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    Infinite Crisis builds for Wonder Woman

    True Legends never DIE! - Wonder Women Guide by myR Ðrake - Best Wonder Woman EU

    A Wonder Woman guide by Drake
    Last updated: Sep 25th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/true-legends-never-die-wonder-women-guide-by-myr-ethrake
    30,456 4


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    This guide explains some basics about Wonder Woman, possible item builds strategies and jungle paths.
    I hope this guide will help you to master Wonder Woman and improve your gameplay. If you have question, dont be shy to ask, I try to help!


    1. I

    2. Abilities
    3. S
    tolen powers

    4. Items
        4.1 Explanation
        4.2 Purchase Order

    5. Strategies (in progress)
         5.1 Jungle
         5.2 Ganking

    1. Introduction

    Hey guys, I'am Ðrake from myRevenge and i mostly play Jungle Bruiser/Enforcer.

    My goal with this guide is to help you guys to improve your basic understanding and playstyle with Wonder Woman.


    2. Abilities

    Lasso Grab (Q)

    Wonder Woman throws her lasso, Stunning the first target it hits for 1 second. Wonder Woman then blinks to the stunned foe and deals 60/100/140/180 Attack Damage.

    Damage:    60/100/140/180 Attack Damage + (100% Attack Damage)
    Cooldown: 18/  16/  14/   18
    Cost: 45 Will
    This is Wonder Womans basic engage Ability. So if u play her u need to land this Ability to combine your other spells to control the enemy team. This spell allows you a lot of possibilities for some epic engages/escapes but wont really help you to deal damage to increase your clear time in the jungle, so you have to grab this Ability once with Level 3 which will allow you to start ganks and max it last.

    Protection (W)

    Wonder Woman gains a Shield that blocks 40/65/90/115 damage and lasts for 4 seconds. If she targets an ally with Protection, she blinks to that ally, who also gains a Shield.

    If either Shield is broken by damage, the cooldowns on all of Wonder Woman's skills are reduced by 2 seconds.

    Shield: 40/65/90/115 + (6% Bonus Health)
    Cooldown: 12
    Cost: 20/25/30/35 Will
    Use it befor you enage, use it to prevent damage while jungling and use it to reduce your cooldown on Blocking Bracers. This ability can be used defensive on one of your team mates/drones to protect them or just blink out of the fight or you use it to get closer to an enemy to get in range for Lasso Grab.

    Amazonian Prowess (E)

    Wonder Woman's Basic Attacks deal damage to all nearby targets when Amazonian Prowess is active. She also gains 15/30/45/60 Attack Damage for 5 seconds.

    Increase Damage: 15/30/45/60 Attack Damage
    Cooldown: 20
    Cost: 60/70/80/90 Will
    Basic damage ability, maxing this will increas your jungle clear time and also allow you to deal high damage without building any offensive item. 
    Use this ability befor you Lasso Grab, after you hit someone with Lasso Grab, Wonder Woman instandly autoattack this target, so you will hit your target with the advantced damage. It is also possible that you cancel your autoattack while useing this ability while Wonder Woman is in the autoattack animation, so use it always after you finished your aoutoattack.

    Blocking Bracers (R)

    Wonder Woman forces all nearby enemies to run close to her, Taunting them so they may only make Basic Attacks against her for 2 seconds. During this time she is unable to attack or move, but gains 50% Attack Armor and Power Armor and deals 50/80/110/140 Attack Damage per second to the Taunted enemies.

    When the effect ends she deals 125/175/225/275 Attack Damage to all nearby enemies.

    Damage/Second: 50/80/110/140 Attack Damage + (30% Total Attack Damage)
    Damage: 125/175/225/275 Attack Damage + (75% Total Attack Damage)
    Cooldown: 120
    Cost: 90/100/110/120 Will
    Blocking Bracers is the reason why enemies have to be aware of you. Wait for the right moment, wait for your team mates be in position to follow up with other strong AOE abilities, find the right angle and taunt 3-5 enemies into their death! Dont forget that you can reduce the cooldown of Blocking Bracers by useing Protection.

