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    Infinite Crisis builds for Joker

    General Gameplay GH Joker

    A Joker guide by cr0ssing
    Last updated: May 25th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/general-gameplay-gh-joker
    2,760 0


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    Bot Lane

    Use your W to harass the laner and kill drone waves, while positioing to hit your Q when they get too close. You want to keep your E for getting final hits, escaping, or getting health. The cooldown is very long in early game, so use the E sparingly. 

    Top Lane

    Stay at a safe range from the pesky melee attackers. Use the W to hit at least two of them, and then Q whoever is close to you. MAKE SURE TO HIT YOUR PUNCHIES! It is your only damaging ability in the first teamfight, so hit someone with it. A cool tip is when someone goes to get the health at top stealth, Q over the wall. If they get in the stealth pad and try to back to base, It will usually hit them.  

    After the first teamfights

    Try to stay with someone on your team if you are roaming. A good attack damage champ would be your best bet, because your Q and W allow your teammate to basic attack the crap out of them. When you are level 12 or so, you can probably 1 v 1 an evenly matched champ. When you do, remember these words: IT IS OKAY TO RUN. Joker has one of the best kiting skills, if not THE best. Using your W to slow, Q to stun into the W, and E to rinse and repeat. This map is very open, so the enemy will usually run in a straight line towards you. Joker\\\\\\\'s Q really shines when running. 

    Orbital Cannon, or General Teamfights at high levels

    Based on your positioning, your first skill to use will vary. However, you WILL drop all of your skills. How to use them will change on positioning as well. If getting focused, E and Q out followed by a W. If you are sitting in the back and wrecking their faces while being basically invisible, just W and Q over and over. Your ult will be your main damage here, just make sure that they will actually get hit by it. Stunning and Slowing the enemy with your Q and W will rip through their health if you catch them on your R. 


    I start with Oa Gambit 1 and Two Face's 2. I rush cosmic belt, then a T2 Dreamstone, then Star Heart/Book of Eternity (whichevr I can afford)

    My mods are modded Oa Gambit for credits, Overclocked Two-Face's Coin for earlier damage, and extra damage on Book of Eternity. My amps are 1/2 Flat Power Damage with Penetration and 1/2 Power Damage and Cooldwon Reduction per level. 

    Stolen Powers- The Green Lantern Meteor Drop was doing 500 damage late game 'Nuff said
    Ivys healing wave can help your teammates, and give everyone extra damage for your teamfight.

    I hope you found this guide helpful and see you in game wrecking with Joker! My IGN is Jediwood if you want to add me.
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