Hello All! Im Advi, And this is my Atomic Green Lantern (AtGL) guide. Its just a general build that i use dependant on the other team. I will cover the items that would be most likly to be built on AtGL and try to explain why each item could be effective in a certain situation.This build is in no way a set in stone build that will work for you every game.
All builds should depend on your current game, no build should be cookie cutter and is not meant to take on every sitiation. Change your build accordingly!
So then let us begin by taking a look at Atomic Green Lanterns skills.
Passive. Radiation Sickness - When Atomic Green Lantern hits enemies with a skill or a basic attack he applies a stack of Radiation Sickness to the target, once the target has reached 4 stacks of Radiation sickness the target is dealt
Power Damage over 3 seconds and loses 50% movement speed. His Basic attacks also deal additional damage.
Damage/Time: 60 90 120 150 +
12% Bonus Health
Power Damage: 35 60 85 110 +
50% Power Damage
Cooldown: 8 7 6 5
Q. Grab - Atomic Green Lantern shoots out a large construct hand that grabs opponents and pulls them to AtGL's Location. This Also deals a Decent ammount of damage and has a rather high ratio.
Damage: 60 100 140 180 +
60% Power Damage
Cooldown: 16 14 12 10
W. Scorched Earth - Atomic Green Lantern Slams the ground dealing
Power Damage and leaving an area behind that explodes after a short time (1.5s). The explosion deals additional
Power Damage to all enemies caught in the area.
Damage: 40 65 90 115 +
20% Power Damage
Cost: 35 40 45 50
Cooldown: 6.5 6 5.5 5
E. Shards Of Will - Atomic Green Lantern gains a Sheild, The strength of the sheild is not only determined by level of the skill but also gains bonus' when there are targets around AtGL that have Radiation sickness stacks.
Champions increase the sheild by 20% while drones add a mere 5%. This bonus is capped out at 50%.
Sheild: 50 75 100 125 +
10% Bonus Health
Cost: 35 45 55 65
R. Meltdown - Fires out a projectile that follows enemies, once hit it pulses once per second, On each pulse it deals a moderate amount of
Power Damage in a moderate area and apply a stack of radiation sickness to all hit. Once 4 Stacks have been reached on the target or the target dies the Meltdown will then jump to a new nearby enemy and continue its pulses until 6 have gone off. If you can get this skill off while there are many enemies in a small area or if you pay close attention to how much radiation sickness a target has you can use this to deal a massive amount of damage to the enemy team.
Damage: 40 65 90 115 +
20% Power Damage
Cost: 80 100 120 140
Ah Atomic Green Lanterns Skills, Theres a multitude of ways to level his abilities depending on what your needing for your team or yourself at the time. Most of the time my skill order looks like this:
which allows me to clear minion waves at a decent rate with my W maxed and then once the passive is leveled a bit you will notice your auto attacks do quite a bit more damage. Now if you were filling a tanky or support role you may want your abilities to look something like this:
This will max your sheild first and let you take quite a bit more damage as long as your building health. The bonus health will allow you to take a bit more damage and increase your sheild for added survivability, however your damage will be lacking for a while with this build, but you can soak up a large amount of punishment.
2. Stolen Powers
[[Flash's Super Speed]]
Flash's Super Speed - Still one of my favorite powers in the game by far. The utility it provides is jsut too good to pass up for me most of the time. Use it to chase, to escape, or to get to a crucial point a slight bit faster, plus in conjunction with Atomic Green Lantern's Grab you can catch people out of position for a free kill.
Invulnerability - I like to take Shazam's Invulnerability on GL most of the time just to soak up some extra damage, but Doomsday's sheild is also an option depending on what you prefer. This goes for just about any character you would run Invulnerability on, its a decent power to run on AtGL if you need the extra tankiness.
Teleport - This is still decent if you intend to be split pushing for your team, With AtGL's Scorched Earth you can push at a pretty rapid rate once its maxed out and you have a bit of damage behind you. However AtGL isnt very safe until late game when he becomes a bit more tanky.
[[Batman's Trap]]
Batman's Trap - This is something i like to bring on AtGL alot. Its great for teamfights, or in a lane. It allows you to control where enemies move alot of the time and also can be used to gran vision for a short bit if need be. The main reason i like to bring this however is because if you set a trap down right before you throw out a grab, you can pull an enemy onto the trap and have it trigger, effectivly adding a root to your Grab. Using this in a teamfight can net you an early kill on an enemy without their team being able to do much about it.
[[Green Lantern's Meteor Drop]]
Green Lanter's Meteor Drop - This Very much like the Traps can be a great tool if used correctly. Can drop this on the ground then pull an enemy back into it for added damage. Can be used to create a very nice burst if timed properly.
