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    Infinite Crisis builds for Wonder Woman

    I am (Wonder) Woman hear me ROAR. (A GH short study)

    A Wonder Woman guide by mikechimike
    Last updated: Aug 3rd, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/quotim-unstoppablequot-the-juggernaut-formerly-known-as-wonder-w
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    Hey guys its FIraWorks again, this time with my study on an enforcer.
    I tend to play the hit and run guys of Marksmen and Asassins but this time i want to focus on the tank. 

    If you played enough, nobody (and i mean 1-2 of 10 people) will wants to be a tank.  (prove me wrong here, especially on GH). 

    So after fighting on who could be the ADC and PDCs whenever you select a tank , nobody calls you noob or rattles your cage for doing what you do best, block/absorb dmg.  

    Why Wonder Woman

    Honestly i was trying to level her up for achievement but found so much team utility in her.  Here's some highlights

    1) She has 2 disables, Lasso and Bracers
    2) She has 2 blinks , Lasso and Shield
    3) She clears creep waves (and jungle) very efficiently

    1) She sucks 1v1, especially if not going for a PD build, unless you build enough armor
    2) you don't get kills you get assists
    3) without the right minded ADC/PDCs behind you, you can get stomped on quick. 

    Basically if you come from a "Kill first" perspective like me, you need to reprogram yourself with these new directives

    1) Defense.  If you see a low health ally, shield them and cover their escape, if there are two, cover the higher potential damage ally first.
    2) Disable .  Again can be used defensively or offensively, lasso to cover an ally's escape, or to catch an enemy on their escape, it takes a bit of practice to predict where they are running, but if in a straight line you're golden, just watch for creeps.   If multiple, or lasso is on cooldown, use Bracers to pull them in.   A good defensive-offensive trick is to pull them in under a tower to have the tower hit them as well.  
    3) Destroy!  Most of the time this applies to creeps, because your dmg isn't up there to kill enemies, but while you're crowded by 2 or more guys, turn on amazonian prowess and give it a go.  

    Apply the Triple D's (Defensive, Disable, Destroy) and you're on your way. 


    I usually start with  Steel's Skin, Mirror Master's and cloak.  Based on the other team composition you can swap out Steel or mirror master for another layer of armor (example if the team is all attack or ADC heavy, then go for Steel's plus Suit of Sorrows or Metallo's Heart).  By the time you max it, if your team needs more attack then go for the 'attack friendly build' or if they desperately need a tank go for 'tank mode'

    'Attack friendly'
    after you get your second armor (after Steel's and Mirror Master's) whether it be Attack focused or Defense focused,  Get Atlantean Seal, for that health to sustain longer and Power Damage.  You can go for Scarab to get PD and attack speed.  And if you really have money go for Starheart.  

    Again you won't be racking up the kills, but in a more supportive way, wearing down the champs as you're already in the thick of things.  

    Tank mode
    Build more armor and health.  Mogo's is great for Attack armor, and Health AND is active ability.  or just any other armor that can help you tank.  However as you go further and further down this route, you'll find enemy champs will begin to focus fire on your allies more, so i hope you are comfortable with disables. 

    Why bother with tank mode?

    Tank mode is great in situations where you may be 2v1 or even 3v1 on a tower.  If you played enough GH , there is always one ally who runs from his post, and i find that WW/Juggernaut is perfect for holding a tower.  Bracers plus Lasso are your best friends, hold your enemy's under the tower and you should be able to take out at least 1 if not all 3 of them.  (maybe i'm too optimistic) 

    That should be that. 

    Remember, Triple D's and support your team, and you'll be steamrolling over them with Wonder Woman

    Latest comments
    chi - Great question... early on suit of sorrows vs steel skin, you don't need an extreme amount of armor early on, and if anything the will that comes with steel skin will help you and your team (cast more shields and lassos).  You can try it out and see but you might find yourself lacking will.   suit + mirror is a great combo.. makes everyone regret hitting you LOL
    3:38 pm, Jul 7th, 2014
    I love,love,love using WW... why wouldn't you go full suit and Enthropy early on?..  or even suit of sorrows with mirror master?  
    3:23 pm, Jul 7th, 2014
    I use Wonder woman a lot and find that Fragment of Mogo isn't optional it is needed. It is needed because she is in such close quarters in combat and has such a high focus on tank items she needs the extra power, it works very well with her ult I would never use her without it unless they had no Power champions. Also Helm of fate is needed as optional depending on how many power champions they have, they have 2-3 power champions and all of her abilities are based on power why not grab it? Oa Gambit is a great optional item to keep not only yourself, but your team up since you can only shield one player with her ability why not have that to take care of the rest of your team with that active? Also considering she is a tank she does not power aside from the above items, she is suppose to fight with a team member not solo. I have gotten 33 assists with her and that gave me my full build with no power items so the Startheart is not needed if your team fights with you. Also considering she is a tank she does not power aside from the above items, she is suppose to fight with a team memeber not solo. I have gotten 33 assists with her and that gave me my full build with no power items so the Startheart is not needed if your team fights with you.
    3:34 pm, May 28th, 2014
    that's an interesting spiel.  I can defintely see merit to the gambit and mogos, but more based on the role you have to take.  I think its important to keep her flexible to most situations, because in some cases (especially when your adcs are always halfway across the map) you will need a little punch in your push.  Again i don't play professionally, but i see the merits to your suggestions and will try it out
    10:09 am, May 29th, 2014