Batman is a very strong attack damage bruiser who excels at 1v1 combat. His abilities are mainly focuses on dealing a high amount of single target damage and because of that he is considered one of the strongest toplaners at the moment.
Why listen to me?
Hey everyone, i'm DKperfection. I am currently playing competitive for a team called London Conspiracy and i have been around in Infinite Crisis since October 2013.
Batman is my favorite champion of all time and is by far the champion i feel most comfortable playing toplane.
LVL'ing order can be like this: Q>W>E>Passive or W>Q>E>Passive, which way you go is an individual preference, both work. Ultimate shall of course be upgraded when possible.
I personally prefer upgrading my Q before W when i go toplane. The main reason is that his Q is a better poke ability compared to his W. Even though his W dont make minions focus you, you're still in a bad position if you just jump the enemy without following up with basic attacks.
His E could be a 3rd choice, but i don't see it as a good choice. The damage output compared to cooldown is just not good enough.
When engaging on enemies, try to Q before you jump the enemy to slow him.
Remember to use your passive, go into stealth areas when it's not on cooldown to regen hp faster.
Stolen Powers