With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.
Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.
Professionell Infinite Crisis Player for Team Dignitas
Marksman Main
Season 1 IC EU Champ
Follow me at https://twitter.com/dignitasCris
dignitasCris Mecha Wonder Woman Guide
7,281 15 1
1. Introduction 1.1 Why Mecha Wonder Woman 2. Amplifiers 2.1 Mods 2.2 Augments 3. Abilities 4. Stolen Powers 5. Items 5.1 Starting Items 5.2 Core Items 5.3 Late Game Items 5.4 Optional Items 5.5... Read more
dignitasCris Gaslight Batman Guide
12,474 10 3
1. Introduction 1.1 Why Gaslight Batman? 2. Amplifiers 2.1 Mods 2.2 Augments 3. Abilities 4. Stolen Powers 5. Items 5.1 Starting Items 5.2 Core Items 5.3 Late Game Items 5.4 Optional Items 5.5 I... Read more