Posted: Jul 4th, 2014
Hi Guys,
I buy, save a set with mods and augs. When selecting the champ I select my new saved set. but when playing the game, the mods are not showing up for me to buy. Only the default mods for that champ is available and with the enhancements I got from my new set.
Eg: I create a set for GA with Mega rod, evolved Revolver and Enhanced Katana.
I select this Set when selecting the champ.
But when playing the game with GA, in the Collection to buy items, I dont see the Mega rod. I could see only his default items like blade, speed implants, revolver (With my enhancement like deadly 3), Katana (With my enhancement of +9 Attack) and other default items we see when playing GA. But no the Mega rod.
The same is happening for all the champs, when I add a mod to the set that is not usually present in the champs list.
What am I doing wrong?? Pls help me...