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    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Infinite Crisis builds for Green Arrow

    Green Arrow: The Truly Mobile Marksman

    A Green Arrow guide by Steveyboywonder
    Last updated: Mar 14th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/WV9zOzHU
    3,146 0


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    Im doing this on mobile as of right now because I'm on the road. I've played this build on GD and have done very well. I take the soultakers first if I'm winning lane for better sustain. If I am l oseing I tend to take the claw first to prevent damage to myself. From there d eathstrokes gives you some attack speed and damage. The passive will also help burn through tanks if you catch them out, but remember not to focus them. The v9s will give even better attack speed along with move speed for escapeability. I thwn take the At Ax to make sure tanks have less of a threat to me in team fights and I do nearly true damage to enemy marksmen. Followed up with claw for even more lifesteal and damage if not yet owned finishing off with a joechills for ridiculous crits and damage.

    Always take soultakes first or second to make sure you have the amount of stacks that are needed. You may even want to get the mod for 10 bonus stacks for that little extra.

    Now always remember Arrow can be a very aggressive hero if played right. He is very squishy so you should have more sustain on your augments. Also have your support poke with you so the enemy has a harder time focusing. When 2 people are attacking you its only natural to try to attack the closest enemy champ. Try to get your support to take a little bit of a tankier hero to help you sustain and meat shield for you. Aquaman can also work as a support but it is very gimicy, he has good poke and that's it. If the lane your facing has gap closers you will have a tough time.

    Enjoy yourself playing my favorite champ and keep on your toes, you never know when the enemy team is right in the fog of war.
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