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    With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.

    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Infinite Crisis builds for General

    New Player Gotham Heights Guide

    A General guide by KyRoS37
    Last updated: Aug 22nd, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/kyros37s-new-player-gotham-heights-guide
    3,727 0


    If you are new to MOBA's then this will help you gain an understanding of how the game is played. If you haven't played the League of Legends Dominion mode, then this also should be helpful, as Gotham Heights (GH from here on) is not your standard MOBA map or game mode. I've you've played Dominion, then it's very similar with the primary differences being the orbital cannon in the center point of the map and destructible environment and the ability to throw cars (with the Super Strength stolen power).

    Basically GH is a capture and hold game mode, where the object is to gain control of more points that your opponent and reduce their base to rubble. Your base starts with 300 points and counts down if the opposing team has more control points than you do. Due to the nature of this game mode, it's possible to come back from a game that is seemingly over if your team can gain map control and not let the opposing team use the orbital cannon on you. You can find get more info and an overview of the map here: https://www.infinitecrisis.com/en/game-info/maps/gotham-heights

    Now if you are unfamiliar with this game mode, the first thing you should note is that, unlike most every other MOBA, there is very little focus on "laning" or "farming creeps" (referred to as Drones in IC). The bottom lane usually pushes drone waves back and you may farm some as you push a lane, but the key is to capture and hold the control points, so you will usually be moving around a lot as this game mode is very dynamic in nature. In general you will be doing a lot of skirmishes and combat with other players and typically spending much less time killing drones than other MOBA's.

    The metagame (wiki definition: Metagaming is a broad term usually used to define any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game.) is generally 4 players go top, one goes bot. The reasoning for this is the top control point (Wayne Tower) is the farthest away and usually the pivotal control point in this game mode. Sometimes you will see 3 go top, 2 bottom, but this simply gives the team that's going top a "free" capture as they will have numbers. Once lost, it takes more time and effort to take back over the top control point. Gaining control of the two towers closest to your base is a much easier task than taking the top, so a big key is capturing and holding the top point. Another interesting mechanic is the orbital cannon. The orbital cannon launches a meteor in to the enemy jungle, doing damage to anyone who gets caught in the blast radius, deforming the terrain and doing damage to the enemy base. In addition, it serves as a 6th control point. The orbital cannon is locked at the start of the game, but after a certain period of time unlocks and becomes a critical element of the game and often the primary focus of both teams when it becomes available.

    Getting Started
    The first thing you do when starting a game if IC is to pick your champion. There are currently 6 roles a champion can take be: Enforcer, Bruiser, Marksman, Blaster, Assassin, and Support. You can find more info about them here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinite_Crisis_%28video_game%29. There are two types of damage in IC, Attack and Power. A good team composition will have a good mix of both damage types and roles. You can get an overview of all the characters on IC's website here: https://www.infinitecrisis.com/en/champions. Also, be sure to check out community resources including some builds found here: http://www.dawnbase.com/ - http://icguides.com/. And finally, everyone should watch the Champion Profiles on YouTube, found here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP11Nq7PqipjiLtCXYAYhjw

    When you are first starting out and are brand new to the game/genre, it's good to pick a champion that is not overly difficult to play. If your team needs attack damage, Nightmare Batman and Cyborg are both reasonably easy to play and very powerful. If you want to play a bruiser type of champion that can absorb a good amount of damage and disrupt the other team, Batman Prime is a solid pick and not too difficult to play. If you need a power based champion, Shazaam is pretty easy to play and understand and also is a great tank, who can absorb a ton of punishment. The power based damage dealers are a bit more difficult for most players. Both Green Lantern and The Joker have ranged attacks and are easier to play than Flash. If you like the support role, Poison Ivy is great. But really, pick a champ you want to play. Remember some are much tougher to learn and master, but eventually, you need to play them all in order to know how to fight against them! Ultimately, you want a balanced team with bother power and attack damage dealers as well as at least one tank and/or bruiser type to be able to initiate team fights. You also must pick two Stolen Powers. The wiki page previously mentioned lists them all. Everyone has their own preferences, but a few of the more common ones include: Super Strength, Super Speed, Teleport and Invulnerability. Others can be useful, so pick ones that you think will work well with your champion and play style.

    Early Game
    Once the game starts, you want to quickly buy your items and pick your skills. If you are just starting, it's probably easiest to go with the recommended as getting in to the game and capturing those control points is critical. If you have time, you can pick your own items. It is often recommended to buy health items starting out, as your damage will not be great and surviving those early team fights to gain tower control is key. The current metagame usually has a marksman such as Cyborg or Gaslight Batman going bottom lane and everyone else going top. You often times will see champs like Joker or Green Lantern go bottom as well, so you just have to figure out what will work for your team. For the most part ranged champs have a much easier time "poking" (doing damage without getting hit back) so this is why the current meta generally has a ranged damage champion going bottom.

