Also Helm of fate is needed as optional depending on how many power champions they have, they have 2-3 power champions and all of her abilities are based on power why not grab it?
Oa Gambit is a great optional item to keep not only yourself, but your team up since you can only shield one player with her ability why not have that to take care of the rest of your team with that active?
Also considering she is a tank she does not power aside from the above items, she is suppose to fight with a team member not solo. I have gotten 33 assists with her and that gave me my full build with no power items so the Startheart is not needed if your team fights with you.
Also considering she is a tank she does not power aside from the above items, she is suppose to fight with a team memeber not solo. I have gotten 33 assists with her and that gave me my full build with no power items so the Startheart is not needed if your team fights with you.