Hello All! Im Advi, And this is my Green Lantern Prime guide. Its just a general build that i use dependant on the other team. I will cover the items that would be most likly to be built on Green Lantern and explain why each item has a place in this guide.
All builds should depend on your current game, no build should be cookie cutter and is not meant to take on every sitiation. Change your build accordingly!
Green Lantern is a Power Damage Blaster capable of harasing opponents out of lanes with ease and destroying enemy health bars. He has very easy to use mechanics and has a great deal of range and AOE.
Passive. Indomitable Will - When green lantern earns a kill or assist he heals a small portion of health. Also He gains Power Damage for ever 1% of will he is missing.
Power Damage: 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Heal: 15 25 35 45
Q. Slam - GL drops an object from the sky that lands on the enemy unit and does power damage. This deals extra damage if the target has Shattered will effect on them caused by your E. "Missle Barrage". This is your easy harass skill. I max this skill first because it deals a high amount of damage with very little effort.
Damage: 80 120 160 200 +
70% Power Damage
Damage/per stack: 10 20 30 40
Cooldown: 8 7 6 5
Cost: 40 50 60 70
W. Constrict - This is your Primary form of Crowd Control (CC). It is an on target skill that reduces movement speed and deals a decent ammount of damage. Some people preferto level this first over Missle Barrage because the slow and duration increase over the levels, however most of the time i find the slow not that needed. I prefer to max Missle Barrage before this for the wave clear that it provides.
Damage: 70 120 170 220 +
25% Power Damage
Duration: 1 1.5 2 2.5
Cost: 70 80 90 100
E. Missle Barrage - This is a good source of damage and a great AOE. It has a long range and pretty easy to hit because of the AOE at the end of the missle. It deals Power Damage and applies the Shattered Will Effect.
Effect: Shattered Will - Targets lose Power armor, stacks up to 3 times and lasts for 6 seconds.
Damage: 40 50 60 70 +
25% Power Damage
Cooldown: 16 14 12 10
R. Green Lanterns Light - Green lanterns ultimate. He drops a jet on the target area and does a high amount of Power Damage. Enemies near the center of the indicator when the jet hits ground will be stunned for 1 second.
Damage: 325 390 455 520 +
60% Power Damage
Cooldown: 120 115 110 105
Cost: 100 110 120 130
For Green Lantern i prefer to max Q first because its basically free damage and a high burst at that. Then usually i will max my Missle barrage for the extra damage and wave clear. You can also max your W second if you are playing a support role for the added slow. I would max the passive last just because i believe having the utility that your W provides mid-late game can be helpful in teamfights.
2. Stolen Powers
[[Flash's Super Speed]]
Flash's Super Speed - I use this all the time on Green Lantern. He has no escape of his own and very little Crowd Control. This allows you to get away from attackers if need be or to secure a kill early under a tower potentially after a few Q pokes
Invulnerability - I like to take Shazam's Invulnerability on GL most of the time jsut to soak up some extra damage because he is fairly squishy, but Doomsday's sheild is also an option depending on what you prefer.
Teleport - This just like the Invulnerability, is preference. Green Lantern can split push very fast once you max his missle barrage. This will allow you to get into fights if needed or to push lanes. Both teleports in the game right now are comparable so its up to you which you would like to run, if any.
[[Green Lantern's Meteor Drop]]
Green Lanter's Meteor Drop - This can work if used in conjunction with your ultimate. Place this at the same time as your Ult and it will deal massive damage and be shrouded by the indicator of your ult so noone will even see it coming. I usually dont find this worth using however.
Psychic Assault
Psychic Assault - This personally i dont like to bring on green lantern. It is decent against maybe a catwoman or Nightmare Batman just because they can stealth up to you. I dont believe though that you should ever be in range of someone enough to be able to use this. With Green lanterns range you should stay on the outside of the fight and hit with ur E and Q, looking for opportunities to use your ultimate on as many targets as possible.
Stolen Powers are personal preference. I do reccommend having some sort of utility to help you escape if need be however.
3. Items
For Green lantern i usually llike to start a
Nil Ring and either 3x
Health Pack and 2x
Will Pack Or a
Nil Ring and a
Tektite Vial. The Tektite vial will provide a little less sustain at first but more throughout the game.
