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  • Infinite Crisis has shut down.

    With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.

    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Ahoy! We're still very much working on this page as part of the Dawnbase overhaul. It'll look terrible until it's done. Sorry!
    Joined: Sep 10th, 2014
    Last visit: Oct 16th, 2014

    Dawnbase rep: 16

    IGN: obiwan362

    North American server

    Preferred role:
    Attack Carry (ADC)

    Send PM


    Greetings all. IC is my first attempt to really get into MOBAs. I main GA, but I'm not that good at the game in general. Alway happy to get any advice people can give and more than happy to help those just starting out.
    I also have a YouTube channel. I don't do much IC stuff on there, but once Flash premieres and the new season of Arrow starts, I'll start having Flash Tuesdays and Arrow Wednesdays on my channel, where I'll show off builds from different guides, or just completely wing it. Come check it out if it sounds like something you would be interested in. www.youtube.com/obiwan362

    Top rated comments
    Your guide says to start with the Mace, but both of your videos start with the Crossbow. Why?
    This is rather useful. I would suggest adding Attack and Power Reflect, since those are other stats that you can have.

    Newest comments
    Your guide says to start with the Mace, but both of your videos start with the Crossbow. Why?
    This is rather useful. I would suggest adding Attack and Power Reflect, since those are other stats that you can have.