Why Pick Ap Gasjoker?
Okay I know this is going to receive mixed reviews. As a fair warning this is something I do when i want to tryhard and win. The biggest reason I decided to build Gasjoker was because he actually scales really well with dmg, even with just health. Your Q late game will deal SO much damage, the most I have gotten to was around 350 damage before the enemy surrendered. I've never hit full build Ap Gasjoker. The only issue with him is mid game he can be focused if you arent tankyish or if you dont kill their carry fast enough. The damage is worth it as long as you dont just press r and keep it on whole fight and die. If you aren't confident in doing AP Gasjoker because he is a little more squishy then do not read this guide any further. Thanks!
Stolen Powers I recommend taking [[Doomsday's Invulnerability]] because Invulnerability gives you great dueling potential early and a last resort in case you get ganked! Next you want [[Cyborg's Teleport]] because as AP Gasjoker you have INSANE dmg once you finish a item or two. So teleporting bot lane can possibly win laning phase for your bot lane and/or you guys get kills and lots of objectives. Use the teleport smart though, if you leave top the enemy top can push your turret down if you do not do anything with the roam.
Gasjoker's Items and How They Work
At the start of the game you always want to go [[Olympis Gambit (1)]] and
Oa Gambit (1) with the mods for all that sweet sweet money (#GambitMeta). After you farm with for a while rush your [[Two Face's Coin (2)]]. The reason for this is because you get a LOT of ability power from kills/assists. With Ap Gasjoker in solo queue this should not be a issue. After Two Face's rush
Cosmic Belt (3). Every AP hero gets this item because its incredible. Gives early power pen which is really good for laning fights as Gasjoker.
Now this is where it can get tricky if you are not careful, you have a choice to build
Ruby Of Life (3). It gives great base health and health regen. I honestly believe you need it because using your ult without health can be VERY risky if you arent smart about it. As you finish Ruby rush
The Starheart (3). Once you have all 4 of these items you can pretty much 1v1 anyone that is not extremely fed (Gascat is a maybe depending on her farm/items). Your Q should be up to around 300 or so damage. Same with your W. After these items you have a choice to either build tanky if needed or build full ap afterward. I'm still testing which is better
Laning Phase and What to Do While laning as AP Gasjoker
It is very similar as standard Gasjoker. Just farm for a bit till you get some items. As soon as you get some AP just try 1v1ing them some. You will always outrade if you land. At level 6 you get a huge power spike when fighting them. Do not be stupid and keep it on too long or you'll just die. You can roam mid a lot if you are winning lane hard, especially if their mid is pushing a lot. Use teleport smart and you guys should win the game. Hope you liked the guide!