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    Infinite Crisis builds for Cyborg

    Chain Gun Cyborg [Gotham Heights] [Attack Speed Build] [Fun]

    A Cyborg guide by infy
    Last updated: Aug 26th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/chain-gun-cyborg-gotham-heights-attack-speed-build-fun
    7,524 1


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    This guide will help you turn Cyborg into a killing machine!

    Obviously we are going for attack speed in this build, since Gotham Heights is rich in gold, you can afford these luxory items with smart play and a little patience.

    -Early Game-

    This is pretty tough with Cyborg because of your low base HP. Try to stick with your  team and stay back in team fights and try to get some killing blows and assist early on. You need a ton of gold to complete this build, so any drones you come across try and last hit as much as possible, this is very important. If you find yourself with no farm around, use your Teleport to travel to another drone spawn, keeping up your farm is key and will help  you snowball into late game.

    -Mid Game-

    Once you aquire the first 2 items, you really start to feel how powerful Cyborg can be. Focus support and AP toons, if your facing a beefy team (A lot of HP) you can pick up a Coda Blade for a little AD. Make sure you start with your basic rotation (R, E, Q, W) and keep an eye on your initiator, you should always be on his tail waiting to attack anything that comes your way.

    -End Game-

    Now your shining, you should sound like a automatic plasma assualt rifle going off! Just hit your stolen powers and basic rotation and roll your enemies!
    Latest comments
    If you play alone, I don't recommend this build. Your teamates must to know your options at early and by comparison to play. : )  Btw I love this guide, so funny at end game : D
    2:23 pm, Sep 23rd, 2013