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    Infinite Crisis builds for Gaslight Joker

    Gaslight Joker: The fastest tank clear you have ever seen

    A Gaslight Joker guide by dasdrawer
    Last updated: May 9th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/1366-Gaslight-Joker-Gaslight-Joker-The-fastest-tank-clear-yo
    2,633 0


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    My name is Dasdrawer and I am here to show you the true beauty behind this disgusting fat-sack! I have been playing since the beta release but I quit because of an unfortunate technicality in the game that caused me to bug out and be kicked from every game. unfortunate but for that whole time I was playing a ton of GL Joker and finally I developed this build after a while but I still don't know what is good and what isn't I'm still trying everything out but I had the most success with this build

    First things first, you need to finish Mauraders Shield. The other mauraders items arent worth building to full but shield gives you some very nice stats that are super useful early game. You also need it to contest objectives, a huge beginner mistake is not finishing Mauraders.
    next you need health only build tier two Ruby Crystal, then you can start on Dianas Bracers also only tier two. lastly build Kryptonian War Armor, tier 3.
    Now you just finish your core. starting with Crystal and then Bracers.

    Your Q is being maxed out first for the sustain and extra damage. Despite what a great tool this is you can still barely survive early skirmishes against non-tanks
    Next you max out your passive for the extra health and regen. your W and E are CC and spell shield repspectively so you only need one point in them early.
    Then max W, after that max E, and take whenever you can

    your ult's slow is doubled against any FILTHY enemies


    Kryptonian war armor is a must because of the healing ramp. your Q and passive heal you and your tools use health as a resource so you will want the extra healing.
    Dianas Bracers is very nice to have because you will be stacking lots of health and your Ult will drain your health so Bracers effectively counters that drawback.
    Ruby of Life for extra health and since your avoiding fights early you will spend a lot of time farming. you will have a lot of stacks if your good at not dying. alternatively you can get fast stacking if you don't trust yourself.
    Fragment of Mogo is a fantastic tank item it scales off your health and gives you extra peel for your team. joker has some decent damage so if you work hard you can rack up some kills with him. REMEMBER the tankier you are the better :)
    I prefer to top everything off with Olympus Gambit it helps your team, reduces damage, and keeps you alive. you will be a super tank late game so you wont have to worry about dying. you will be buffing your team and I'm sure they will appreciate that.


    you dont need the extra damage as this is a full tank build and all your damage comes from your bonus health. it is unneccessary and actually detrimental if you build damage items unless your going damage GL Joker


    I will usually take Arcane Green Lanterns Healing Wave simply because of war armor and the extra defences are very nice. In the late game I try to be a super tank with a few auras so the team buff is a nice touch, if you would like to use something else go ahead I've considered using Krypto's healing wave but I do not currently own it. I would like to hear some feedback about your different choices.
    Atomic Jokers Detonate because it really helps with clearing camps and really speeds up your timing, I'm currently testing with Mecha Supermans Consume again because of Kryptonian War Armor. Maybe it will work :D


    My golden rule is: Mod Your Core Items and I modded for extra health and regen. Augments are all about preference and I can't stress that enough. I play GL Joker as a fast clearing counter jungler and counter ganker, therefore I prioritize move speed, CDR, and health. You may play him as an unkillable regen tank, or a beefy bruiser. Augment how you want.


    Avoid early skirmishes at all costs. once you risk dying early you get very far behind in your stacking as capacity takes away 3/4 of your stacks. you need to farm and carefully gank to secure your late game. In the late game you can risk being reckless as you will be a super tank. you wont need that much armor as you will have tons of health and health regen plus the added bonus from Diana's Bracers and Kryptonian War Armor. Your job in the late game is to run into swarms of enemies, turn on rats, and apply FILTHY to anyone caught in rats.


    When you get to the super duper late game, sell your Mauraders shield for a something geared towards buffing your team I personally dont like ra's al ghuls robe because I feel its too easy to prevent the revive

    The sustain is not the reason I am making this guide. I'm making this guide because GL Joker has REALLY fast clear speed after level 6. after level 6 you can start counter jungling or stick to your jungle and gank often. your choice. HAPPY CHOPPING!
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