    Child of Olympus (PASSIVE)

    Trigger: When Wonder Woman's Health drops below 25%, she will heal 20/23/26/29% of her Max Health over 12 seconds.

    Heal: 20/23/26/29 %
    Cooldown: 120/110/100/90
    This passiv let Wonder Woman become an immortal goddess. 
    You realise you are on low HP, use Protection on your on your backline and stay out of fight for 5 to 12 seconds... surprise Wonder Woman is back with 40% Health and is face tanking you again!

    3. Stolen Powers

    Actually there are 4 Stolen Powers i like to use on jungle bruisers.
    one of this two stolen powers: [[Nightmare Batman's Consume]] or [[Wonder Woman's Super Strength]]

    one of this: [[Gaslight Catwoman's X-Ray Vision]] or [[Gaslight Batman's Surveillance Camera]]

    I take [[Gaslight Catwoman's X-Ray Vision]] only whne my team didnt picked it, so i normaly get [[Gaslight Batman's Surveillance Camera]]'s to improve the map control and prevent the enemy jungler from ganking my lanes or invading my jungle.

    [[Wonder Woman's Super Strength]] and [[Nightmare Batman's Consume]] depends on my playstyle in this match. If I try to be agressiv i take Super strenght to get 1 extra stun with picking up a meteor or dealing high damage with throwing a car. Early on i use this stolen power to clear my jungle faster and kill stronger drone in the jungle.

    [[Nightmare Batman's Consume]] is the save pick. It give you more sustain while jungling and also deal a good amount of damage to the drones.

    Also use [[Wonder Woman's Super Strength]] and [[Nightmare Batman's Consume]] to remove objects and open some areas for your team to contest at important objectives like Doomsday and Relays.

    4. Items

    4.1 Explanation

    [[Hawkman's Harness (4)]]

    + 320 Health
    Refundable: Sell this Item for full value.
    Important to know is how to buy Items and in which order. Special in Infinite Crisis are the refoundable items which give you a lot of stats for only 1000 or 1500 credits. So the trick is, always you return to base and you dont have enough credits to buy one of your core items you will buy for example with Wonder Woman: [[Hawkman's Harness (1)]]. On your next return you finish [[Hawkman's Harness (1)]] and refound it for the full value, now you should be able to buy some core item for 1000 credits or more. So buying and refounding your [[Hawkman's Harness (4)]] till you finish your full item build.

    Marauder Shield (4)

    + 20 Health Regen per 10 seconds
    + 400 Health
    + 30% Resilance (Reduces the duration of Slow, Stun, Blind, Silence, Knock-Up)
    Marauder Burst: + 25% Damage to creatures
    Start with Marauder Shield (1) which will give you a faster jungle clear time and some sustain with the 75 health. Upgrading this will  give you a faster clear time in the jungle and max 20 health regen per 10 seconds and just 25 health more. The health regen ist quit good but u wont need more damage and this small amount of health, there are much better items which cost the same amount of credits.

    Olympus Gambit (4)

    + 250 Health
    + 20 Attack Armor 
    + 20 Power Armor
    Olympus Aura: + 15 Attack Armor, + 15 Power Armor, and 10 Health Regen per 10 seconds for all nearby allies.
    Bastion: Activate to reduce damage taken by 25% and reduce damage dealt by 25% for 3 seconds (60 seconds cooldown
    After Marauder Shield (1) you have to build Olympus Gambit (2) for the Investment bonus which is helping you alot to get your full itembuild as soon as posible. Finish it later for the Olympus Aura to improve your mates resistances and gain the Bastion bonus.

    Ruby Of Life (4)

    + 25 Health Regen per 10 seconds
    + 400 Health
    + 15% Resilance (Reduces the duration of Slow, Stun, Blind, Silence, Knock-Up)
    Health Collector: + 7,5 Health and + 1,5 Health Regen when you collect a coin (max 225 Health, 45 Health Regen, lose half on death).

