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    Infinite Crisis builds for Doomsday

    ShroomXX's Gotham Heights Blinksday Guide

    A Doomsday guide by ShroomXX
    Last updated: Mar 3rd, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/xSFzdynv
    33,162 3


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    Hi guys my name is ShroomXX  i play since the early beginning of Beta if you are on the european server you probaly already played vs or with me in Que XD

    My Favorite Champ in the actual Meta is Doomsday and he is actually my most played champ with level 17 since last Reset on GD and GH

    Build Order on Gh Lobo Chain level 2 -> speedforce L1 + L2 (first back you probaly only can buy L1) -> Deathstrokes Claymore  L2 -> Atomic Axe Level 2 or Joe Chilli Revolver (depends on your personal favorite) and inbetween you try to finish lobo chain 4 depending on your money The Final and last Item should be Suit of Sorrows or Kryptonian Armor depending on the main Dmg Sources in the Game if youre rolling and dont need that go Batman utility Belt

    But in a normal game length on gh i can usually only finish Lobo chain 4 Speedforce 2 and Deathstrokes 2 at Max


    Quenn Enhanced Atomic Axe+6 Attack Damage (Tier 1) 10

    Wayne Enhanced Lobo's Chain+75 Health (Tier 3) 10

    Quenn Enhanced Deathstroke's Claymore+13 Attack Damage (Tier 1) 10


    Move Speed (G)
    Health (B)
    +2.11 Move Speed
    +19.43 Health
    Move Speed (G)
    Health (B)
    +2.11 Move Speed
    +3.24 Health/lvl (Max 61.56)

    Health (G)
    Move Speed (B
    )+25.26 Health
    +1.62 Move Speed

    Health (G)
    Move Speed (B)
    +4.21 Health/lvl (Max 79.99)
    +1.62 Move Speed

    The Main Part what makes me so succesfull with this Char is that i use the active of Speedforce which works like flash the summoner spell from LoL on a Item.

    I Level my E first to the Max cuz in Combination with the increased Wall dmg on E Charge and the active of deathstrokes claymore you can nearly one shot people and Disrupt Teamfights like a Boss.Even Tanky chars melt like Ice in the sun with the active of the Claymore

    The Core Item except all other items is Speedforce because the Flashy effect that enables you to CC people nearly everywhere on the map also gives you Dmg increase if you hit Wall

    You can pre-plan situations and surprise your enemys with inniates that look like a Visuall Bug XD
    The only Thing you should always keep in Mind is that if you take Dmg you cant use the active for 5 seconds so you should try to evade all kinds of dmg when you plan to do that.


    Q : 3 charges area Dmg
    W: AOE Dmg aorund yourself + speed boost
    E: Drags people over Map or stun them into Wall(XXXX-tra Dmg)
    R: More AD Dmg + move speed+%ad dmg reflect+% lowered CC effects on yourself (adds Stun to Q/ More Move speed to W/E 50% longer Charge Distance)

    If you move over the map always use your spells when you walk to your Destination to fill your Rage- Bar and make your Ulty available when you arrive at Destination.
    If you use your spells all the time you will have a Doomsday Ulty nearly every 20 seconds

    Its mostly a single target strategy that catches people offguard or you zone people out during Teamfights for you allies to Focus them XD

    Also my CC/GD Doomsday has a way different build then my Gh Doomsday .
    Guide for GD/CC  in the Future
    Im not streaming myself but you can see me most times playing on this Streams

    http://de.twitch.tv/zimpyk             GHR
    http://de.twitch.tv/pihel1337         TCM

    To back up that i know what Im talking about i added 3 screenshots with my ingame stats (couldnt get them on one )
    I won 114 out of 114 Gh matches and 205 out of 217 Global Games.I will be keep updating this Guide and also my prove Images in the future.

    http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3538/lonqi4u4_jpg.htm          GH
    http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3538/hvurz2wr_jpg.htm         GD
    http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3538/s8266k2u_jpg.htm        Global

    If you have questions just add me ingame or write in the Comment Section of this Guide.
    If you find Language Mistakes you can keep them XD
    Latest comments
    first try and it really help me alot got the first blood kill :D, now to practice more nice guide man
    3:03 pm, Jun 17th, 2014
    This build seems more of a pub stomp a.k.a got fed early build. To me, a reliable DD build needs a little bit more beef and less pure AD. Like, Lobo's and Atomic Axe are OK (even Deathstroke's Claymore if you're ahead), but Joe Chill's is a bit too much, I think. I'd also drop Batman's Utility Belt. I'm not sure why so many builds claim it's an essential on DD, but I feel it's a waste. Yes, the stats are nice, but on DD it's not as potent as on, say, GasCat. You definitely don't need the speed if you're going Speed Force Battery AND Kryptonian War Armor and there are better ways of getting the CDR (Phantom Strangler's Necklace?). It's situational at best if they have mega CC (you have built in resilience with your ult, by the way) and are for some reason focusing it on you more often than a carry or something. Speaking of which, Suit of Sorrows (I mean, you have built in Attack Reflect already) is definitely situational as well. Mind you, this is all my opinion. You clearly know DD if you have him at level 17 and I don't doubt you're good with him and that you're build works; I just think that it takes DD in the "wrong" direction, even if it is powerful. I'd go: Lobo's, Phantom Strangler's Necklace, Atomic Axe, Deathstroke's Claymore, Kryptonian War Armor, Ruby of Life/Mogo's (preferably RoL, unless they are AD heavy.)
    6:29 pm, Mar 19th, 2014
    Plz dont take this personal but what your saying i cant take serious there are so many points in your comment i have a totally different opinion on .... 1. You buy stack items on gh ? normal game length is between 5 and 15 minutes... and you are farming minions as a enforcer ? instead of helping your team ? you loose half of stacks on deaths and need like forever to farm it up  + they are expensive and dont offer much ...makes no sense for me phantom and ruby of life = CRAP ON GH TOTAL SHIT!!! 2.You also have build in attack reflect so suit of sorrows makes no sense häääääää? 20% + 40% make 60% reflection 1 vs 1 a cyborg or atomic wonderwoman they are litteraly punching their own faces to death 3. I say in my build that i nearly never build Batman utility and that it is very situational 4.I take speed force for the active not for passive speed boost 5.When i read your commentary i get the strong feeling that you didnt even read my text and just looked at items if you want tankiness buy atlantean royal seal , fragment of mogo kryptonian and Lobo if this build  is to offensive you build lobo speedforce deathstrokes fragment kryptonian easy
    11:21 am, Mar 20th, 2014
    You can farm on GH. It actually really helps. You really should consider using periods and commas. It was really hard to read that.
    2:03 pm, Mar 23rd, 2014
    thanks so much, your guide helped me a lot <3 doomsday
    12:56 am, Mar 18th, 2014
    Thx appreciate that bro :) i will rework this next week and change some little things :)
    11:22 am, Mar 20th, 2014