Psychic Assault
Psychic Assault - This is also a viable choice. This can be used to keep oponents near you after you pull them in. Great for securing a kill after a grab. Keeps enemies in range to apply more stacks of radiation sickness as well, however this isnt a stolen power that is needed, due to the movement speed debuff on AtGL's passive.
Stolen Powers are personal preference. I do reccommend having some sort of utility to help you escape if need be however.
3. Items
With Atmoic Green Lantern msot of the time you will find youself buying items hopefully out of the tanky section of the items. They ahve good power damage on some of them but you really need the survivability, its good to get a bit tanky first and then move into a few of the items from the power damage section.
For Atomic Green lantern in lane i would usually start
Nil Ring and either 3x
Health Pack and 2x
Will Pack Or a
Nil Ring and a
Tektite Vial. The Tektite vial will provide a little less sustain at first but more throughout the game.
If i were going to jungle Him however you should start a
Marauder Knife (1) and a
Marauder Shield (1) and then your choice of how you want to buy either 2
Health Pack's or a
Will Pack and a
Health Pack, buying a will pack will allow you to keep enough mana to gank earlier without having to go back first, but the health packs if you manage your will, will keep you healthier. Sell the Knife early, its nice to have when you start for added basic attack damage and the damage to creatures. With the lifesteal will also keep you a bit healthier than if you had a ring instead.
With Green lantern i usually buy an [[Abin Sur's Lanter (1)]] or [[Abin Sur's Lantern (2)]] if i can afford it. Its important to get [[Abin Sur's Lantern (2)]] as soon as possible if you're going to build it. It's effect increases your will each time you cast a spell. So once you get the Second tier of Abin Sur's just hold on to it for a little while before building its 3rd or 4th tier. They arent worth the damage until the lantern's effect has had some time to build up. Normally i would buy an item or two before completing it. I believe this item is very good on AtGL, because he does use quite a bit of mana and this will give you some early damage as well as the ability to use alot of abilities if need be.
[[Abin Sur's Lantern (4)]] - This item i would get after i completed a few others first, its not important to rush the 4th tier unless your team is doing well and your not needing to be super tanky yet.
Psi-Scimitar (3) - This item is decent on AtGl, combined with his pull you can deal alot of damage and with the Spamability on his Scorched Earth you can proc this jsut about every time it comes off cooldown. Which deals a great ammount of damage however i dont reccommend geting this too early unless your doing well because you will more than likly need to be getting tankier at this point.
The Starheart (4) - Just your run of the mill damage item, This you should get quite a bit later after you already have some survivability, this will allow you to hit very hard in teamfights and make your ultimate just devastaing.
Cosmic Staff (4) - Another decent item on AtGL, however i tend to not buy it all of the time, if they have a genreally tanky team i may pick it up but otherwise it loses alot of its appeal in my opinion.
[[Eclipso's Diamond (2)]] - This item isnt as great on AtGL as it is other power champions, it gives decent sustain with your ultimate if you can catch a large group of people with it but for the most part your going to be dealing most of your damage off of your radiation sickness and your scorched earth which makes this item a bit less desirable. However if your team already had a dedicated tank and your just looking for a bit more killing power not a bad choice to invest in it.
[[Two Face's Coin (2)]] - I dont touch this item at all on AtGL, not a good buy most of the time, you need to be getting tankier instead of spending money on a whole bunch of power damagae at this point in the game, this item is only good to buy when it is early in the match, because it takes quite a while to build it up if your not getting alot of kills or ganks off depending on if your one of the junglers or not.
Atlantean Royal Seal (4) - A Really good item on AtGL! I love havign thsi it allows your ult to be a mssive slow as well as a slow on pull and another on Scorched Earth. You can almsot indefiantly keep msot champions near you once you complete this and the health on it is great for some of AtGl's values. A Must buy in my opinion.
[[Doctor Destiny's Dreamstone (3)]] - A decent item if the enemy team is a bit power damage heavy, will give you some Power Armor to help you survive a bit but the effect of the will regen is really nice if you havent pcked up another will regen item yet.
Amulet Of Isis (3) - another really great item on AtGl jsut like the Pandora's Box this item can be used t ocatch an enemy member out of position with the effect on it. The base stats on this item however are amazing for any AtGL, gives health, health regen and cooldown reduction. Making this a great item any time you buy it.
[[Fatality's Energy Lance (4)]] - Not worth buying on AtGl msot of the time, unless your going for a Power Damage AtGL i wouldnt even consider this item, it has a good effect and can be used to burst someoe down but AtGl is mor eabout sustaining in a fight and creating opportunities for your team with his grab not as a Blaster.
The Logoz (3) - I wouldnt pick this up simply for the fact that there are better items that can do near the same thing at the momment, you wont need a ton of base will if you pick up an item with a bit of regen to it, which makes this item not very cost effecient for AtGl.