    As for the four top champs, it seems that 2 or 3 can cap the mid very fast and then rush top. Try to send one top and skip mid as to start claiming the point. If the other team shows up, don't try to engage without numbers. It's always better to live and fight another day. The top battle is usually one of the most exciting and impacting moments of the game. When combat starts, try to work with your team to focus on the squishiest and most deadly champion on the other team. Champions such as Flash, Atomic Wonderman, Gaslight Catwoman, etc. will be super high priority targets, as they are very item dependent and become super powerful late game with the right items. Others to focus include Cyborg, Gaslight Batman, Green Lantern, Joker, and maybe Nightmare Batman. In general, take out the damage dealers first and save the tanks and bruisers for last. While gaining control of the top point is very important, if your team is getting wiped out, fall back and retreat. Don't give them any more gold than they've already gotten. Another important tip is to be careful when trying to chase. If your team is killing them and one or 2 are running away, use caution when chasing as some characters, such as Flash, are very hard to catch and always, always at least one person needs to go back and cap the top tower!

    Once the initial points have been established then its time to either hold your points or try to capture enemy points. If your team holds 3 points, then you are doing damage to the other teams base. Sometimes you will see a heavy push by one team to take a control point. If your team can't defend it, then take one of their. Never go in to a fight without even numbers unless you are very tanky and know you have support on the way. Also, if you attack an enemy and they are near their tower, the tower will attack you! This is called tower diving and is something you don't want to do, especially early game. Sometimes this is viable, such as having a 3 to 1 champion advantage, but in general, avoid fighting your opponent on their tower at all costs.

    Mid Game
    As the game progresses and you start to have a feel for how the game is progressing, you should have a pretty good idea of what types of strategies and a feel for how good the other team is. Remember, you need to hold 3/5 control points as much as you can if you want to win. If you can't take the top tower, sometimes you may try to ninja their mid tower or sneak in bottom lane and help take their bottom tower. Always be aware of where the enemy is! Don't get so caught up in holding one tower that you let them sneak in and take two of yours. Remember, this game is very dynamic in nature and even if you are losing badly, it's still possible to come back. Some champions are better late game than early, so just do your best. Remember to go back and shop when opportunity presents itself and always buy when you die. You can find some info on the forums and also some of the community sites previously listed. If you aren't sure what to buy, try referencing some of their builds. If you are new, you are going to definitely want to build some health items in there for survivability and if you are playing a tank or even a bruiser, you are likely going to need some armor items as well. If you are uncertain, just buy the recommended items until you get a better understanding of the game.

    The mid game is also where you will see the Orbital Cannon finally unlocked. Capturing this control point gives your team a huge advantage so you definitely want to capture it! Not only does it do damage to their base and drop a meteor in their jungle, it gives you an extra control point and also sends 3 super drones towards enemy controlled towers. These minions always are priority for turrets as well, so it's much easier to capture an enemy turret if there is a super drone present. If the other team is simply too strong or you have no way to capture the Orbital Cannon control point, try to ninja one or two of their control points (just don't let them take one of yours). Sometimes that's all you can do, but keep on fighting because in GH, it's not over till it's over!

    Late Game
    Late game is where things get crazy. By this point in time, champions have quite a bit gear and the big damage dealers are very deadly. As always, your focus will be on taking and/or holding those control points! Avoid situations that you can't win. If their Gaslight Batman is 15-5 and decked out, don't try to engage him by yourself. It's better to fall back to a tower and defend than it is to rush in and get killed. In team fights, take out those high damage, high threat targets ASAP. If left unchecked, your team will get wiped out. If you are dead, you certainly aren't helping your team. If one team is totally dominating, just do what you can. There is always another game. Hopefully, however, your team is either winning or the game is close so every skirmish and team fight can mean the difference between winning and losing. Again, you really don't want to die late game, so if you are getting smashed, fall back and grab some health or teleport back to your base. Remember that if you can hold more control points than the other team, your base will no longer take damage and their base will. It is not impossible to come back from a game where you are down 200-50. If your team is still competitive with the other team, focus and fight till the very end. One of the best feelings in gaming is coming back from certain defeat to pull off some amazing tower captures and/or orbital cannon captures and pull off the win!

    Final Thoughts
    Well, I hope this helps some of you new guys out. Try not to get discouraged if you lose a few games and don't do well at first. MOBA games have a steep leaning curve and take a lot of time and practice to master. I've played 1000's of games and still learn something every single game I play. If you are new, just learning to do things like sticking with your team, not chasing someone to their tower and tower diving, learning when to engage or retreat and other strategies are all part of the process and you will get better the more you play. If you want to learn to get get better, watch some videos or streams of high ELO players and see what they do, how they play, what items they buy, etc.

    I'm always looking to make this guide better, so I welcome any input, positive or negative and want to do what I can to help new players both learn how to play and improve their games. If I'm online and you want to team up, shoot me an invite. I'm always game to help out. I'm not the best player out there, but I will do what I can to help. Good luck and have fun!
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