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    Infinite Crisis builds for Gaslight Catwoman

    Don´t underestimate the power of the Cat

    A Gaslight Catwoman guide by HaLeLuYa
    Last updated: Feb 20th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/donacutet-underestimate-the-power-of-the-cat
    7,583 3


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers

    Hey! I´m HaLeLuYa sups gamer for Reasons Gaming. I want to show you my guide for Gaslight Catwoman, it´s actually my first guide.

    Some first word:

    Gaslight Catwoman is my main Champion, I like her burst and her mobility. I really like her play style it´s really fit me, kill and run!

  • Good Single  Target Damage
  • Good Mobility
  • Good gap closer
  • Long cooldowns
  • Very Squishy

    Everyone has their own playstyle but remember use Q before you use ult R. Use Q then R, W and R again, always a clear kill and escape with E like a little ninja cat which would be mine playstyle. Don’t go 1 vs 2, you aren´t Superman…you are a squishy little cat, only go in when you are 100% sure that you can kill them both. In team fight focus the dmg dealer from the enemy team that´s the only way to help your team to the glories victory.

    Item build
    Coda Blade (3) good item with nice stats.
    [[Cheetah's Claw (3)]] give you a lot of LS when u low on health.
    Soultaker Katana (3)stack this and you do a lot of Damage.
    Sword Of Beowulf (3) shield you when you low on health.
    [[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]] Second Life Second Kill.
    [[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]] Use the Deathstroke's Claymore active before you join the fight for more damage.

    Skills Order:
    Max Q first, then W and at last E. Always skills R when possible.

    Mods/Augments/Stolen Power

    Nil Weapon Empowered Nil Weapon Recycling: Increased damage to Drones at low health (Tier 1)
    Soultaker Katana (3) Capacity Soultaker Katana Attack Damage Collector: +10 maximum stacks (Tier 3)
    Sword Of Beowulf (3) Enhanced Sword Of Beowulf  +18 Power Armor (Tier 2)

    Kord Horsepower:
    1.8 Attack Penetration(G)
    2.11 Move speed (G)

    Kord Slasher:
    1.8 Attack Penetration(G)
    1.5 Attack Damage(S)

    Kord Omega:
    1.8 Attack Penetration(G)
    2.31 hp/lvl (S)

    Kord Force:
    1.8 Attack Penetration(G)
    0.25 Attack Damage/lvl (S)


    Doomsday's Invulnerability has a stronger Shield.

    Teleport: Choose the Cyborg Tp or the Catwoman Tp it´s up to you
    That was my guide, I hope I could help you a bit. If you have any idea for changes, leave a comment and we can discuss about it.
  • Latest comments
    Decent build. However, I think that Huntress' Crossbow and even Deadshot's Visor are more essential than Sword of Beowulf (especially since you're going to have Lazarus Effect from Raz Cloak anyway) and Cheetah's Claw/Soultaker Katana (though I'd personally keep the claws for the clutch plays). She's an AD caster, not an auto attacker. So, CDR, and the stat's synergy with DS's Visor, is potent on GL Catwoman. You should be blowing up carries with your abilities before you even need to life steal for a duel, and with Lazarus Effect and Cheetah's Claw to clutch with, you'll be fine without the extra Marksmen items.
    9:11 am, Mar 18th, 2014
    In addition, I'd max my passive before E (stealth). The bonus damage after stealth is nice....but you only get it after casting. Whereas, you'll be proc'ing your passive much more often (combined with Cheetahs Claw too) Your stealth is best as utility and if you build CDR, which you should, the cooldown is manageable.
    9:23 am, Mar 18th, 2014
    Thank you. I will give it a try, and then I will change it. Thanks a lot buddy!
    2:22 pm, Mar 21st, 2014
    I have add it in optional those items. Im the guy who trust in auto attack( I think I played to much adc) It work perfect what you recommended, I like it, but I will test it twice and update it
    7:17 am, Mar 22nd, 2014
    Really cool guide. Thanks.
    12:51 am, Mar 13th, 2014
    Uh im new but seen the most videos of this game ever n i think build is suitable good job see you on IC fields you will be spanked
    5:23 pm, Mar 12th, 2014