Greeting Protectors!
It is
Aradon again. Giving love to another good champion, who only had 1 guide (at the time of making this). Here is another guide, with a bit of an unordothox style (you can't be that unorthodox when building a tank you only really have two opinions stacking health, power armor and attack armor or hyper healer). This build has it both but is a hyper healer. What makes this build a bit orthodox is the use of
The Medusa Mask (4).

is an Enforcer which means he takes damage so your weaker teammates don't take damage while disrupting the enemy team.

has in his kit is hyper healing, slows, snares, knock up, teleport, and immunities from slows(Ultimate). Everything you want from an Enforcer. He is a bit overpowered IMO.
Why The Medusa Mask?
The Medusa Mask (1) gives you about the same stats as Nil Cloak and builds into an item.
The Medusa Mask (4) activate is huge!(with a long cooldown) 100 + (5% Maximum Health) Power Damage over 5s. or heal 100 + (10% Maximum Health) Health over 5s. For a hyper healer getting 100+10% of your max health is huge especially combined with
Kryptonian War Armor (3)
Lets do some math: You have 3000 max Health 3000*.1= 300*1.3 = 390, So you get 130 + 390 Health over 5s.
Get this Ability first because if its potiental for fights at level 1, you can affect two champions with this and snare them. Which should make it a easier kill for your marksman or jungler. The damage is very low on this skill but the ultility is great.
Level Up Third
Gives you are free camera and you can teleport to it by reactivating the skill! This willl help keep vision on your lane and it allows you to get back into your lane. Combo this with
Cyborg's Teleport Go to another lane with your
Cyborg's Teleport get a kill/assist and then use this to get back into your lane and act like nothing happened. Rank this Last.
This is great for disengages because unlike
Cyborg's Teleport only way to disable your Teleport is by breaking your changling with a Stun,Suppress, Silience or Move Displacement.
Level Last
This skill is your main harass, damage dealer, and source of Crowd Control. Bad thing about this skill is its High Cooldown of 12 seconds.
Level up first
This Ultimate is kinda iffy. Sure the healing and immune to slows are great but the second part where he gets Attackspeed and splash damage doesn't do much for you as your primary role isn't damage. Hell it isn't even your second role.
Level up at 6/10/14/18
This passive makes you sustain in lane so well and in teamfights allows you to take a lot more damage.
Level Up Second
Augements and Mods:
Like I always say in my guides. Augments and Mods are a personal choice but I always stress Augments are to give you an edge in early game as you can start to snowball into late game.
Note: If you start with
Olympus Gambit (2) do not get the mod Rapid The Medusa Mask and get another mod like Capacity Ruby Of Life
Stolen Powers:
Arcane Green Lantern's Healing Wave -Gives you a heal for you and your teammates
Cyborg's Teleport - This combined with Husk always you get get around the map easily and engage in fights faster.
Other Good Choices:
Doomsday's Invulnerability - More tankiness
Zatanna's Psychic Assault - Give another slow
Robin's Surveillance Camera - More vision
Starting Item Choices:
The Medusa Mask (1)
Modular Health Vial (3)
Nil Cloak
Modular Health Vial (2)
Modular Will Vial (1)
Olympus Gambit (2)
Modular Health Vial (2)
Nil Cloak
The Medusa Mask (1) are you two best choices for Solo lane.
Olympus Gambit (2) is your best choice when you are Support.
Build Order:
I would Max
Kryptonian War Armor (3) first then
Diana's Bracers (3) then
Olympus Gambit (4). From there go into
Ruby Of Life (4) or
The Medusa Mask (4). Build against your opponents.
Core Items:
The Medusa Mask (4) -Like I stated at the top
Kryptonian War Armor (3) -Hyper Healer's BFF
Diana's Bracers (3) -Hyper Healer's Second BFF
Olympus Gambit (4) - a great item for tanks and supports
Items to Consider:
Metallo's Heart (3) - The best aura against Mastermans, Bruisers, and Assassins.
Ruby Of Life (4) - Hyper Healer's third BFF
Fragment Of Mogo (3) - Decent activate if you want to deal damage because it scales off of Health.
Atlantean Royal Seal (4)-More effective slows and your Autoattacks with do AOE slows when you are the Warrior King
Mega Rod (3)- Scales with your Ultimate but I don't Recommend it.
Spear Of Destiny (2) - Scales with your Health and gives you bit extra damage. Again don't Recommend it.
Olympus Gambit (4) - Good aura for your teammates and you recieve and deal reduced damage
Entropy Aegis (3) - Good Item to absord a spell for you
Mirror Master's Prism (4)
Suit Of Sorrows (4) Get one of these if your enimes are building heavy of either one.

is a fun champion if you enjoy being in the frontline of fights and messing up people's day. I will continue to edit this and update it when the time comes.
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To be updated