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    Infinite Crisis builds for Doomsday

    Dycer's Doom of the Jungle

    A Doomsday guide by The_Dycer
    Last updated: Mar 5th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/dycers-doom-of-the-jungle
    5,932 2


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    All of the guides I am keeping up to date are now being tailored to Coast City:

    Why Doomsday for Coast City?: Doomsday is a top tier pick because of his counter jungle abilities. Even when he is caught out of position, he is tanky enough to survive. And when he comes up on someone clearing a camp, he just charges them into a wall and kills them while he takes their camp at the same time. And with an experienced player, ganks result in kills from landing your E into a wall during your ult. 

    Modset Explanation: Reflect items are taking a nerf this patch. It is more efficient to pick up other items now unless you are super tanky. I am back to using my old +15 armor mod on Beowulf to make it a strong counter to PD. My other mods are +10AD on claymore (you can use terminate 2 if you like it better) and +75 health on Lobo's Chain. Lobo's chain is a must buy on Doomsday so why not make it a little more worthwhile. You can mod Hookshot if you wish, but it has gone down in effectiveness in the new patch. 

    You are the Doom of the jungle! In Coast City your jungle route will be a triangle. All the details are in my main Coast City guide so if you are new to Coast City in general you should go to check it out.

    I take Superman's Super Strength and Atomic Joker's Detonate as stolen powers, and use Marauder knife T2 and 3 health pots as my starter items. At the start of the game remember to use your super strength to help with the invade.

    I leave Mar knife at T2 and start build to Lobo's chain to T3, and Claymore to T2 as soon as possible. If you wanted to cap one of this items before building heavily into your armor, cap Lobo's Chain first. Terminate is an end-game activate keyword.

    Build the armor to counter the damage you are recieving now. If PD, go Sword of Beowulf. If AD, go Booster's Gold. Build both to cap before buying your Atomic Axe T1. At the time you have Atomic Axe T1, you should have Lobo's Chain and Claymore fully built along with your armor items. 

    You should focusing on picking up any optional item before capping Atomic Axe. Make the decision based on what you need. The new utility belt will be something great to experiment with on him if you are up to the challenge. 

    Using this guide you should be able to build a Doomsday that is hard to kill, and has a lot of damage at the same time. Remember, even with a very tanky bruiser build, there is no bruiser currently that can match up with an enforcer's pure tankiness. He is not a replacement for one with the current item stats and scalings. 

    Also, as a final, but major reminder. Never push someone away from your team during a chase. Never, ever, do that. It will help the enemy escape. 

    Good luck out  there bringing Doom to the jungle, and remember to give your favorite guides a thumbs up.
    Latest comments
    OK early game release build, but Doomsday should be built pure tank. If you are building damage, then that means you're going to lose because you're team isn't doing enough damage.
    7:34 pm, Mar 28th, 2015
    11:20 pm, Mar 28th, 2015
    Under Stolen Powers you list Zatanna's Psychic Assault, but in the guide section you say Superman's Super Strength.  Can you use either of them or should it be one of the two?
    5:08 am, Feb 18th, 2015
    Also, could you add your suggested Augs/Mods to the build?  I know you list some in the guide portion, but I'm fairly new to choosing what to use and it would really help me out since I don't really know which ones are best for what situation.
    5:48 am, Feb 18th, 2015
    One or the other based your comfort level with them. In general I am in the slow process of re-updating everything since the automated guide change. And as a general rule of thumb, look at the augments in game and use the ones with (G) after them. They are the highest stat ones so you get more bang for you buck.
    10:06 am, Feb 18th, 2015
    Also, could you add your suggested Augs/Mods to the build?  I know you list some in the guide portion, but I'm fairly new to choosing what to use and it would really help me out since I don't really know which ones are best for what situation.
    12:22 am, Feb 20th, 2015