My first time back with Green lantern i usually buy an [[Abin Sur's Lantern (1)]] or [[Abin Sur's Lantern (2)]] if i can afford it. Its important to get [[Abin Sur's Lantern (2)]] as soon as possible if you're going to build it. It's effect increases your will each time you cast a spell. So once you get the Second tier of Abin Sur's just hold on to it for a little while before building its 3rd or 4th tier. They arent worth the damage until the lantern's effect has had some time to build up. Normally i would buy an item or two before completing it.
[[Abin Sur's Lantern (4)]] - The Will regen it provides early i believe is more important than buying damage to start. It will allow you to poke continuously with green lantern's Slam with his high base damage on his Q if you max it first. Without any damage items on green lantern early you can get kills with some good poke and a few Missles to their backs as they run.
After getting my 2nd Tier of Abin Sur's Lantern i like to build a
Psi-Scimitar (1) or
Psi-Scimitar (2) depending on how much i have when i back. I like the Scimitar alot on Green Lantern. With the range of his auto attacks its a great burts in combination with his W or Q. Just make sure after each spell cast you auto attack to get the full damage of the Scimitar once you have it built to its third tier.
Note: Make sure your Scimitar is set to Power damage. You can do this buy mousing over the icon in the bottom left. The tooltip will tell you whether it is power damage of attack damage. It is defaulty set to power damage so as long as you dont hit the key that it is bound to, then you will be using the effect you want.
Psi-Scimitar (3) - The effect on this combined with the Slow from Green Lanterns W makes it easy damage. Also, you can just hit them with a Slam and then auto them for a high burst. I reccommend this item highly. Its attack damage it gives you helps you poke in lane and farm under turret. Once you have 300+ Power damage when you auto attack someone with this item you will see a nice 400 damage or so spike now added to your already high burst.
Your second item will depend on who your laning against however, if you feel safe enough to buy damage items you may consider the Psi-scimitar, or maybe another high damage item like the Starheart. Build for what you need in your game. If the enemy is mostly attack damage chracters, look at their items, if they are building attack damage buy attack armor items. Same goes for Power damage characters. If you are doing really well in lane check to see what kind of damage you need to build. If enemies are building power armor buy Armor penetration items to reduce the amount of armor they have.
The Starheart (4) - This item is quite strong. It gives 140 Power Damage + 30% power Damage. This means that it gives a little over 170 if bought alone. but the 30% is of your entire power damage so if your buying this item third your gonig to have about 300 Power damage already. This item is good to buy if your already doing well in lane. If you are behind i dont reccommend buying just damage items.
Cosmic Staff (4) - Ah, the cosmic staff. I like this item most of the time. It has moderate power daamage and gives +15 Power Penetration. The effect on it is good if your fighting a tankier team. It lets you hit them a bit harder by recuding their power armor, and the effect shreds health 2% per second for 3 seconds. So if you poke the tank with your Slam before the fight they take the damage of the skill used, possibly your Psi-Scimitar if you purchased it, and then 6% of their current health. This can be nice to have to deal damage to tanks before a fight acctually starts, just make sure not to get initiated on while trying to poke.
[[Eclipso's Diamond (2)]] - This item can be good if you are getting fed and are just looking for a bit more sustain. It gives great damage and the power lifesteal can be relativly high with a full combination of green lanterns attacks.
[[Two Face's Coin (2)]] - This is a great item on power damage champions. Its effect builds Power damage over time which translates into a nice chunck of damage mid-late game. Its cost efficient because its cheap for the ammount of damage it eventually gives, however i dont like to pick this item up if the game has already been going on for too long. 10 minutes in would be the max i would buy it any time after that would be a waste in my opinion because more than likly if you havent bought this by then, your behind enough that its not going to save you by purchasing it. It takes too long to get all of the stacks once your behind so the effeciency of this item depletes if you dont buy it fairly fast.
Atlantean Royal Seal (4) - This is a good item if your needing a bit of extra health to survive engagements with added damage. This item is good for team fights by createing extra utility for your team with constant slows once you get the 4th tier of this item. It gives a moderate amount of power damage and a fairly high amount of health. The effect on this item though is primarily why i buy it, it is great on green lantern to create a bit more utility and allows you to kite well with your missle barrage.
