 400 HP from the Harness so you have some decent survivability. Like I said in the Situational Items, if you are getting blown up by assassins get a couple levels in Batman's Utility Belt, then continue onto the Core Items.

    Soultaker Katana (4)
    This item is overall great while helping out your survibility with the addition of damage as well. The life steal is pretty insane if you hit the Crit with full stacks of Crowbar/Katana. 

    Situational Items
    Atomic Axe (2)
    Get this if you are even. (Sell [[Joker's Crowbar (2)]] for this if you need a final item.)

    [[Batman's Utility Belt (3)]] 
    Get a couple levels in this if there is a Gaslight Catwoman or Nightmare Batman

    [[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]]
    Get this if you are Ahead.

    4. Stolen Powers (Note: Get the upgraded versions if you can.)

    Surveillance CameraThis is a good Stolen Power for Gaslight Batman. Putting Teleport on with it is good for helping the team fights, and protecting your Bottom as well.

    Super Speed: I like super speed, but I feel it's only great if you get the upgrade from Flash first.

    Trap: This is great for holding turrets for 2v1's dives are almost impossible against you early game.

    Teleport: I like Teleport, but only if people are using Surveillance Camera

    InvulnerabilityIf you get Doomsday's Invulnerability then it also acts as a Cleanse which is nice. Do not use otherwise in my opinion.

    5. Early Game

    Bottom Lane
    Welcome to the Early Game. I prefer Solo Bottom as Gaslight Batman. 
    Starting Items you want, [[Hawkman's Harness (3)]]  Promethium Mace (2).
    As soon as you get 1000 Credits, you want to back for Jokers Cane(2) to start the adventure of its Passive.
    Once you get your Sexy Duo Item of Revolver and Implants, this should be stacked, or very close to it. Making life EXTREMELY easy for you.

    1v2 Lane
    So you have a 1v2 lane. This isn't as bad as you think with Gaslight Batman. Make sure you play really passive and try to poke with a AA/Q. When they push minions towards your tower, try to damage them as much as possible before they hit the Tower or else if they dive you, the Tower Mechanics will not attack the Champions diving you. So try to use your Q to kill them off. REMEMBER TO GRAB THE HEALTH PACK.

    1v1 Lane

    Gaslight Batman is a strong Duelist. So try to stack minions by killing the first wave asap, then last hitting the 2nd wave. Doing this makes you stack the first and second wave together. Depending on your lane matchup, you can do this. During this, make sure you AA/Q the laning opponent as much as possible and have mid control, so you can get mid Health Pack every minute it comes up. Having Lane Control is very crucial.

    Top Lane
    So you didnt get Solo Bottom. Well it's okay, it's not the end of the world. Rush the first Tower and cap it, no reason to rush for Tower 1 since you're very quishy and Flash is usually the first person there and early game, he will win in a trade. When going to Tower 1 after your cap, try to stay behind your enemy team and damage the enemies as much as possible. DO NOT DIVE. If they get away, they get away, you diving into the enemy team with get you killed no matter what. If you do as much damage as possible without dying, most likely you will get Tower 1. If you capture Tower 1, recall get Jokers Cane(2) and go back and defend Tower 1 while picking up the top Health whenever you need it. If you lost Tower 1, you can either help bottom try to get the enemy Bottom Tower, or defend your Top Tower.

    6. Mid Game

    So it just hit 6minutes and you got your hands on your first core item. (If you were farming enough.) The Orbital Cannon just came up. Help your team with that, if you're in a solo Q game and none of your teammates are going for it, just go bottom and farm/grab Towers. Mid game you wanna try to farm up at bottom and get your core items as fast as possible. At this point, if there is a Catwomen or Nightmare Batman, BE CAUTIOUS! They are very strong against you during the mid game, especially if they have a couple kills/assists on you. You do not want to fight them unless it's in a team fight. Then take a risk if your partner engages.

    7. Late Game

    3 Core Items have just hit your inventory. You are now strong enough to Solo almost anyone in the game, if they don't have more Credits then you. At this point, you either wanna try to push bottom and take there Tower by poking them on it and grabbing when they leave/die, or you want to push top with your team. Having Revolver/Implants and full stacked Crowbar at this time is a HUGE power spike for you. Making team fighting as soon as you get this combo great. Your team fighting potential is great at this time, but so is your solo ability as well. So choose which choice you would like to do.

    8. Conclusion

    Thank you for looking at my guide on "Gaslight Batman TOO EZ" Check out my profile for more guides and don't forget to Like and Comment if you feel that I did a great job on the guide. Also comment if you have any questions about the guide that may make it better. 

    Good Luck Have Fun Everyone.

    Latest comments
    This guide is still legit, just tried it verbatim and got my best run with Gbatman yet. Although you will need to modify starting item levels now. 
    9:06 am, Mar 17th, 2014
    This build wrecks people....
    11:51 am, Aug 28th, 2013