[[Neron's Contract (4)]] - This item i do not like for AtGl at all, its a bad buy for a tank in any case, your job is to soak up damage and get in the fight this would render you untargetable for 2 seconds which means that your team would be taking damage for that time which would mean you didnt do your job.
[[Pandora's Box (4)]] - I dont quite care for the stats on this item that much but the effect however can be very good. You can use the effect on this item to slow enemies then use your grab to pul lthem into your team and almsot effectivly secure an easy kill.
Eye Of Ekron (3) - A decent item on AtGL. All of its stats are good for him however this being a bit more of a damage item its not something you want to rush, it has no survivability on it at all but a good 3rd or 4th item to pick up if you should wish to. Good if your finding youself fighting 3-5 enemies at a time alot.
Qward Gambit (4) - A really good item on AtGL, i think thsi item is often overlooked and can be a gamechanger for your team, it has a ward in it that can be placed on the map and used to set up pulls for your team and all of the effects on it are great for not only AtGl but the aura it gives for the team is also really nice. Not always a must buy but if you find yourself looknig for a bit more mana regen and damage this is a good way to go early on, if you buy the
Qward Gambit (2) and get the investment it can also help you gain some easy money with its effect, i wouldnt reccommend this if your jungling but if you in a lane supporting someone this is a pretty good buy.
The Book Of Eternity (2) - Kind of like A few of the other damage items i have mentioned, i wouldnt pick this item up unless your either fed or not going tanky. You dont need to be the powerhouse on the team, jsut need to live in teamfights and soak up damage while creating opportunities for your teammates.
The Medusa Mask (4) - A very often overlooked item, its good to have if your a support in lane because the effect will keep you decntly healthy if your careful and it has not only health and health regen but will rgen as well whcih can satisfy msot of your needs in a lane. And it only costs 1500 gold total! a good item to pick up early and sell back later aftre you dont need the effect anymore.
[[Ra's Al Ghul's Robe (2)]] - This is just a standard defensive item for carries. Normally i would say find a specialized item if your acctually needing defensive stats. This item can be good if they have a mix damage team
and your finding youself taking both types of damage and not jsut getting instagibbed by one enemy. If you find youself dying primarly to a certain type of damage try another item with greater stats. The effect on this item can be great in teamfights however if you have a chance to come back to life while the team fight is still going on. Normally i wouldnt buy this on AtGL however because with the right items you should survive the teamfights anyways. If they focus you enough to kill you once you have done your job as a tank, no need to come back to life.
[[Metallo's Heart (3)]] - This is a nice item to have if you find yourself dying to an enemy Attack damage carry or assassin such as gascat. The effect slow s the attack speed of all enemies around you in a 360 degree area. The Attack armor on this is decent and the cooldown reduction is nice if you dont already have some. Another choice is the Fragment of Mogo if you prefer its stats but most of the time i find this more beneficial.
Fragment Of Mogo (3) - Possibly one of my favorite items in the game at the momment, it deals a good ammount of damage over time on the effect and gives great stats for AtGL. I like this on just about any bruiser or tank if the enemy team has a few Attack damage champions. When your in the middle of the enemy team pop the effect on it to deal Aoe damage and then damager per second for 15, yes 15, seconds! The damage itself is also based off of power damage so once you get thsi item if you build a starheart you will see enemies melt before your Mogo.
Ruby Of Life (4) - A great health item and health regen item. Thats about all it does but if you pick it up early and let the effect start stacking you can get alot of health off it fairly fast especially if your in the jungle. If your a support in lane i probably wouldnt get this simply due to the fact that your not going to be getting a ton of coins.
[[Entropy Aegis (4) ]] - This is a good item to pick up if you find yourself dying alot to power damage. It gives a fairly high amount of Power armor and will. The effect wil also stop the first incoming enemy skill and completly block it ignoring status effects and all. The health is just a nice added effect and makes you a bit harder to kill in the process, this is my go to power armor item most of the time.
Kryptonian War Armor (4) - A really good item if the nemy team is hitting pretty hard with some power damage. Also if you happened to pick up a Power Lifesteal item or intend to right after this item its a great buy, will increase the healing off of any source that comes to you as and gives a large ammount of health regen and Power Armor, as well as some movement speed whcih can help you catch unsuspecting enemies out of position with your grab.
Helm Of Fate (3) - A really really good item on AtGl if you need the attack armor. Its effect can allow you to deal a bit of increased damage as well as give you some 90 power damage in the process. A nice item to allow you to hit s small bit harder while giving you the resistance to keep your self alive.
Suit Of Sorrows (4) - If your just getting Hammered so hard by an Attack damage carry that your not even able to live through a short burst this is the item for you. Most of the time this isnt my first go to Attack armor item but when times are tough and you need alot of armor this is where you will invest your money.
Well that is all for the guide at this time. If you have any Questions or Comments please feel free to PM me or leave a comment on the guide. I am also always open to feedback on the guide tell me what you think.