A brief intro:
This guide is for how to play Doomsday in the Jungle. I prefer to play him extremely tanky, because with 4 defensive items and 2 attack, he can do as much damage as most marksmen while being able to soak up massive amounts of damage.
-Easy for beginners to pick up
-Fast jungle clear times
-Powerful bruiser / tank through all stages of the game
-Speed buff, knockdown, and knockback provide CC to ganks
-Does exceptionally well against attack based teams
-Killed superman. Yeah.
-Ult loses effectiveness against power based comps
-Requires a team that can follow up on your engages. Going in at the wrong time can result in your prompt death.
Revenge - This passive makes you great at 1v1 fights, as is the reason that you can be great at counter jungling early on in the game. When you have full fury you can activate Kyrptonian Rage.
Pummeling Assault - This ability is your bread and butter. It gives you mobility and fast clear times. Maxing this ability first ensures you can get through the jungle quickly to promptly gank for your lanes or capture points.
Berserk - This ability gives you monstrous aoe and single target damage late game. Leveling as a second priority ability will increase your clear times significantly.
Charge - This ability gives you fantastic ganks. Using Berserk and Pummeling Assault, you can guarantee you will be behind an enemy hero, and you can use charge to push them back towards one of your turrets / team. If you are planning on going for a lvl 3 gank, get a point in Charge rathe rthan Pummeling Assault. If you are going for a lvl 4 gank, get it at lvl 4 instead.
I see many guides prioritizing charge over other abilities. I would not recommend this. It is a 1 pt. wonder ability. The damage increase from leveling it is not as significant as the damage increase you get by leveling other abilities, and it will hurt your ability to clear.
Kyrptonian Rage - This ability is fantastic in teamfights, and is one of the reason doomsday is such a great bruiser / tank. If you are tanky enough, you can simply run around there team soaking up damage and doing massive damage in return.
Marauder Knife (4) - This item gets you through your clears with ease. You can pretty much farm jungle indefinitely. Modular health vial is a completely unnecessary purchase when you have Marauder Knife. After a quick clear you can get it to tier 4 and start buying real items. Start with tier 2 knife, and get it to 4 as fast as possible. Sell it once you need room for a sixth item.
Batman's Utility Belt (3) - This item gives you a massive damage spike. Due to the fact you can cast pummeling assault 3 times, you can proc its passive many times. Make sure you auto attack in between every ability use to maximize your damage potential. If you don't this item is a waste of money.
Claw Of Horus (3) - I like buying this item first because not only does it give you some decent damage, early on it really gives you the bit of attack armor you need to be safe when ganking the lanes. Additionally it makes you a really scary counter jungler, as you will be able to duel most any other jungler with ease once you have it.
Suit Of Sorrows (4) - Its passive pairs excellently with your Kyrptonian Rage. Combined, you will have %31 attack reflect at max level. Paired with your high attack armor and high hp, most attack based champions will kill themselves just trying to attack you. If the entire opponents team happens to be power, don't buy this and stack up on power armor. Your ult will be fairly useless but at least you have no need to build attack armor.
NOTE - Get no more than 1 offensive item. Your primary function is to be a tank for your team. Build too much damage and you will get melted before you can do anything.
Huntress' Crossbow (3) - This item enables you to do tons of damage to other tanks. Even if they have no tanks, I would still recommend purchasing it as augments the rest of your kit well.
Sword Of Beowulf (3) - Only get this item if they have an excess of power champions, and you are getting focused by them. Its power shield is very useful for keeping you alive, and the Sword of Beowulf provides you with decent damage besides that.
Deathstroke's Claymore (3) - This will enable to absolutely melt marksmen and blasters.
Mirror Master's Prism (4) - Power reflect is incredibly useful.
Booster Gold's Power Suit (3) - Towers do an absurd amount of damage. The only way you can consider diving towers is with this item. I would recommend it.
Fragment Of Mogo (3) - The aoe burn in tandem with berserk gives you some really good aoe damage. I would recommend it highly.
Lobo's Chain (4) - Only get this if you are having trouble kiting enemy heros. Specifically, this is a useful item against the flash.
Metallo's Heart (3) - Only get this item if they have an exceptional amount of attack based champions, or a double marksmen comp.
Velocity 9 Implants (4) - Get this instead of Huntress' Crossbow, and after Lobo's Chain if you are still having trouble keeping up with enemy heroes. Honestly i never see this as a necessary purchase, but you may find it useful.
Diana's Bracers - Useful for extended sieges. If you find that you are the team fights are extremely long and drawn out, I would recommend this item. Additionally, the extra resilience proves useful against a comp with a lot of CC.
Speed Force Battery - If you are comfortable with using active abilities on items, and you are having trouble getting good ganks in, this item can be very useful. Blink in behind an enemy hero and charge them into your allies. Also useful for counter jungling if you are feeling ballsy.
Jungling with Doomsday is incredible simple. Here is the safest and simplest path:
The red path represents a standard clear path from camp to camp. Start the game at point 1. Clear down the pathway clearing camp 2 and 3. Once you clear camp 3, you have the option of taking the blue path to gank botlane. If the enemy heroes are past the middle, it is probably a good idea to go for a gank. Otherwise, go on to point 4 and clear that camp. Check again if the enemy heroes are past the middle of the lane. If not, proceed up to point 5 and then start your clear over. Your second time through the jungle, you can look to gank top after clearing camp 1. Do not try and gank top after you clear camp 1 for the first time, you will be weak and won't be able to bring much to your gank.
If top looks prime for a gank, skip from camp 3 to 5 to safe some time.
Here are the standard ganking paths from the right side of the map (simply mirror for the left side). White represents the standard paths, red represents better paths if the terrain is cleared. The red paths are better because they can be taken without being detected by opponents. Typically ganks from the main body of the jungle are easy to predict because of surveillance drones. For this reason, even though the white paths are guaranteed, they aren't as good.
Once you are confident with your ability to jungle with doomsday, feel free to also poke into the opponents jungle to try and get extra gold off their camps and possible a kill or two on their jungler.
Towards the late game when you are involved in more teamfights, try and and occupy your opponent's marksmen. If you aren't behind, you should be able to kill them with ease while soaking damage for the rest of your team.
Most importantly, have fun. Doomsday is a really fun champ, once you get enough experience under your belt you should have no problem rolling around, getting kills, and having a great time. And a final note, this guide can only help you play doomsday like I play him. Without a doubt you will find better build paths and better strategies than I have given you. This guide can only get you started, it is up to you to figure out how to improve on what I have laid out.