Hi guys! Cryomaniac here with a hopefully useful guide for playing Green Lantern on Gotham Heights!
Skill Guide
Q: Slam
This is your primary damage skill. You want to max this first and spam it a smuch as possible. It scales very well with power damage items, and with a cooldown of just a few seconds you'll be able to use it multiple times in a fight. It's a single target skill, so you don't need to aim it and you can hit enemies who are hiding behind creep waves. The range is decent, just don't pulled too far out of safety to land it. Combo it with his E, Barrage, whenever you can, since the stacks of Shattered Will will add some excellent damage, but don't be afraid to harass foes with it or just go for some quick damage on a fleeing target.
W: Constrict
This does a decent amount of damage, but it's real use is in applying a ridiculous 70% slow to targets. Max it second to make the duration longer, and use it to let you land your E easier. Try not to spam it too much in teamfights, since it has a long-ish cooldown and you might need it to slow down a fleeing enemy long enough for you or a friend to finish them off.
E: Missile Barrage
I only put one level into this because most of it's utility comes from applying the Shattered Will debuff, something that doesnt scale past the first level. Yes, it'll do more damage than an equivalent-level Slam, and yes, it does have AOE, but it only does more damage if all 3 missiles are landed (and they can't be rapid-fired, you have to go through the casting animation for each missile, meaning it's going to take a couple of seconds to fire all of them), it scales worse than Slam in regards to bonus damage, and it has a longer cooldown. It does have the nice utility of spreading Shattered Will to grouped enemies, something that combos well with Slam, and it's also great for shooting into stealth pads and clearing drone waves, but in the end, it's not your primary source of damage. Slam is. Fire it off during a teamfight to get that power armor-reducing Shattered Will, but remember it'll detonate on the first enemy it hits, so make sure you have a clear shot into the middle of an enemy group.
R: Green Lantern's Light
GL's ulti, this does ridiculous damage and applies a stun if you can catch your target in the middle of it. Save it for fights with multiple enemies, since it has a pretty long cooldown. Try to have it on cooldown for those fights for the orbital cannon, since your enemies will be forced to group up if they want to capture it. Only use it in a 1v1 if you're going to die otherwise. There's a small delay before it'll actually land, and your enemies can see the jet coming down a split second before it hits, so aim carefully.
Passive: Indomitable Will
Frankly, this is just bad. Don't bother with it. You shouldn't be running low enough on Will to gain any meaningful Power Damage, and the Health Gain isn't all that useful in a fight. It does apply to drones, though, so keep that in mind.
Items: Grab the suggested items to start with: Dreamstone for extra Will regen, Steel's Breastplate for additional attack armor and Will, and Cosmic Staff for some power damage. Max out [[Doctor Destiny's Dreamstone (3)]] to gain excellent Will regen and some nice other stats, especially cooldwon reduction and power damage; max out either
Cosmic Staff (4) or [[Steel's Breastplate (3)]] for more damage or survivability respectively. Breastplate is included because GL really benefits from the extra will and movespeed, but especially from the attack armor and passive, Iron Will. By diverting damage to GL's massive Will pool, he becomes less squishy, especially to Attack Damage Assassins like
Nightmare Batman. Make no mistake, he's no tank, but this should hopefully keep you from dying instantly in teamfights and actually contributing. Just make sure you turn it on! (Note: It will deactivate after death, but you have to toggle it twice to regain Iron Will. You should see some paritcles circling around him.) After Staff and Breastplate work towards [[Abin Sur's Lantern (4)]] for more Will capacity and Power Damage, and finally get
The Starheart (4) for truly ridiculous Power Damage. If you still haven't ended the game by this point, your last slot is up to you. Get
Atlantean Royal Seal (4) for more health, damage, and a nice slow added to your skills, [[Eclipso's Diamond (2)] for more Power Damage and the hard-to-come-by Power Lifesteal which should make you a bit tankier,
Eye Of Ekron (4) for some nice stats and a passive that let's you abuse GL's power damage even more (it's taken over
Psi-Scimitar (3) since GL can't really use Attack Damage and Eye of Ekron's passive, Shrapnel, actually does AOE instead of just single target damage, so you can hammer multiple foes. Just be careful since the Shrapnel damage won't actually be applied to the main target, just the one's behind him/her), and finally [[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]] for some armor in both stats and an excellent resurrection ability. Also, pick up
Radion Shard (4) or [[Hawkman's Harness (4)]] (depending on whether you think hitting harder or takning better is more important) if you have any extra money when you make a stop at the Foundry, since they're sold back at full price later and the extra stats always help.
Stolen Powers: These are basically just to get around GL's lack of an escape besides Constricting pursuers and getting to trouble spots faster.
Other Notes: Don't ever be alone as GL, and if you are, stay on a capture point so you at least have a turret backing you up. A lonely Green Lantern is a dead Green Lantern.
Thanks for reading, and have fun blasting foes as Green Lantern!