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    Infinite Crisis builds for Gaslight Joker

    ElectricLeo Tells You How To Use Your Meat UPDATED FOR DECEMBER PATCH

    A Gaslight Joker guide by ElectricLeo
    Last updated: Dec 20th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/QtaHtWKo
    14,075 3


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    My name is ElectricLeo and I'm the best Fat Joker NA. Whenever I play as Fat Joker I go 100-0 and I want to share my top tier secrets with you.

    ROLE: Fat Joker should be played either in lane or as a jungler. He is excellent at either role, but should never be played anywhere else. When laning his sustain is king, and when jungling his sustain is queen. Any other roles does not take advantage of his excellent sustain and so DO NOT DO IT. Remember! Either go into lane or or go into the jungle.

    STOLEN POWERS: Since my primary goal in any situation is to put my meat on someone so that they either walk into my turret's range, look at a wall for two seconds or stay inside my filthy horrible aura, positioning is the most important thing. That's why I take Super Speed twice, as with max cooldown reduction I will always have at least one of them active.

    FACTS: Fat Joker has a win ratio of 100%. I work for Turbine and can confirm that the math is correct. He is currently way OP and you should take advantage of him before we nerf him into the ground. Let's get on board the Fat Joker hype train.

    ARTI-FACTS: I always start with Nil Cloak, for extra sustain and tankiness, and health pots. Later on I will buy other artifacts.

    ABILITY ORDER: I start with my meat, and then I continue to invest in my meat. I actually don't ever put points into any other ability, which means I can get the maximum 19 points all on my meat. This makes my meat really powerful, and when I put it on someone I'm definitely gonna 100-0 them. Usually, high-calibre opponents will spread their points around all of their abilities, and so I overcome them with my really strong meat. I don't like to put any points in my Q, since all that does is damage with a minor heal (which I don't need because of the way I itemise) and I don't put points in my E since all it does is shield an ability, and nobody uses abilities on me because they're too busy running from my meat. I sometimes put a point in my ultimate, because it has really great synergy with my meat, but since you're probably going to run into KGB in solo queue over and over, I think it's better to put the point in your meat. Get that meat up as quickly as possible.

    MID GAME PURCHASING: Lobo's Chain is the best starter artifact. It gives health and attack, whatever, but it also gives you an on-hit slow. This means that whenever you land your meat on someone (which is only like every 20 seconds in the beginning) you should be able to run in and immediately land an auto attack, slowing their movement. By continually hitting them as you stick with them you should be able to stay close enough to get your meat on them a second time. Getting your meat on someone twice is an extremely powerful psychological manouevre that will almost always win you the game. After that I build Batman's Utility Belt for the movement, cooldown and attack speed. Just having these two items is often enough to land my trademark technique, the Triple Meat. Triple Meat is literally undefeatable, like Daniel-san's crane technique only with more meat. Three times as much meat, hence the name. I then build Amulet of Isis, Fragment of Mogo, Metallo's Heart, Phantom Stranger's Necklace and Pandora's Box to hit max cooldown reduction of 100%.

    With 19 points in W your meat should be enormous. The Triple Meat will take down turrets and one-shot the Doomsday Device. With 100% cooldown you can literally repeatedly press W and keep the entire enemy team under your meat. Your meat is supreme. Everyone is afraid of your meat. Nothing can beat your meat. Just win already.
    Latest comments
    Best guide....EVAH!
    11:04 pm, Dec 10th, 2013
    Dont feed the troll
    10:08 am, Dec 10th, 2013
    Oh Fat lenny....HOW DARE YOU TO HAM THIS!?
    9:59 am, Dec 10th, 2013