    Phantom Stranger's Necklace (3)

    30 Attack Armor 
    30 Power Armor
    15% Cooldown Reduction
    Armor Collector: + 1 Attack Armor and 1 Power Armor when you collect a coin (max 30 Attack Armor and 30 Power Armor, lose half on death).
    Ruby Of Life (2) and Phantom Stranger's Necklace (2) will give you a lot of stats for few money, if you can collect all 30 stacks on this items, so get this 2 items as soon as possible and try to dont die from now on.

    Kryptonian War Armor (4)

    40 Health Regen per 10 seconds
    70 Power Armor
    + 30 Move Speed
    Vitality: + 20% Healing Received
    Kryptonian War Armor (4) increase all your healing received by 20%, which stacks extremly good with your passiv. Some strong Power Armor, and special the movement bonus is so important on Wonder Woman.

    [[Metallo's Heart (3)]]

    350 Will
    50 Attack Armor 
    20% Cooldown Reduction
    Dampening Aura: - 20% Attack Speed for all nearby enemies.
    Dampening Aura will make the enemy assasins and marksman cry. Get this if they have a strong Attack Damage setup, instead of building Fragment Of Mogo (3).

    Fragment Of Mogo (3)

    300 Health
    45 Power Armor
    15% Cooldown Reduction
    Burning Core: Activate to deal 100 Power Damage to all nearby enemies and then, for 15 seconds, deals 40-20 decaying Power Damage to enemies nearby (60 seconds cooldown).
    If your enemie team is based on a lot of Power Damage heroes, yoz should build  Fragment Of Mogo (3) instead of [[Metallo's Heart (3)]]. The Power Armor and Health will help you more. Including the Burning Core which is dealing a good amount of damage.

    4.2 Purchase Order

    Start ------->  Marauder Shield (1)  Olympus Gambit (1) [[Hawkman's Harness (1)]] (Upgrade Harness first and sell it than buy the items in this order and if dont have enough credits buy piece by piece the Harness and sell it again if you full upgraded it again till you finish your item build)
    -------------->  Olympus Gambit (2) -->  Marauder Shield (2) -->  Ruby Of Life (2) -->  Phantom Stranger's Necklace (2) -->  Kryptonian War Armor (4)
    --------------> vs high Attack Damage based set up [[Metallo's Heart (3)]]
    --------------> vs high Power Damage based set up  Fragment Of Mogo (3)
    -------------->  Ruby Of Life (3) -->  Phantom Stranger's Necklace (3) -->  Marauder Shield (4) -->  Ruby Of Life (4)

    5. Strategies
    (in progress)

    I hope this guide helped you and you enjoy playing with it, if you want you can give me some feedback in the comments, I am always open for improvements!
    Here are some epic games we played on gamescom: http://www.twitch.tv/esltv_ic/b/449559765?t=10m40s
    Enjoy it and maybe u can learn something out of it!!!
    Thanks for reading my guide!
    Your Ðrake
    Latest comments
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  • 3:49 pm, Sep 24th, 2013
    crime bible overrated guys . srsly
    5:05 pm, Sep 2nd, 2013
    1000g, 600hp 20 hp/10  provided you have 10 kills/assists by 20 mins after youve bought it. if you wanna swap it for something else late game, you sell for 750g so only lose out on 250g. cant think of a reason not to buy it  
    6:01 pm, Sep 2nd, 2013
    @Italicpigeon: He's a Jungler though, early on in the game he won't really be gaining Assists/Kills so he should buy items that either don't stack or have a Coin Collector effect which is affected by Jungle minions, so Crime Bible is not ideal for junglers
    5:31 am, Sep 3rd, 2013
    The Crime Bible is the most cost efficient tank item in the game. At level 1 for only 500 credits it gives you 150 hp and 20hp10, both stats that are great on junglers early game. Considering junglers are usually behind in gold compared to the rest of the team, meaning that cheap naturally building items are amazing on them. Even if you're not getting many kills or assists The Crime Bible is still the best tanky item in the game.
    7:10 am, Sep 3rd, 2013
    =14pxno crime bible?
    6:36 pm, Sep 1st, 2013
    no crime bible?
    3:30 pm, Sep 1st, 2013