[[Fatality's Energy Lance (4)]] - This item can be phenominal if used correctly. You can use this item to instantly disintergrate a carry. FEL has moderate power damage and combinerd with the cooldown reduction (CDR) makes this item worth having on green lantern without the effect. The effect that FEL brings to the table however makes is almost always an item i bring. When you use the effect on a target enemy champion for the next 5 seconds you deal 10% increased damage as well as taking off 15% of their current health as power damage. This means you pop FEL then use all of your abilities on their carry and watch him dissappear.
The Logoz (3) - This item is decent for will regeneration in lane. If you are collecting coins in a solo lane this can generate alot of power damage. However if you die you lose half of your stacks. I dont really liek to build this item much if i can keep from it just due to the fact that green lantern is quite susceptible to ganks so having something that loses stacks on death for him is ineffecient most of the time. If you do however want to use it it gives good will and a realativly high ammount of power damage once you have collected enough coins to max out its power damage.
[[Neron's Contract (4)]] - If the enemy team has an assassin that is looking to instagib you or just has a really strong intiation that your havign a hard time getting around this might be the item for you. Neron's contract gives decent armor as well as a bit of power damage. The real gem on this item though is the effect, the stasis feild makes you untargetable and for 2 seconds however you are also unable to act while in the feild so while it saves you for a short bit you also cant deal damage. This being said it is good to use if your getting intiated on to allow your team to coutner, it is also good if you see an opening to use to intiate with maybe an ult or a slow and wait for enemies to burn ults on you then use the contract to stasis and have them waste an ultimate.
[[Pandora's Box (4)]] - This is a decent item to grab on Green Lantern if you find your team needing utility. The effect sends out a spirit that travels to the nearest enemy champion, slows and reveals them. This is great if being chased or chasing, the slow can be used to escape or get your team kills. It also gives power lifesteal which will increase your sustain in a fight as well as cooldown reduction which will allow you to be more active in teamfights. A great items shoudl definatly be looking into after a few damage items have been purchased.
Eye Of Ekron (4) - The Eye is a decent item, it has decent power damage, some cooldown reduction and gives will. The effect is a bit like that of the Psi-Scimitar, you need to auto after a spell cast but this one has an aoe effect instead of the single target like the Psi-Scimitar. It does a considerable ammount of less damage but can be nice in teamfight situations. Good item to pick up if you find youself in alot of 5 on 5 fights.
The Book Of Eternity (2) - Ah now this is a good book. It gives a high amount of power damage and gives 35% Power penetration. This is a great item if the enemy is building power armor against you. if they arent building power armor and your just looking to hit alot harder this is also a great item to pick up for that if you already have the Starheart.
[[Ra's Al Ghul's Robe (2)]] - This is jsut a standard defensive item for carries. Normally i would say find a specialized item if your acctually needing defensive stats. This item can be good if they have a mix damage team
and your finding youself taking both types of damage and not jsut getting instagibbed by one enemy. If you find youself dying primarly to a certain type of damage try another item with greater stats. The effect on this item can be grat in teamfights however if you have a chance to come back to life while the team fight is still going on.
[[Metallo's Heart (3)]] - This is a nice item to have if you find yourself dying to an enemy Attack damage carry or assassin such as gascat. The effect slow s the attack speed of all enemies around you in a 360 degree area. The Attack armor on this is decent and the cooldown reduction is nice if you dont already have some. Another choice is the Fragment of Mogo if you prefer its stats but most of the time i find this more beneficial.
Entropy Aegis (4) - This is a good item to pick up if you find yourself dying alot to power damage. It gives a fairly high amount of Power armor and will. The effect wil also stop the first incoming enemy skill and completly block it ignoring status effects and all. The health is just a ncie added effect and makes you a bit harder to kill in the process, this is my go to power armor item most of the time.
Wel lthat is all for the guide at this time. If you haev an Qustions or Comments please feel free to PM me or leave a comment on the guide. I am also alwways open to feedback on the guide tell me what you think.