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    Infinite Crisis builds for Sinestro

    Cull the Weak - GD Solo Mid Guide

    A Sinestro guide by LaserCircus
    Last updated: Aug 13th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/cull-the-weak-gd-solo-mid-guide
    3,743 0


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers


    Sinestro is a god when it comes to Burst Damage and is most definitely not your typical blaster. If I could give him another role it would be an Assassin. He comes as goes as he pleases dealing as much damage as he can before drawing back to safety. He is able to control a crowd with his almighty ultimate, Fear Incarnate (R) and from there utilize his other skills to kill in deadly fashion. 

    Stolen Powers

    [[Sinestro's Psychic Assault]] 
    His innate ability that like all Psychic Assault's have the built in movement debuff and as an extra bonus of his he decreases the Power Armor of the the enemies he casts it on. This makes his skills all the more powerful with each consecutive hit to make the best out of the situation. 

    [[Cyborg's Teleport]] 
    Being able to have global pressure on the map as Sinestro makes it stressful to enemy players because of his kill potential so having this teleport available when available makes it a critical turning point in a lane or teamfight. 
    [[Doomsday's Invulnerability]] 
    Due to the fragile nature of Sinestro I find that having this Stolen Power is significant to his survivability (particularly in the early game) at least to the point where he can probably cast a few more skills before he becomes "The Fallen Lantern." 

    [[Green Lantern's Meteor Drop]] 
    Between his lethal combination of attacks Sinestro brings I always find myself in the position where the enemy has nothing but a slither of Health remaining and runs away with it. A well placed Meteor Drop makes those pursuits the final nail in the coffin. 


    The primary focus when it comes to stats pre-game and in-game in order of importance is: 
    1. Power Damage 
    2. Power Pentration
    3. Will
    4. Cooldown Reduction
    5. Move Speed.



    Sinestro is a pretty high utility burst champion that must specialize having to make every one of his abilities count and that requires landing them because he will get the most effective amount of damage and to trigger the bonuses from Yellow Impurity. You want to execute all your skills as fast as possible without giving your opponent even a millisecond to react. At this point in time Sinestro's kit revolves around skill shots and positioned A.O.E. making it somewhat difficult to perform if you are not positioned well. The trickiest of them to land is most likely between Saw-blade (Q) and Fear Incarnate (R) because the former is easily avoidable and the latter has a shorter range then the former. 

    A thing to always aim for when using Fear Incarnate (R) is it is better to overshoot the ultimate while still aiming at the opponent then to undershoot and just nick them and miss the full potential of the ult. It is also good if you can tell ahead of time if the opponent is commited to the fight and stays stationary for you to land the easy ult or is going to flee sooner or later in which case you want to save the ult for a better time but decide quickly because a well executed ultimate is the difference between life and death.     

    Once you get a grasp of how to land the skills then it all comes down to how creative and how much improvision you place into the free flow of skills you use which vary from situation to situation. Basically what I am trying to say here is there is no set combination of skills to use but a thing to always keep in mind is to save the the killing blow with Cull the Weak (E) if possible. The killing blow resets its cooldown so you can keep them 'culling.' This is a very ideal approach if there are multiple weakened enemies because then you can hop from one to the next like the domino effect. There are occasions when you need to close the gap between fleeing enemy or enemies using this same skill so it is perfectly understandable not to use it as the killing blow under these circumstances. 

    In the team fights you always want to play with caution but switch to aggression once you see an opening whether it is an initiation by a teammate or you throwing out your Fear Incarnate (R). As soon at you throw that ultimate down immediately follow up with another skill to get the bonus from Yellow Impurity. The enemy team will always fear you as the threat so they will try to focus all their attention on you if you are left alone in sight so do your best to stay within your teams formation.      
    Early Game

    Generally you see Sinestro being played middle lane in Gotham Divided so for this guide it should be noted. Sinestro's very early game is a bit shaky at best because of his low health pool and as a result I skilled up his first skill to be Cull the Weak (E) to avoid early ganks. Although it is not the best harassment tool since that is Dread Scythe's (W) forte but it is his all-in move when he goes for the aggressive play so make sure if you do it that the enemy has minimal chance to retaliate. For this build I attempt to maximize Cull the Weak (E) as fast as possible to take advantage of the killing blow and try to use it continuously without any drawbacks of the cooldown. In the laning stage it is not so useful if you kill middle lane then there is nothing else to use it on unless another enemy is in the vicinity but it is more viable for bottom lane ganks. Going back to the laning stage though once you have gained a couple more levels you will have more skills at your disposal so harassment comes more easily. Dread Scythe (W) into Saw-blade (Q) probably comes as the best form of harassment without putting yourself in danger with Cull the Weak (E) or simply use the individual low cooldowns of Q's and W's.

