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  • Infinite Crisis has shut down.

    With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.

    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Ahoy! We're still very much working on this page as part of the Dawnbase overhaul. It'll look terrible until it's done. Sorry!
    Joined: Apr 4th, 2014
    Last visit: Nov 29th, 2014

    Dawnbase rep: 99


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    Hello! I'm new to Dawnbase.

    Top rated comments
    Posted: Apr 30th, 2014
    In case anyone is doubting the power of this build. I was playing mecha superman and the enemy team had a joker with this build. He was in another lane so I didn't fight him for a bit, but our first encounter left me dead very quickly. By the end of the game he was the only one that could kill me. Ignoring two stupid mistakes I made he was apart of kill on me. By the way, I did have attack armor built. And he still did that.
    Hello, I really enjoyed your guide. I've been playing Gotham heights since last year but only just recently started Gotham divided. I didn't know a lot of the uses for those tactical skills, things to keep in mind in my next game. By the way, there is a typo. When you're taking about a lv 2 speed emitter you call it a health emiter.
    Posted: May 28th, 2014
    What's up with his bottom Stolen power? It looks like Doomsday pummelling assult. 
    The second one is my favorite.
    I really like the idea of using all of the ruby of life modifiers. Gaslight joker is by far my most played champion, and unless I'm experimenting with something weird I buy the ruby of life as soon as I can.

    Newest comments
    The second one is my favorite.
    Posted: May 28th, 2014
    What's up with his bottom Stolen power? It looks like Doomsday pummelling assult. 
    Posted: Apr 30th, 2014
    In case anyone is doubting the power of this build. I was playing mecha superman and the enemy team had a joker with this build. He was in another lane so I didn't fight him for a bit, but our first encounter left me dead very quickly. By the end of the game he was the only one that could kill me. Ignoring two stupid mistakes I made he was apart of kill on me. By the way, I did have attack armor built. And he still did that.
    Hello, I really enjoyed your guide. I've been playing Gotham heights since last year but only just recently started Gotham divided. I didn't know a lot of the uses for those tactical skills, things to keep in mind in my next game. By the way, there is a typo. When you're taking about a lv 2 speed emitter you call it a health emiter.
    I really like the idea of using all of the ruby of life modifiers. Gaslight joker is by far my most played champion, and unless I'm experimenting with something weird I buy the ruby of life as soon as I can.