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    Infinite Crisis builds for Gaslight Joker


    A Gaslight Joker guide by B4TM4N
    Last updated: Feb 6th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/HvOzpjKb
    3,707 0


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    This is my new Ham guide for GH..

     With the changes to his Q, and the reduced slow on his ult...hes different..but follow my guide and run 18/4/23 games all day..

    first..rush MOGO...the active is still fantastic..the HP helps, and with the mod for + 15 AArmor it  into the second item.

     With the changes to his Q, and the reduced slow on his ult...hes different..but follow my guide and run 18/4/23 games all day..

    first..rush MOGO...the active is still fantastic..the HP helps, and with the mod for + 15 AArmor it leads into the second item.

    next rush Helm of fate..I have this modded too so I can use its active at teir 2 .The active gives U 20% of Aarmor as PArmor for 10 seconds, and the cd is short..badically U get this U dont need PD items nless their tem is all PD.
    next rush Helm of fate..I have this modded too so I can use its active at teir 2 .The active gives U 20% of Aarmor as PArmor for 10 seconds, and the cd is short..badically U get this U dont need PD items nless their tem is all PD.
    plus this item gives U 70 PD

     next. start psi scim with the mod fr 50% pd added to next baic after skill use..this item roxx..gives great PD, good AD, and the modded passive is fantastic, as GLJs Q skill CD is erfect for refreshin the passive..
      from here..if you return to base with 1000 you buy into the next teir..if U return with 1500 or more start STARHEART..atleast the first teir..then finish psi..

     next finish starheart...your now sittin on over 350 PD..nice..

    next I like to get fatality lance..if u choose to not mod helm..mod this for 22 more PD..thats 92 PD on this item..but its real fun is the active..since Hamman is all about melee..I save my ham toss for later, and start fights with, pshcic assualt for the slow, the hit Fatals active, you chunk down 15% of their HP to start, and do 10% more dmg for 5 seconds...and by now your Q is addin around 300 or so to yur next basic, and yur psi scim is proccin with that addin about the same..add in that mogo bein runnin since the initial slow and heh...

    after this its up to you...I get book for the extra penetration..but ths is a very in yur face build..TURN OFF YUR ULT ALOT...you cant run it all day like before, and other then usin it for the beggining of a fight, I turn it off as soon as people make it out of it..

     gonna be workin on a CD build soon cuzz, snack shield is the balls, blocked supermans ult so many times alrdy..

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