    Mid Game to Late Game

    By this stage you should have your ultimate, Fear Incarnate (R) and ready to gank lanes. Choose the lane and when you get there open with your ultimate and follow up with the skills accordingly and it should be a sure kill with the amount of burst coming from you and maybe some help from your allies in that particular lane. Once the hit is taken care of you are open to push or other general objectives. Sinestro is able to clear waves of drones easily once he has access to a few artifacts to up his damamge so getting his allies to the turret for some damage is no problem but do be aware that this can be taxing on his Will. Sinestro is also an excellent counter-pusher so when turrets need to be defended do your best to be there. Due to the abundance of A.O.E skills in his repertoire any enemies caught in the crossfire between him and his turret will be dealt with. 

    Going into late game do your best to be that stealthy ninja and get pick-offs where there are opportunities to and avoid the same thing being done to you. Sinestro should really not be alone unless you know for sure you are safe to push to Dampeners or other things. Again clearing waves of drones is no problem but could leave you with half your total Will so use it sparingly in case team fights happen.    



    [[Two Face's Coin (2)]] 
    This will give the damage that he will need early and scale into the game when he gains a few more levels. The Overclocked Two Face's Coin mod is pretty much needed to hasten the time he can reach the damage output that is ideal with its Power Harvest

    The Logoz (3) 
    While laning this artifact will build on Sinestro Power Damage until he reaches level 6 and gains his kill potential so when that time comes hopefully you have enough stacks of Power Damage Collector. Modding this artifact with Accelerated The Logoz to gain double stacks per coin is very ideal to further gain Power Damage at a fast pace.  

    [[Neron's Contract (4)]] 
    I find that this artifact is essential for someone like Sinestro because against a really coordinated team you are almost always going to be a prime target. The sooner they can get rid of you the less they have to worry about your looming threat. Even with Cull the Weak (E) sometimes you might not find yourself in a fortunate distance so with Blood Bargain you can delay the time you will need before you can become a threat again. Hopefully by this time the cooldowns of your skills are gone too so you can immediatelly do work on the opposing team or use Cull the Weak (E) to escape. 

    The Starheart (3) 
    This is the artifact that turns Sinestro from deadly to viciously deadly. As much as this piece is desired amongst all Power Damage dealers Sinestro is no exception and probably one of the top best users of it. 

    The Book Of Eternity (2) 
    This is a somewhat situational artifact but will add some punch behind your skills as you approach the late game against tankier and health dependent enemies who built Power Armor to counter your burst. 


    [[Doctor Destiny's Dreamstone (4)]] 
    Sinestro is only deadly when he has the Will to cast his skills so if you find yourself running dry of this majority of the time then this is your go to artifact. Only Tier 2 is neccessary but if want some of that Cooldown Reduction and other bonus stats it is also well worth it if you make the investment. 

    Atlantean Royal Seal (4) 
    Not only does this artifact give you the neccessary bulk and power to survive and deal damage respectively the Skill Harrier I find works in perfect synergy with his skill most notably Dread Scythe (W) and Cull the Weak (E) for their A.O.E damage. Not only will you do damage with those skills individually but now they will apply the slow effect setting you up for skills to follow without having to worry too much about aiming them, particularly Saw-blade (Q). Since most enemies cower in fear just by the presence of Sinestro now they have a difficult time running away from him.

    [[Fatality's Energy Lance (4)]] 
    This is another artifact that adds punch behinds your skill but is not as reliable and consistent as The Starheart (3) because of the activate Energy Blast. Unless the enemy has a lot Health then you are looking toward to dealing 1/3 of what the former artifact does when it comes to the bonus damage of each artifact respectively. The cooldown reduction is a nice addition though. 

    [[Pandora's Box (4)]] 
    This is a great utility artifact that lends a supporting hand to his allies as well as himself. Closing the gap for chasing or running away from enemies. I miss the good old days when its Blood Spirit came with three charges but now you need the Empowered Pandora's Box mod to do what it did before. 

    Speed Force Battery 
    If you feel very comfortable with Sinestro try adding this artifact to the mix. This artifact increases the mobility of Sinestro and puts his job at ease without having to use his Cull the Weak (E) to close the gap on his enemies. This makes it easier to get the jump on your opponent if used correctly and follow with your skills accordingly. 

    Thanks for reading my guide and if you have any questions, comments, concerns, and suggestions please do post them in the comments section. If you enjoyed it and find it useful please upvote this guide as it will serve as an indicator to me that I nailed the guide or on the right track so this guide and future guides will meet the same quality. 

    You can also find me on Twitch
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